Random Noobs Grinding is a clan purely made for pushing the Leaderboards, high grifts/XP runs and is meant for Seasonal Softcore Characters only.
Therefore we are looking for more dedicated players who are willing to join our ranks to push the leaderboards and set new standards for Seasonal play's.
<RNG> Random Noobs Grinding
Random Noobs Grinding is a clan purely made for pushing the Leaderboards, high grifts/XP runs and is meant for Seasonal Softcore Characters only.
Therefore we are looking for more dedicated players who are willing to join our ranks to push the leaderboards and set new standards for Seasonal play's.
The requirements to join are:
If you are interested in joining us, please add or contact us as following:
On Battle.net: equit#2315
On Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/0ZT0NpEJwPTRqKSL
More Clan Info
Discord: See website
Diablo3Ladder: http://www.diablo3ladder.com/best-players/eu-paragon-0-222285_RandomNoobsGrinding.html#toladder
Pushing leaderboards!
We are currently climbing the rankings and pushed to rank #8 worldwide!
Are you looking for an active, fresh and dedicated clan?
Do you meet the requirements?
Contact us!
Currently we are only recruiting paragon 1500 and up. But keep in touch for next season!