Moved this to the correct forum (clans and communities) and locked your other, existing clan recruitment thread.
Please note a few things:
1) I'm not sure why you made a new thread in general discussion briefly after replying to your own existing thread in the correct forum. I sincerely hope (for you) this was a one-time accident.
2) You've violated several times against the "bump only once per 7 days" rule, and this duplicate thread could be seen as a further way to get your clan promotion beyond our forum rules. Should you repeat such actions again, we might - in the matter of fairness to everyone - lock your threads permanently and prohibit your clan from advertising on Diablofans.
3) To everyone: yes, this clan's name was highly likely chosen due to its (seemingly unaffiliated) counterpart on the NA server. However, making snarky comments is considered trolling and might get you infracted. It's also pretty dumb because you're giving this clan a free bump, as they might not care at all about the "negative" effects that might trickle down from their namesake (if they were concerned about this they would have chosen a different name). We'll delete off-topic comments without further notice.
<SoS> Sons of Sanctuary (EU)
We are looking for competitive members that enjoy group play and pushing leaderboards.
General Info:
Time-Zone: Global
Server: Europe
SC season and non-season
What we offer and look for:
New members have to pass the following
Reply to this thread with your info (Paragon/Main Class/Activity/GR Clear/BattleTag) and we get in touch.
Its technically not possible to invite players that are currently in a clan. You need to be clanless before we can invite anyone.
Moved this to the correct forum (clans and communities) and locked your other, existing clan recruitment thread.
Please note a few things:
1) I'm not sure why you made a new thread in general discussion briefly after replying to your own existing thread in the correct forum. I sincerely hope (for you) this was a one-time accident.
2) You've violated several times against the "bump only once per 7 days" rule, and this duplicate thread could be seen as a further way to get your clan promotion beyond our forum rules. Should you repeat such actions again, we might - in the matter of fairness to everyone - lock your threads permanently and prohibit your clan from advertising on Diablofans.
3) To everyone: yes, this clan's name was highly likely chosen due to its (seemingly unaffiliated) counterpart on the NA server. However, making snarky comments is considered trolling and might get you infracted. It's also pretty dumb because you're giving this clan a free bump, as they might not care at all about the "negative" effects that might trickle down from their namesake (if they were concerned about this they would have chosen a different name). We'll delete off-topic comments without further notice.
TL;DR: Everyone, play by the rules. Thanks.
Just lock this one then and open the other cause the other one was the original one (or if possible merge both). Thanks.