Hello guys, Sedivh here, and I'm looking for an active and mature clan, that actually creates events for its members to participate in, including alt-runs, and all that.
Okay, the reason I am searching for one is the fact that the clan I join half a year ago kind of died out, People are very active in game, but there are no events, no chatting, no nothing going on within it. So I would like to see what clans would be willing to accept me as their member that meet my standarts.
As you can see, my characters are not all that bright, but my highest and most reliable 30+ Character is Edin, the seasonal one. I crit around 300-400mil with frozen orbs, and certainly will jump to 900mil-1bil after acquiring F/R and a Cold% weapon.
I got 190 Paragon levels on seasonal and ~296 on non-seasonal, which counts for a total of around 330 levels. Sadly, I don't play HC that much. I play so little that, in fact, I don't even have a single Paragon level in Hardcore!
Now, back to my mission.
I have a total of, say, 200-300 hours in-game, and still very little paragon because I really spent half of that time leveling characters, rather than paragons. I've reached 70 on characters so many times and deleted them right after so often that I have gron tired, and now I feel more prepared to level paragons like a boss. I hope I can find an active clan!
If you'd like, you can also add me on Battle.net and ask stuff about my experience, unless you want to ask here. Show me your Clans!
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"We were meant for more than this! We were not meant for Heaven nor Hell... But to a place beyond the depths and above the skies! " - Gurthalas, Cruel Angel of Wind and Flame.
Team Aftershocks are recruiting, were friendly and social, accept players of all ranges and keen to build our playerbase. We have a Teamspeak server
too to make it easier to chat while playing. Our players range from new starters up to para 730+, and we have a few wizards that would be glad of the competition and grouping to hunt for those elusive items together!
Visit our website (www.team-aftershocks.com) and post in our wecome page to apply, but ill also add you in game (I'm Eddache#2909) if you want to know more!
I would like to check the website, but I am getting a 404 error. Did you mistype the link, or is it really something wrong with the website right now?
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"We were meant for more than this! We were not meant for Heaven nor Hell... But to a place beyond the depths and above the skies! " - Gurthalas, Cruel Angel of Wind and Flame.
That's strange. I didnt type the link incorrectly, but when I click it I get a 404 error too. It comes up with /|_blank afer the .com in the address bar, dont know where that comes from. If you delete that bit you should be able to get to the site!
Okay, so I tried that a couple hours before you replied, but the site just wasn't loading. It was just a blank page. Well, I was at work, and now that I am home, I was able to get inside. I also already accepted your Battle.net FR.
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"We were meant for more than this! We were not meant for Heaven nor Hell... But to a place beyond the depths and above the skies! " - Gurthalas, Cruel Angel of Wind and Flame.
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Hello guys, Sedivh here, and I'm looking for an active and mature clan, that actually creates events for its members to participate in, including alt-runs, and all that.
Okay, the reason I am searching for one is the fact that the clan I join half a year ago kind of died out, People are very active in game, but there are no events, no chatting, no nothing going on within it. So I would like to see what clans would be willing to accept me as their member that meet my standarts.
Now, to meet YOUR standarts.
Here is my Game Profile:
As you can see, my characters are not all that bright, but my highest and most reliable 30+ Character is Edin, the seasonal one. I crit around 300-400mil with frozen orbs, and certainly will jump to 900mil-1bil after acquiring F/R and a Cold% weapon.
I got 190 Paragon levels on seasonal and ~296 on non-seasonal, which counts for a total of around 330 levels. Sadly, I don't play HC that much. I play so little that, in fact, I don't even have a single Paragon level in Hardcore!
Now, back to my mission.I have a total of, say, 200-300 hours in-game, and still very little paragon because I really spent half of that time leveling characters, rather than paragons. I've reached 70 on characters so many times and deleted them right after so often that I have gron tired, and now I feel more prepared to level paragons like a boss. I hope I can find an active clan!
If you'd like, you can also add me on Battle.net and ask stuff about my experience, unless you want to ask here. Show me your Clans!
"We were meant for more than this! We were not meant for Heaven nor Hell... But to a place beyond the depths and above the skies! " - Gurthalas, Cruel Angel of Wind and Flame.
Hey Sedivh,
Team Aftershocks are recruiting, were friendly and social, accept players of all ranges and keen to build our playerbase. We have a Teamspeak server
too to make it easier to chat while playing. Our players range from new starters up to para 730+, and we have a few wizards that would be glad of the competition and grouping to hunt for those elusive items together!
Visit our website (www.team-aftershocks.com) and post in our wecome page to apply, but ill also add you in game (I'm Eddache#2909) if you want to know more!
See you in Sanctuary!
I would like to check the website, but I am getting a 404 error. Did you mistype the link, or is it really something wrong with the website right now?
"We were meant for more than this! We were not meant for Heaven nor Hell... But to a place beyond the depths and above the skies! " - Gurthalas, Cruel Angel of Wind and Flame.
Hi Sedivh,
That's strange. I didnt type the link incorrectly, but when I click it I get a 404 error too. It comes up with /|_blank afer the .com in the address bar, dont know where that comes from. If you delete that bit you should be able to get to the site!
Okay, so I tried that a couple hours before you replied, but the site just wasn't loading. It was just a blank page. Well, I was at work, and now that I am home, I was able to get inside. I also already accepted your Battle.net FR.
"We were meant for more than this! We were not meant for Heaven nor Hell... But to a place beyond the depths and above the skies! " - Gurthalas, Cruel Angel of Wind and Flame.