Currently i'm looking for a dedicated-competitive(paragon, rankings, highly active) clan. First of all i joined very few clans which were competitive and known clans like Apex (changed name to Rising Ride) and WQW. I got some experience and played with dedicated players. But problem was grouping up. When it comes to sticky team i never had. Thought it's about me but i don't think it is to be honest. It's just about being friends, being social for long time or same general expectations with different classes. I mean i can't keep up when i see someone's gems are like 70 and mine are 59 for days as clan member. His/her group doesnt make him/her stronger if it's only grouping up problem. It is same for all players. If i could make it alone i could push the limit whatever it takes. But game doesnt allow sadly.
So i'm coming the point for searching clan/group (which is active/competitive and easy to provide most kind of class/players/expectations and not having only 1 or 2 sticky group and other random high ranked players for showing their power)
What i expect as clan member;
- Friendly players
- Highly active clan members (From all classes)
- Open for suggests and constructive discussion
- Willingness to join another new groups and take care your clan member's requirements
What i can provide as clan member;
- High activity - playtime
- Smooth gameplay for team
- Competitive mind / play if i see i'm in good shape for it (Mostly focus around top 10 rankings and paragon competition)
- Theorycrafts if i'm motivated to keep playing the game
- Dedication for whatever we are doing.
- Improving gameplay/practising.
- PTR play and theorycrafts for future seasons
- Can play and learn all classes in short time. (But prefer Barbarian/Crusader and Demon Hunter in last 2 months this season)
To be honest, this will be my last season and will play randomly if i cannot find any worthy team since i like playing games competitively and i would like to play as solo. But game reached the point which is like 4 man for everything (Paragon, Gems, solo competition etc) and it is really overwhelming for me (and others) to find group right now. Cause my focus was solo competition when i start seasons. I know it's still possible without clan/group (atleast i can do and i did in the past) But i don't think it's worth it against uber paragon/gems and trial machines with group until those things are fixed/balanced for solo competition. Just dont want to choose hardest way for it. If you are interested you can post your clan informations here. Also if you need to know more add me ingame so i can show some informations about myself / my gaming experience and talk together what to do.
Hey all,
Currently i'm looking for a dedicated-competitive(paragon, rankings, highly active) clan. First of all i joined very few clans which were competitive and known clans like Apex (changed name to Rising Ride) and WQW. I got some experience and played with dedicated players. But problem was grouping up. When it comes to sticky team i never had. Thought it's about me but i don't think it is to be honest. It's just about being friends, being social for long time or same general expectations with different classes. I mean i can't keep up when i see someone's gems are like 70 and mine are 59 for days as clan member. His/her group doesnt make him/her stronger if it's only grouping up problem. It is same for all players. If i could make it alone i could push the limit whatever it takes. But game doesnt allow sadly.
So i'm coming the point for searching clan/group (which is active/competitive and easy to provide most kind of class/players/expectations and not having only 1 or 2 sticky group and other random high ranked players for showing their power)
What i expect as clan member;
- Friendly players
- Highly active clan members (From all classes)
- Open for suggests and constructive discussion
- Willingness to join another new groups and take care your clan member's requirements
What i can provide as clan member;
- High activity - playtime
- Smooth gameplay for team
- Competitive mind / play if i see i'm in good shape for it (Mostly focus around top 10 rankings and paragon competition)
- Theorycrafts if i'm motivated to keep playing the game
- Dedication for whatever we are doing.
- Improving gameplay/practising.
- PTR play and theorycrafts for future seasons
- Can play and learn all classes in short time. (But prefer Barbarian/Crusader and Demon Hunter in last 2 months this season)
To be honest, this will be my last season and will play randomly if i cannot find any worthy team since i like playing games competitively and i would like to play as solo. But game reached the point which is like 4 man for everything (Paragon, Gems, solo competition etc) and it is really overwhelming for me (and others) to find group right now. Cause my focus was solo competition when i start seasons. I know it's still possible without clan/group (atleast i can do and i did in the past) But i don't think it's worth it against uber paragon/gems and trial machines with group until those things are fixed/balanced for solo competition. Just dont want to choose hardest way for it. If you are interested you can post your clan informations here. Also if you need to know more add me ingame so i can show some informations about myself / my gaming experience and talk together what to do.
Battletag: Excalibur#2377
Paragon Season: 900
Paragon Non-Season: 969
P.S: Not using microphone right now.