
Inarius Speed Gold Build T10

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  • Devour Devouring Aura
  • Death Nova Blight
  • Grim Scythe Cursed Scythe
  • Bone Armor Harvest of Anguish
  • Blood Rush Metabolism
  • Command Skeletons Frenzy
  • Fueled by Death
  • Swift Harvesting
  • Commander of the Risen Dead
  • Overwhelming Essence


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Boon of the Hoarder
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Wreath of Lightning

Kanai's Cube

  • Bloodtide Blade
  • Goldskin
  • Krysbin's Sentence

This is the fastest build I have been able to put together. It is great for regular rifts and bounty farming. I can clear all five acts of bounties in about a half hour on T7, and I can easily clear T10 Rifts depending on the stats of my gear.

The cornerstone is of course the Goldwraps and Boon of the Hoarder as they make you nearly invulnerable through everything as long as you have trash mobs to take out quickly. Between Lost Time, Warzechian Armguards, and the additional 5 stacks of Bone Armor (Harvest of Anguish rune) from Wisdom of Kalan you will have a HUGE speed boost. Bloodtide Blade gives a significant boost to your Death Nova damage and with the BoT gem you will get a larger boost on subsequent casts.

I find once you get going you don't even need to touch the Cursed Scythe skill as you are dropping enough bodies to easily fuel all of your casting.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Gold Find
Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit

Core: Movement speed of course and additional resource will help you avoid needing to Cursed Scythe too much as it slows you down.

Offense: Cooldown Reduction will bring Bone Armor up quicker which can be handy if you accidentally cast AFTER an enemy dies instead of BEFORE. It also brings up Blood Rush which I only use to get out of trouble.

Defense: Not much here - Gold is life so whatever works for you. I usually fill Resist All first though.

Utility: GOLD FIND - that's the whole point of the build after all. Resource Cost Reduction means more spamming Death Nova and less stopping to Cursed Scythe.

Build Guide

This build is excellent for farming Gold or Bounties. Anything that requires high speed. It is also good for power leveling your friends as you can clear a rift rather quickly.

Your first priority is to keep up your Bone Armor stacks. These should always be at 15. Keep a close eye on them because if you run out your damage drops off which means no killing - no gold - and that leads to death.

As long as you have bone armor up just run in the middle of a pack of mobs and spam Death Nova. Trash mobs die easily enough. Use Command Skeleton for any bosses and use Blood Rush if you find yourself in a bind. If you aren't killing trash mobs within two-three casts of Death Nova you may want to tone down the difficulty until you can get some better stats.



- Great profit in both gold and anything else you can find outside greater rifts.


- Not very strong against instance bosses (bosses without adds to pick up gold from). Goldskin mitigates this to an extent but not very well.

- Useless for Greater Rifts as there is no Gold :(