
Lazyfarm Speed GR Condemn

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  • Slash Zeal
  • Iron Skin Flash
  • Akarat's Champion Rally
  • Laws of Hope Wings of Angels
  • Condemn Vacuum
  • Provoke Too Scared to Run
  • Heavenly Strength
  • Holy Cause
  • Indestructible
  • Long Arm of the Law


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Wreath of Lightning
    • Bane of the Stricken

Kanai's Cube

  • Akkhan's Addendum
  • Nemesis Bracers
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

Looks like Blade of Prophecy is broken on diablo fans, that should be your main hand equipment along with your shield through the Heavenly Strength passive.

Nemesis Bracers are interchangeable with Warzechian Armguards, wear whichever is rolled better. Drop Nemies for Strongarm if someone in your group can keep up with you while wearing them.

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Cooldown takes priority over everything else. You have to have at least 55.6% as soon as possible.

Build Guide

The whole idea of this build is to farm lower GR's as fast as possible with a lazyfarm playstyle, especially when leveling gems. The best part about the build is consistency. Because you're not dependent on density for movement speed through Krelm's, Warzechian, and Wings of Angels rune, you're always moving pretty quickly even on bad maps. You're not dependent on Elite kills to reset In-Geom and you don't have to pop in and out of Steed Charge to deal damage. You can play it as a full elite hunter but also does really well in big groups even when spread out(Condemn - Vacuum). At my current 1175 paragon with only three lvl 90 augments I'm able to do run lvl 75 GRs in about 2 minutes(1 minute if I have a zbarb or WW barb that can keep up and buff my speed even more). You can also finish bounties faster than most other classes -- DH is the only one consistently able to keep up/beat me in pub groups -- and only needs minimal changes(I can add that here or make another guide if there is interest).

I slowly built this through experimentation based on the DB's farming build I found here:


I normally num-lock everything but Slash and Iron Skin. You'll only be wanting to cast Iron Skin if you don't one shot elites, or more importantly, when there are mobs around to trigger the speed boost from the Flash rune. As you need to climb higher and higher you will start to drop speed/utility for more damage and defense to look more like a pushing build.

-- First thing to go for me is usually runes for Slash and Iron Skin (go to Guard and Steel Skin).

-- Second is Krelm's Belt for Witching Hour or String of Ears depending on what I need more of.

-- Third would normally be Addendum for Furnace (which I would wear and cube BoP). You get the idea?

Your build needs to have at least 55.6% cooldown reduction in your details page in town so you have full uptime on Akarat's champion or you will be constantly dying. To help with this early on you can wear vigilante belt and/or Gogok gem in place of Stricken but should be dropped asap for more damage/speed options. You can also wear In-Geom, cube BoP and drop Addendum which will allow you to swap Heavenly Strength passive for Fervor which comes with a flat 15% CDR and attack speed boost, not to mention In-Geom's effect. Note that you will also have to change your Akarat's Champion rune to Prophet if you drop Addendum.