
[2.6.1] T13/60+ LoN Ray of Frost

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  • Meteor Comet
  • Ray of Frost Sleet Storm
  • Slow Time
  • Teleport Wormhole
  • Ice Armor Crystallize
  • Magic Weapon Force Weapon
  • Audacity
  • Cold Blooded
  • Unwavering Will
  • Blur


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Iceblink
    • Taeguk
    • Bane of the Trapped

Kanai's Cube

  • The Grand Vizier
  • Nilfur's Boast
  • Halo of Arlyse

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

So it's that time of the season... All journeys have been completed, leaderboard has been achieved, group build is rock solid, item rolls are nominal. What could there possibly be left to do?


I actually discovered the skill "Sleet storm" while fooling around in town, and I thought to myself "hey, this is a cool skill for a build", so I started searching for ways to make this build work in 2.6.1. I found this build: https://www.diablofans.com/builds/75856-rimeheart-sleet-storm-lon-build (props to the creator) and tried it out, but honestly it felt weak and slow, and considering it was made for 2.4 I was sure there was room for improvement.

Let me begin by explaining the build:

All you have to do, is find elites/density, cast slow time, and hold in ray of frost. That's it!!! The rest happens by itself. Most of the time you will one hit elite packs on TXIII solo and GR60-70, but obviously the potency will depend on your gear. Point being the playstyle is super simple!

The main source of damage will be your cold meteors, which is why its damage is buffed by item stats, The Grand Vizier and Nilfur's Boast. Since it's the only Arcane Power Spender you have, Etched Sigil will always throw a meteor every second, doing massive damage. Deathwish further increases your damage since you are channeling Ray of Frost. The freeze ability from Frostburn adds a lot of survivability. Hergbrash's Binding is the reason why you won't run out of arcane. The rest of your items are simply there to buff your damage or defenses and can be replaced with other Ancient items until you find the ones I recommend.

Items I would have wanted to incorporate are In-geom (since you are killing elite packs it will be pretty useful) and CoE (will boost meteor damage a lot), however I do not think it's possible to have them in the build and still be tanky enough or do enough damage but if you feel like you can make the build work with them feel, free to try it out :)

As for legendary gems, Iceblink and Bane of the Trapped is a must have I would say. You could replace Taeguk with something that fits your playstyle a bit better. Personally I think it fits well since you are stationary and you channel. Perhaps if your build is not that strong it will help you to finish off elites.

For a 5th passive I would recommend Illusionist since it helps with Teleport but if you find something more useful feel free to explore. You could also try out another amulet.

I use Warzechian Armguards for a movement speed buff but you can use APDs if you struggle with defenses or nemesis for shrines/pylons. I like to carry nemesis with me in torments so I can swop them out before I click on shrines, but in greater rifts I would probably equip them as you should have enough damage resistance and extra elites will help you a lot.

That's all from me :) Please feel free to post suggestions or questions in the comments. This build is still experimental and could be improved. I will upload a video if enough people request it.

Thank you!