

BBCode Link


  • Bone Armor Harvest of Anguish
  • Skeletal Mage Singularity
  • Land of the Dead Frozen Lands
  • Simulacrum Reservoir
  • Blood Rush Metabolism
  • Devour Satiated
  • Final Service
  • Blood is Power
  • Life from Death
  • Overwhelming Essence


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Zei's Stone of Vengeance
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Enforcer

Kanai's Cube

  • Reilena's Shadowhook
  • Tasker and Theo
  • Krysbin's Sentence

About the items :

-ALL the items are mandatory ( no choice but to play with them). The only little switch you can make are 1 ) rings : just take the ones which are the best. Krysbin is most of the time the hardest one to get with a perfect roll ( and close to 100%), that's why I cubed it, and 2) the off hand : just get one with the right stats ( crit / CDR/ mage dps, and if u can, elite dmg instead of intell #DREAM)

About the stats :

- you don't have BREAK EVEN POINTS to reach in particular, but :

1) play at the minimum with 3 items with CDR ( gloves, shoulders, off hand), which leads to 39% ish CDR. either you play with 3, or 4 items ( 43% ish CDR). Just go full dps on the rest. what is important is to be sure to have 100% uptime on simulacrum with the other ratma in party ( explained later)

2) No breakeven on attack speed : it's just spreadsheet dps, which is still good ;)

Defensive stat on chest : I ALWAYS go for Elite red. ppl sometimes go for armor, i go for elite reduction, which is imho the best defensive stat in the game.

PRO TIP¨: GET PICK UP RADIUS on your gear. we noticed a HUGE DIFFERENCE when our ratmas took gear with PuR. just test it, u will love it ;)

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find


Build Guide

First of all and before explaining the gameplay, I will explain 2 build choices :

1) WHY METABOLISM Instead of POTENCY rune on dash?

Yes, you will loose some toughness, but MOBILITY is the key on ratma runs, and if you are mobile, you will be able to dodge WAY MORE sh*** than with potency and won't be stuck. In addition, you will be able to follow the Znec. Needless to say that if you fail a dash and go the wrong way, you will also be able to catch up faster.

-------->>>>>> EVERY SINGLE PLAYER I adviced to switch to metabolism NEVER came back to potency after. just test it, you will love it !

2) WHY FROZEN LAND ( instead of decrepify, mostly)

For 2 reasons : First one is , Znecro will have a downtime in his own Frozen Land, hence not making globes, 10 sec after he entered the rift ( since he is supposed to pop it RIGHT AWAY when he enters the rift). ONE OF THE RATMA DPS will need to pop land 10 sec after the start, to help the Znec, and make globes. Then, and only then, use land when you feel it's needed. : FROZEN LAND is SAFETY as well, when you wanna cc mobs, cuz sometimes as dps you might be ahead alone, or behind alone, and it will help you to survive.

Good way to use it is on long corridors, when you know the Znec will have a downtime on Frozen land ( for that you need to use your brain -_-, which is hard in ratma runs! )

ABOUT THE GAMEPLAY : I will list the mandatory things here to becore a good ratma dps :

1) ELITE TARGETING : this is the key. 99% of players in EUROPE are horrible at it. this is the key and you will need to open your eyes, be sometimes in advance of others ( before the Znec pack mobs, before they spread affixes which are dangerous and you will loose focus and only focus on surviving...).
RULE NUMBER 1 : if you are under simulacrum, 2 MAGES SPAWNED with full essence ON one yellow elite WILL 100% KILL HIM ( except mby jugg). HENCE, you don't need to overstay, ONCE you spawned your two mages, ALREADY CHECK SCREEN AND ANTICIPATE where will be your next move.

2) MOBILITY : rule number 1 is the key. Having metabolism is mandatory. DONT OVERSTAY, if elite is gonna die, MOVE already.

3) ALWAYS try to keep up 10 mages

4) WHILE keeping 10 mages, try to save MAX essence for the next mage you will spawn on the next elite.

5) When arriving on a new elite pack , always go over it if you see your mages are not hitting it : YES, your mages are stupid, but as stupid as their master -_- . So if u want to have a chance that your previous mages HIT the right target, go over the elite, dash over it, play around it.

6) on SHOCK TOWERS, please save essence to one shot them : the ratma dps with uptime on simulacrum should ALWAYS go first and one shot the tower.


- if your runs are not close to 2 mins in average (or max 2.30), there is something wrong and u need to lower the difficulty

-If you don't trust your supports, put some vitality in paragons. being a pussy is totally fine ;)

Enjoy ;)