
Fastest Solo/Group T13 WD Build Patch 2.6.1

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  • Haunt Resentful Spirits
  • Piranhas Piranhado
  • Spirit Walk Severance
  • Locust Swarm Cloud of Insects
  • Horrify Stalker
  • Soul Harvest Languish
  • Grave Injustice
  • Confidence Ritual
  • Gruesome Feast
  • Creeping Death


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Bane of the Powerful
    • Boon of the Hoarder

Kanai's Cube

  • Haunting Girdle
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

Weapon in cube = Wormwood staff

Welcome to witchdoctors fastest T13 Group / solo build!

if your new to the jade playstyle always go low torment just to learn how rotation should be before going into

higher rifts, i have play this now during PTR + start of this season "atm paragon 730" and it works very well.

I dont have ancient wepond and i one hit/two hit mobs in full group and never die, specialy thanks to goldwrap

+ boon of horder gem ofc but if you dont have that buff up it can be easy to die if you are having loads of mobs

around you. But saying that, most classes can die easy if you mess up with the skill roation etc.

Rotation For The Gameplay:

1. Use Sprint until you see monsters, then use hex on the mobs to get 60% increased movement and RUSH to elite.
2. Now you found mobs/elite throw HEX to confuse them, use Piranou to group them, you throw some Haunt dots " max 5, 2-3 dots can be enough if high dmg"
3. Now the monsters got both procc of Haunt & locust swarm so time to kill it with Soul Harvest "can spam it if have ingeom procc"
4. Now the elite or trash should be dead so again, Sprint + Hex on mobs until you find what you want to kill then repeat everything.

Fast Explanation For The Gameplay:

1. Sprint + Use hex on mobs
2. Hex to confuse + Piranho to group
3. Haunt dots 5 " or 2-3 if high dmg " into the pack
4. Soul Harvest on pack 1-2 times until all dies and move on

Now move on with the same rotation to next elite / trash monsters to get gold and 100% immune

before reaching next elite, over & over again. Understand that this is the correct order for the playstyle BUT

if you have cooldown pylon / 10 elite packs nearby you most likely can spam all your skills all over the place

and just run around immune and kill packs with 2-3 Haunt dots and Soul Harvest.

Vote this badass build up to the top now since it is better and funnier and faster then garg with both movement + dmg :-) MEEP MEEP WrroooOooooM.

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide