
Thorns Revisited.

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  • Punish
  • Slash Zeal
  • Iron Skin Reflective Skin
  • Bombardment Barrels of Spikes
  • Laws of Justice Decaying Strength
  • Steed Charge Draw and Quarter
  • Fervor
  • Iron Maiden
  • Fanaticism
  • Hold Your Ground


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Boyarsky's Chip
    • Simplicity's Strength
    • Esoteric Alteration

Kanai's Cube

  • Blood Brother
  • Angel Hair Braid
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

This is simply meant to bring out the full potential of your actual damage. Everyone always saying this and that. Well, what if my Punish is dealing double damage at ludicrous attack speeds and reflecting damage on its own with Retaliate and Roar rune both of which can critical.

What if I add sources of damage to the entire equation instead of just a complete reliance on Thorns?

Hack applies its own separate thorns hit in addition to Invoker set for those that are unaware.

Notes: IF you feel too squishy. You can always drop heart of Iron for Aquilla. But, I haven't had any issues really.

Hellfire Amulet: Finery passive skill or any of the ones selected.

Justice Lantern: Do not roll off CC reduction for Thorns.

Stone of Jordan: You can roll of max resource for thorns. This would be optimal.

For the Gems!! I like to balance my gems always. So, 1 offense gem in this case being thorns. 1 balanced gem in this case being simplicity strength which increases damage output and gives you life on hit. 1 defense gem in esoteric alteration to further reduce damage taken from things you cannot block. Also, Chest and Legs are all Amethysts. Diamond in helm.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Critical Hit Damage
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Life on Hit
Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

Movement... Vitality and Strength both increase you thorns.

Attack speed: More hits means more damage and sustain.

Critical Damage: Yes this because Punish and Slash count as something!

Cool Down reduction: Can compete with CHD if you are not rotating cool downs.

All resist because Strength does not do that.

Life because Strength does give you armor.

Armor because more Armor.

Life on Hit: Because sustain. If you chose area damage with Invoker set. I will now tell you, wrong. Thorns is area damage on its own before invoker amplifies it.

Area Damage: Because the rest are not needed.

Build Guide

Example Hit: Weapon damage, 800% thorns from invoker, 80-100% thorns from Hack.

Example Crit: MORE DAMAGE sheesh.

Example of you taking Hit: Thorns happens, Retaliate Rune happens, Roar happens. Both Punish runes are amplified by depth diggers and can crit.

I am bored now doing math. This will out damage other builds. Simply because there are now crits involved.

Cool down Rotation

Horsey: This is not just for pulling mobs. This is for moving your ass out of those things on the floor that bypass blocks.

Iron Skin should be saved for Elites and Rift Guardians. Not wasted on trash.

Law of Justice: We have these things? Use in any massive grouping. Even without an elite. Debuffing enemy to deal 15-60% less damage is better than Aquilla Cuirass.

Enemies grouped

Keep Punish active. This will maintain Roar, Retaliate, 15% attack speed, 15% critical, and some hp regen.

Slash the mobs to hit more than one unlike Punish. This will increase stacks of invoker faster.

This is for elite packs and grouped up things, assuming farming rifts.

Rift Guardian

Just spam Punish.