
Rathma's Dracula Build - Hardcore (Softcore variations explained)

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  • Siphon Blood Blood Sucker
  • Skeletal Mage Singularity
  • Command Skeletons Freezing Grasp
  • Decrepify Dizzying Curse
  • Bone Armor Harvest of Anguish
  • Devour Cannibalize
  • Extended Servitude
  • Final Service
  • Life from Death
  • Dark Reaping


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Enforcer
    • Esoteric Alteration
    • Mutilation Guard

Kanai's Cube

  • Scythe of the Cycle
  • Tasker and Theo
  • Krysbin's Sentence


This build is designed to push leaderboards in HARDCORE mode. Several modifications can be made however to make this a viable softcore build as well in seasonal. This is for people who want to use Rathma's and not rely on the boring Blood Build or rely on 2-minute cooldowns *yawn*. The central crux of the build revolves around a constant flow of essence and health that keeps you healthy even in dire circumstances. The build has an ebb and flow of battle based on cooldown management, skill casts, and dual resources. At 600 paragon and only 3 ancients, I did a greater rift 80 on hardcore without risk of death and was able to farm greater rift 70s in 3 to 4 minutes depending on density. The great thing about this build though is that it scales quite well for hardcore while still keeping you safe and not realying on massive CDR and long cooldowns. I hope you enjoy.

Item Build Explanation:

  • Armor Slots: 6 Piece Rathma's: Providing a much-needed damage boost as well as significant 50 percent damage mitigation. We are picking up all the slots (Helm, Shoulders, Torso, Hands, Legs, and Feet).

  • Weapon Slots: 2 Piece Jesseth Arms Set: Stacking 400 percent damage boost to our pets when command skeleton is active and automatic retargeting of command skeleton as long as enemies are on the screen. This is a massive boost to our damage. These are your main hand weapon and shield and must be worn (no cube sorry).

  • Neck: Wisdom of Kalan: This item provides 5 additional stacks of bone armor. According to Rhykker, this provides the equivalent extra protection to wearing unity. The thing to note is that you get no extra benefit until you get those extra 5 stacks and get it up to a max of 15. In addition, this synergizes with our bone armor rune to give us an additional 5 percent movement speed boost above the 10 percent we are already getting from this armor. This will keep us moving at a whopping 40 percent movement speed perpetually allowing an easier transition of command skeletons and repositioning from deadly affixes.

  • Ring 1: Circle of Nailuj's Evol: This item is essential to this build. It will double the number of singularity mages you summon which is important because you burn all your essence with each summon. On top of that, it adds an additional 2-4 seconds of uptime on your mages, depending on your roll. This is applied before extended servitude passive buffs the uptime of your mages.

  • Ring 2a: Unity: With a unity on your follower (along with a follower can not die relic) and a unity on your character you will take significantly less damage. This is essential to surviving pushing in hardcore rifts. Do not go without this in hardcore. In softcore, you could potentially swap this for Convention of Elements or Royal Ring of Grandeur and run a Requiem Celeplate instead of the full 6 piece Rathma's. Again though don't do this in hardcore that's a modification for softcore.
  • Ring 2b: Justice Lantern: If you're in a group you do not have the option of running a unity. At this point, you should consider using a justice lantern instead. With perfect block chance rolls on your justice lantern and perfect block chance rolls on your shield, your block chance can get as high as 37 percent. Not only is this a 37 percent chance to block an attack but justice lantern also reduces ALL damage you receive by 45 to 55 percent of your block chance. Given perfect rolls on block chance as well as the secondary affix, this would equate to a damage reduction of 20 percent from all damage sources in addition to the boost in your block chance. It's easy to see why this is a good option when unity is out the window.

  • Wrists: Reaper's Wraps: Depending on the roll these will restore 25 to 30 percent of your MAXIMUM resources (essence). You will be boosting your maximum through paragon and your primary weapon up to a total of 270. This means that for every health globe you gather you will be getting anywhere from 68 to 81 essence depending on the roll the item. In addition to this, you can spam craft these at the blacksmith and only be limited by your bounty mats making an ancient easily obtainable in this slot. This item slot is ESSENTIAL to the build and synergizes with 3 different skills that you will be using.

  • Waist: Dayntee's Binding: Depending on the roll this item will provide an additional 40 to 50 percent damage from all sources reduction whenever any 1 enemy is affected by Decripfy. This is in addition to the damage reduction that that decripfy applies to the specific enemy that is cursed.

Cube Item Explanation:

  • Weapon: Scythe of the Cycle: This weapon in your cube will provide 300 percent multiplicative damage on your secondary spells, more specifically our singularity mages. This is a massive damage boost but it comes with a trade off. Every cast of the mages reduces the duration of your bone armor by 4 seconds. This means most of the time you shouldn't spam your mages but rather try to get the largest essence mages off that you can while still maintaining 4 mages for the 6 peice set bonus. If your bone armor drops so does your damage and mitigation by a massive ammount. Playing around this takes some time to get used to but is well worth it.

  • Armor: Tasker and Theo: This armor piece will increase the attack speed of your pets by 50 percent. You are aiming for the 24 frame break point. In order to achieve this, you will need 10 percent attack speed in your paragon, and an additional 23 percent attack speed spread across pieces of gear. You can get this on your hands, neck, either or both rings, and your weapon. If you're not able to get this or while you are gearing up the Requiem Cereplate is a solid alternative but mathematically does not scale as high even with our heavy reapers wrap build. It should be noted that Requiem is better for speed farming and Tasker is better for pushing.

  • Jewelry: Krysbin's Sentence: This ring is a massive damage bonus. It provides 100 percent damage boost to anything slowed and 300 percent damage boost to anything frozen, blinded, stunned, feared, or charmed. You will have pretty much permanent uptime on the 100 percent bonus with this build as well as on demand targetable 300 percent bonus on all elites and rift guardians but juggernauts.

Skill Build Explanation:

1: Command Skeleton - Freezing Grasp: This provides a 400 percent damage boost through Jesseth Arms Set as well as a 300 percent damage boost on commanded targets through Krisbin's Sentence. An alternative rune option is Dark Mending for more survival but I find that the CC you get from Freezing Grasp combined with on demand 3x multiplier from Krysbin's far out weighs the Dark Mending rune's benefit.

2: Decripfy - Dizzying Curse: Slows enemy movement speed by 75 percent and reduces cursed enemies damage they deal by 30 percent. In addition to this with Dayntee's Binding you will take 40 to 50 percent less damage from all sources when at least one enemy is cursed. Cused enemies have a 10 percent chance to be stunned for 2 seconds when hit proccing the triple damage bonus from Krysbin's. Enemies are getting hit rapidly by your 17 minions and you. This will mean that large chunks of the enemy forces will be stunned and take triple damage as well as doing a whole lot less damage due to this ability.

3: Devour - Canabalize: Om nom nom! Bodies are tasty to a vampire necromancer! Devour will restore 10 essence per corpse consumed as well as provide us with 3 percent of our health pool. Usually, we sit around 1 million health with this build which will give us essentially 30k healing per corpse. In addition to this devouring corpses will have a 20 percent chance to spawn a health globe thanks to a passive that we are taking. Remember that health globes grant us 81 essence as well as healing us. It's important to num-lock trick this button to make the build more manageable and ensure maximum essence gain. An alternative rune that you can use is Satiated on devour which increases your maximum health but will no longer heal you. This scales very well with the primary we are using and late in progression (90+) may be preferable to soak up more shots as well as provide better self healing through your left click attack. Before you make this switch in hardcore make sure you can survive without Wisdom of Kalan and swap that over to a Hellfire Neck with the Swift harvesting passive.

4: Bone Armor - Harvest of Anguish: This ability will give us 45 percent damage reduction as well as a 15 percent movement speed boost. After lots of testing, I found that the movement speed was more helpful than the stun from Dislocation. The reason for this is that we already have many sources of stuns for the triple damage bonus of Kryspin's including our Command Skeletons that can give it on demand. The extra movement speed equates to faster clear times, easier dodging of affixes and projectiles, and most importantly easier transfer of the command action for your skeletons using Jesseth's Arms Set. Basically, as long as an enemy is on the screen when the target of your Command Skeletons dies the skeletons will automatically refocus to a new target. If you're moving fast and keeping enemies on the screen 90 to 100 percent of the time it means that you will have to waste less essence on commanding your skeletons and ensure 100 percent uptime of your 4x multiplier for Jesseth's.

Left Click: Siphon Blood - Blood Sucker: This will provide 15 essence per click, 300 percent weapon damage, and heal you for 2 percent of your max health. Again remember we are around 1 million health with this build which means this heals us for about 20k per click. If you used the Satiated rune on devour this would be healing 24k or so. Most importantly this skill will suck in all globes within 40 yards which is about 3/5 of the screen. This will result in a massive influx of healing from globes as well as a massive amount of essence. It's not uncommon to have 4 globes on the screen. Rembmer that each globe gives us 81 essence and our max essence is 270. We only need 4 globes and we will be full on essence after sucking them in following a mage cast.

Right Click: Skeletal Mage - Singularity: This mage hits for 400 percent weapon damage. In addition to this every point of essence increases it's damage by 3 percent. Each cast consumes all your essence. Remember all those damage bonuses we were getting? 400 percent from Jesseth Arms, 300 percent from Scythe of the Cycle, 2500 percent from Rathma's, and 40 percent bonus from our legendary gem Enforcer. The fun thing about singularity is the additional 3 percent damage per essence multiplier (270x3=810 percent damage increase!) is added on multiplicatively and calculated after all other bonuses are. This means that on a well-geared necromancer the skeletal mages can easily be hitting for hundreds of billions or even trillions if you gem damage in soft core. Simply put this skill is what we built everything around and it hits like a mac truck being dropped out of a b-2 spirit bomber with a freaking nuke attached to it...err that one got away from me...anyway you get the point it hits hard.

Passive 1: Final service: This passive will save your life and prevent all damage for 4 seconds. It will however also sacrifice all your minions so be wary of when it procs. Each minion sacrificed will heal you by 10 percent of your total life and will essentially restore you to full if you weren't at full when it procced. Super important note for hardcore players! This cheat death does not have a visual effect AT ALL like all the other ones in the game! You need to watch for the icon by your essence globe.

Passive 2: Life from Death: This passive provides a 20 percent chance to spawn health globes. These heal you as well as restore 80 essence. This combined with Devour and Siphon Blood - Blood Sucker will ensure that we have tons of essence as well as damage.

Passive 3: Extended Servitude: This essence increases the duration of your mages by 25 percent. This bonus is applied after the bonus from your ring Circle of Nailuj's Evol. This results in significantly more uptime for your mages, significantly less summons required, and significantly more damage.

Passive 4: Dark Reaping: Provides 2 percent essence and life per kill. This means for every enemy that you kill you will get 20k life and 6 essence in addition to the essence you will get from devouring their corpses! This provides an unbelievable amount of sustain both for your essence pool as well as your health pool. An alternative to this is Swift Harvesting which will provide you slightly more single target damage and more essence generation on rift guardians. It's best to start with Dark Reaping while gearing up however and get Swift Harvesting much later in the progression once you're ready to swap your Wisdom of Kalan out for a Hellfire and get Swift Harvesting that way. Again Hardcore players this is a significant change so make sure you're ready and ease your way back up the grift ranks feeling out your new toughness before you jump back in after you make this transition.

Legendary Gems Explanation:

Esoteric Alteration: This provides a massive elemental damage reduction boost. At rank 80 this will provide a straight 50 percent damage reduction to all non physical resistances. While below 50 percent life it will increase all of your non physical resistances by 75 percent in addition to the straight 50 percent damage reduction you're getting. This gem will stop arcane cutters, jailers, thunderstorm, molten etc from ruining your life my hardcore friends.

Mutilation Guard: I know what you're thinking. Why the heck would I ever run this gem let alone run 2 defensive gems and not bane of the trapped. Hear me out there's a good reason for hardcore. If you're softcore go ahead and run your bane of the trapped (*grumbles incoherently*). In hardcore winged assassins, punishers, lickatoungues (I admit I don't know their name), and certain rift gaurdains (I hate you stone slinger) can take you down very very quickly without the 50 percent melee damage reduction this provides. In addition when below 50 percent life you can move through enemies unhindered. This means when you get a pack of winged assassins with fire chains you're no longer dead with no chance to survive. Since we don't have a teleport ability this can be essential to not losing your hardcore character.

Enforcer: This offers an additive damage boost to your pets (39 percent at level 80), but more importantly keeps them alive. For some reason, Blizzard didn't give necromancers pets natural damage reduction like they do with other classes. As such it's quite easy for your pets to die above greater rift 70 without this gem. No pets is no damage with this build, making Enforcer essential and edging out bane of the trapped even though it would do a ton more damage if our silly pets could stay alive.

Regular Gems:

  • Helm: Amethyst: Gives you percent life which combos well with our skill build that has lots of percent life restoration.
  • Armor Slots: Get up to 1 million health using Amethysts if needed. Fill the rest of the slots with Rubies. Rubies are strength but also give armor which is massively valued for Intelligence classes. Late in your set progression, you can switch to Intelligence gems but I wouldn't until you can push 80s comfortably solo. Hardcore characters be particularly careful of making this switch you will gain a lot of dmg but lose a lot of toughness, make sure you make up for it with the hellfire transition discussed previously.

Paragon Priorities


Maximum Resource
Movement Speed
Primary Stat


Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Damage
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find


  • 1st Priority: Maximum Essence: Maxing out your maximum resources increases the damage of your mages by 150 percent multiplicitively.
  • 2nd Priority: Movement Speed: Ensuring you have 25 percent movement speed is a must for all specs but more so for this one as keeping mobs on the screen for your command skeletons to attacks saves you essence and gives you more damage without having to re-command them.
  • 3rd Priority: Primary Stat: Each point of Intellect increases your damage and resistances.
  • 4th Priority: Vitality: Only invest enough in this to bring your health pool up to about 1 million if you're running greater rift 70s and above.


  • 1st Priority: Crit Hit Chance: Skeletons critting more often means more damage coming out.
  • 2nd Priority: Attack speed: Hitting those breakpoints is super important. If you have a Taskers and Theo early while gearing up prioritize this first before crit.
  • 3rd Priority: Critical Hit Damage: When we hit them we hit them hard! Rock 'em sock 'em!
  • 4th Priority: Cooldown Reduction: This stat gives little benefit but does allow you to cast your bone armor more often allowing easier uptime maintence of the skill for Scythe of the Cycle.


  • 1st Priority: Armor: Intelligence based classes get crazy amounts of benefit from armor as most of our natural toughness is found in our resistances through intelligence.
  • 2nd Priority: Life: We have many skills and passives that do % life healing it only make sense to up our life as much as possible.
  • 3rd Priority: Resist All: Even though we have higher resistances naturally preventing more damage is always good.
  • 4th Priority: Life Regen: This is last priority because the frequency that you will get life regeneration ticks will be low as we are self-healing to full frequently with this build. Still, this can provide some clutch sustain in hairy situations.


  • 1st Priority: Area Damage: When we hit for hundreds of billions single target area damage is amazing. Unfortunately it can be hard to fit into the gearing but it should definitely be the first priority on gearing.
  • 2nd Priority: Resource Cost Reduction: This will cause our command skeletons, decripify and bone armor to cost less essence which means we have more essence for our mages. Sadly it does not directly reduce the cost of our mages as the automatically take all our essence.
  • 3rd Priority: Life on Hit: This gives us a small amount of self-healing per hit with our Siphon Blood. Unfortunately, we don't have the spare passive to get grizzly tribute so our pets won't be providing us with life on hit. Still it's better than gold find on this build.
  • 4th Priority: Gold Find: It give us gold. This is good I guess for more empowered rifts but really the amount of extra gold you get from this outside a goblin rift is negligible. Side note ...when going into Goblin rifts make sure this is maxed out :).

Build Guide

Build Guide Video:

Rathma's Dracula Hardcore Build Guide Video - Youtube Link

Hardcore Leader Board (204) GR80 Clear with only 675 paragon:


Important Tips

1: Numlock your Devour before you enter the rift.

2: Order of things to do when you enter the rift

* First priority upon entering rift is getting a decripfy on a target immediately
* Second priority upon entering a rift is commanding skeletons on a target to build Rathma mitigation
* Third priority upon entering rift is getting as many stacks with bone armor as you can safely right away
* Fourth Cast your first set of mages on a weak target so that you will get a corpse to devour asap
* Finally siphon blood until you can cast another set of mages. Continue normally from here but make sure you get your 15 stacks of bone armor.

3. Keep a careful eye for your proc icon for your final service. It will appear in the bottom right corner

4. Remember to cast your mages at full essence before you siphon blood and suck in globes.

5. When the rift guardian spawns sick the skeletons on him immediately to freeze him. After that decripify him immediately then proceed as normal. Use mages to body block projectiles and watch your feet for on the ground effects as you will be siphoning blood and moving less most likely.

6. Do not HOLD your siphon blood. Click it rapidly when you are using it. You will get off more ticks of siphon blood by clicking as opposed to holding. Also when you hold it your num locked devour will not go off.