Build Guide
As usual, easy to learn, but hard to master 
1) Area Damage everywhere, where possible. 150 area damage is good :). Try to get at least 35% cdr and then max AD everywhere.
3) STR Augments for more DPS/toughness
4) 5th Passive: Nerves of Steel/Brawler
5) ~35CDR required for perma WOTB. All the rest should be spent on Area Damage and attack speed.
6) Bane of the Trapped can be used instead of Pain Enhancer (almost same results across the rift, worse against Juggernauts).
7) All diamonds in chest/pants for more toughness.
8) With the recent 45% BKs buff it is possible to proc OROTZ faster and even drop two CDR rolls on both weapons for IAS!
Now for some safer options if you have low paragon/bad gear/no augments (like me).
1) Ignore Pain - Iron Hide. More DR, but much less recovery.
2) Threatening shout - Demoralize. A little more crowds/AD usage and much more Damage Reduction, but much less raw DPS. Useless against RG as well (RG cannot be taunted).
4) Overpower - Killing Spree/Crushing Advance instead of Warcry. Killing Spree is max DPS option (if you can survive)
5) Ancient Spear - Rage Flip, great pulling option for wandering leftover elites. Pretty hard to execute though (for me personally)
6) Battle Rage - Swords of Plughshares - good healing source, but much less AOE damage.
7) Ground Stomp - Wrenching Stomp instead of Warcry = good grouiping/stun skill, but can make you dead in seconds. VERY GOOD for creating density!
Keep in mind that Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac reduces RAMAINING cooldowns of skills "currently on cooldown" by 1 seconds, randomely. So if you have 3 skills on cooldowns instead of 4, it will refresh WoTB faster. Don't spam Falter/Warcry and Ground Stomp like crazy. If you play without Ground Stomp and use Rage Flip or Overpower (it uses charges with it's own cooldown) for example = Zodiac will refresh WoTB faster (and you need less CDR).
Also one more important thing: Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac has internal cooldown of around 0.9sec/Sheet_Attack_Speed (just like Stricken gem). So with higher attack speed===>faster_ticks_of_WW = you will proc Obsidian Ring faster. This is one the main reasons why we use Pain Enhancer. Higher attack speed===>higher breakpoints===> faster ticks==>faster Obsidian procs.
Thank you!
Hi there, thanks for your time. Can you tell me if 1.79 APS on both hands is enough?
I'm having a big issue with dying in t13. I get one shot by most elemental missile damage. I know my health is pretty low at 464k but even if i reforge for more health i still get annihilated.Not sure what i'm doing wrong. Heres my build if you wanted to check it Here
How about chilanik's chain? Is it usable for this build?
Hey there,
I like your build. I'll give it a try.
I have been using WW barb this season (13). I have a LOT of trouble for GR > 75.
I die instantly when I meet an elite. I think I do decent damage, decent life (>700k), decent toughness (>25M before any skills is triggered) but gosh that doesn't help.
I am using a bane of the trapped instead of Taeguk, WW windshear instead of blood funnel (lighting vs physical). I have therefore an amulet with lightning and my nems with lightning too. I use the rune Battle rage Swords to Ploughshares rather than bloodshed, and groundstomp (wrenching smash for larger radius). These are minor differences and I still don't understand why I cannot survive in GR>75.
Any idea ?
You can find my build here:
Is it because I didn't "Caldesann's despair" all my build yet ?
Oh well, I hope U can help me !
Thanks !
In fact, after having looked carefully at your build, I tried the Taeguk instead of the Bane of the Trapped. Seems to work much better because of the added toughness. I also changed my damage to physical rather than lightning (rune of WW + Bracers). I just cleared a GR80 quite easily. Thanks a lot for the tips (from your build) !
Still works in s14? Thanks for the build btw