
Broken Palmises

BBCode Link


  • Way of the Hundred Fists Assimilation
  • Cyclone Strike Implosion
  • Dashing Strike Blinding Speed
  • Epiphany Desert Shroud
  • Mystic Ally Water Ally
  • Exploding Palm Impending Doom
  • Beacon of Ytar
  • Seize the Initiative
  • Near Death Experience
  • Harmony


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Pain Enhancer

Kanai's Cube

  • The Fist of Az'Turrasq
  • Bindings of the Lesser Gods
  • Convention of Elements

[edit the following was for the old build I had skip to Part II, but leaving this as a reference for progress]

This is standard EP innas but with a twist..

You're going to drop assimilation. Assimilation is a nice damage boost but is nothing compared to 100% chc, it is also terrible for proc'ing broken promises as are most skills compared to exploding palm impending doom which literally cannot critical hit on application but counts towards the 5 hits for broken promises proc. ( Note: That last sentence is very important )

Build play .. run around gather mobs when phys CoE rotation is up jump in palm, Cyclone, pop serenity palm palm palm (cold cycle now) activate and BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE!

I play hardcore this build is squishy!!!!!! <<< very squishy but it is doable.. Although I would be lying if it didnt make me wish I had a softcore character to try it out on. I mean EP is squishy enough already, but youre now dropping unity.

[edit] [ part II: How's about we dont drop Assimilation? ]

So its been a few seasons since I originally messed with this build..

I still play HC almost exclusively but I have been practicing and it is totally doable, you'll need GG gear and paragon, caldessans, in order to be successful, but that's true about almost any build.. The thing here is not the damage, damage gonna be fine til a little over 100, its the survivability that you need these things for (even in SC, although who knows festering woods right mob type).

So here's how I play this.. for the most part, I generally dont engage packs (elite packs / mobs) unless I am in Desert Shroud, so yes sometimes I feel its safe enough to go in with my PIphany down but in general I am only attacking every two CoE cycles, I still have yet to fully calzone ( caldessan ) one of these monks though.. dont have gems just laying around and this build if I push with it, I'm certainly not going to end the season with that character.

So I run around keep my DR from Endless Walk (CR+tpledge) up while I'm bringing packs together,

then the attack sequence is like this, Around lightning cycle put Epiphany up, have 2 dashes either walk or dash in, Cyclone, ASAP gain as many assimilation stacks with one round of punches, at this point there's a solid chance you just critically hit, either from CS or your punches hitting so many mobs, remember cant get rid of that 5% base- so what I do at this point, and its really important to have Seize the Initiative on because of this, I palm 5 x really fast, preferably on diff mobs, since Cold Palm is only single target and does no Damage over Time it's very rare for you to not be in 100% CHC right at this moment, This in turn makes your Mystic Ally's Damage sky rocket, not just because of the 100% critical hit chance for its activation but because every single one (and tbh it prob was only one these guys are ... well you know) of the allies that was hitting has just critically hit and caused a bleed from pain enhancer increasing your attack speed ([ APS ] x [ all other DMG ] = how pets work) multiplier for activation.. activate your in cold now critical hit 100% on every explosion each hitting multiple mobs.. if you do this right on a top notch character it should one shot most elite packs into the early 90s if not higher.. So far I havent put caldessans on but its way overkill already in 85 @1400 paragon. Seeing Instant damage several trillion. Okay so everything blows up minus a couple stragglers but right now you've prob drained most of your life so you need to dash out and start the process of gathering again.

On the Rift Guardian.. this is the trickier part, this build on the base of the rift is RUTHLESS (dont fight blazing guardians though, use some sense)

Depending on the RG you may have to use cyclone strike while running around to stack stricken, slowing down for cold cyclone , RG's without ADDs cyclone still gonna proc Broken Promises just fine but, it really depends on the RG, some I dont mind hitting with Assim to stack stricken. I imagine if you were to push over 100 with this for the RG you would want a power + hamelin or saxtris, just save it, you shouldnt need it for the Rift anyway. One bonus for the RG on this build though is you can guarantee 100% critical hit activation for the 2 seconds of cold waves.

If you have the gear try it out, I'm not expecting this to rank top 3 SC, but it definitely could.. There have already been 100+ clears of the regular Innas EP build so.. yeah, think about higher damage to cause explosion, higher explosion damage by A LOT.. you just have to play it a lot better and be able to take twice as much damage cause you're dropping Unity.


Float like a butterfly Sting Like a Bee - For serious monks only. This will require a high level of finesse and gear and a little bit of practice to get the timing down, but if you regularly play Inna's EP you'll get the hang of it fairly quick. Then it's just damage avoidance from there.

Get in and get out - Proc'ing is no stranger to this build, you do the cycle quick and get out.. I actually used to use Serenity, but I prefer Epiphany now cause of the teleport being epic for life saving situations when ya' goof and use both dashes which I would never recommend doing.

Mystic Allies only Benefit from Broken Promises -- They can critical hit during your 5 non crits and it wont mess it up, but when you get 100% chc they have it also.

Remember CHC is dynamic -- you dont want or need it to be up when you apply palms or assimilation, its only up for 3 seconds but during that time everything WILL crit.

Dont forget to take CHC 5% outta paragon, if you have more than 5% Critical hit Chance youre doing something wrong or there's something I dont know about.

Serenity may be used instead of Epiphany, it can obviously be activated more often but lasts a much shorter duration, at first I was thinking this was going to mandatory but it turns out its not.

Palm for Promises - the other skills are there to buff the damage and usually will cause a proc before your 5

Start out lower than your highest Innas EP - duh ya it may be more damage but most people are going to quit this build because of how hard it is to stay alive, so for Hardcore players especially do a couple runs 5 - 10 GR levels below what you can normally do, without the rythym this build works against you.. remember 5% chc explosion aint doin nuffum. There have been a lot of builds since I originally came up with this that, on different classes as well -- Shi Mizu FoK, Lightwiz, ~Jade/LON doc solo that have similar issues with toughness but when used properly are straight Savage.

Open Maps - Festering Woods, Battlefields of Eternity, etc..

Dont fight bad mob types -- high damage mob types especially will drop you.

Lastly, if you don't get it at first, don't be discouraged, I spent a lot of time getting this to work and still have yet to fully dedicate myself to it for solo push in a season. Relax Have fun and blow up some mf'n monsters.

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Damage
Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Take out points towards Critical Hit Chance

Build Guide

PRACTICE regular palm first.. be very careful while fighting RG if youre in Hardcore as well.