
2.4 Set Dungeon - Akkhan Crusader

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  • Slash Zeal
  • Condemn Unleashed
  • Provoke Too Scared to Run
  • Steed Charge Endurance
  • Laws of Hope Wings of Angels
  • Akarat's Champion Prophet
  • Fervor
  • Finery
  • Long Arm of the Law
  • Righteousness


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Bane of the Powerful
    • Gogok of Swiftness

Kanai's Cube

  • In-geom
  • Leoric's Crown
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

This is an adaptation of crayonsmind's Akkhans dungeon build that worked better for me. With these changes I mastered the dungeon in two attempts.

Aside from a few gear and rune changes I also added stat priorities and recommended/required indications for gear. Basically I felt a bit too squishy while trying to group mobs for a condemn explosion, so I added more toughness. All the enemies do physical damage so String of Ears is a natural choice and switching to Akarat's Prophet ruin is also a strong toughness boost.

There's probably a ton of changes you can make to suit whatever gear you have. Here's what I think is flexible and what is not:

Things you can change:

  • Amulet: Any amulet with good damage stats should work
  • Weapon Stats: The stats on the weapon are really flexible. You do not need CDR on it. Mine happened to have STR, life / wrath spent and a socket and it worked fine for me.
  • Skils: Any primary wrath generator should work as well as whichever utility and law skills you favor.
  • Passives: Long Arm of the Law and Rightousness could probably be changed
  • Belt: use belt that suites you but if you find survival a problem, and I did, then stick with String of Ears.
  • Rings: You don't need CDR on both rings.

Things you probably should not change:

  • Set items
  • Illusory boots are important for positioning yourself for a good condemn explosion. This also commits you to using RORG.
  • Weapon: Swiftmount may not be necessary to complete the rift on time but it affords you a more time to spend grouping enemies and letting the Morlu Legionnaires respawn.
  • Skills: must keep Steed Charge, Akarat's Champion and Condemn
  • Passives: Fervor and Finery
  • Follower: Don't use one. A follower will typically draw enemies away from you. You can try to play that to your advantage by hugging your follower, but I just found that that approach slowed me down.

I recommend you try this build once without too re-rolling gear and then adjust to suit your needs.

Good luck!