
Solo Paragon/upg gems GR75+ (7-10 min)

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  • Way of the Hundred Fists Assimilation
  • Mystic Ally Water Ally
  • Dashing Strike Blinding Speed
  • Cyclone Strike Implosion
  • Exploding Palm Impending Doom
  • Epiphany Desert Shroud
  • Beacon of Ytar
  • Harmony
  • Seize the Initiative
  • Unity


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Bane of the Powerful
    • Pain Enhancer

Kanai's Cube

  • The Fist of Az'Turrasq
  • Gungdo Gear
  • Convention of Elements
This is one of builds that I speed solo GR75-77 at this moment for experience (+25 billion exp/run), upgrade gems in 7-10 minutes.
I not created this build, but I made a few changes to speed farm not necessary solo push rankings.
The gems that I use for speed farm solo are: Bane of Trapped, Bane of Powerful and Pain Enhancer.
To push solo rankings, I remove Bane of Powerful and replace with Esoteric or Stricken, at least last time when I did personal record and entered top 65 solo monks in Season 5.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find


25% default movement speed, if have movement speed in boots (for instance: 12%) then put only 13% in Paragon

Rest put in dexterity; if need more toughness, you can put in Vitality too


Cooldown Reduction

Critical Hit Chance

Critical Hit Damage

Attack Speed


Resist All



Life Regeneration


Area Damage

Life on Hit

Resource Cost Reduction

Gold Find

Build Guide

Sometimes you can use Mystic Ally (water) even when is not cold damage from Convention of Elements and still be able to kill with exploding palm if have enough stack from Assimilation or not elites with shield

If you at high risk to die and have no option, you can use Mystic Ally (water) to heal and sometimes in your protection, you can still kill packs with exploding palm

Anyway, is highly recommended to use Mystic Ally (water) with cold damage from Convention of Elements to have maximum benefits from exploding palm

Here is a picture after I did speed solo GR75

Speed GR75 solo (video with a few seconds using exploding palm)


Nothing is set in stone, you all should test things, make the changes that you want, this is my advice for all builds you use.

I'll test more and other changes...list is longer.

For Helm use Flawless Royal Diamond for CDR, for armor can be from Flawless Royal Emerald/Royal Diamond or combine.