
2.4 HELLTOOTH GARG GR60-70 SOLO FARMING Comprehensive Guide!

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  • Wall of Death Communing with Spirits
  • Soul Harvest Languish
  • Summon Zombie Dogs Leeching Beasts
  • Piranhas Piranhado
  • Spirit Walk Jaunt
  • Gargantuan Humongoid
  • Grave Injustice
  • Swampland Attunement
  • Gruesome Feast
  • Midnight Feast


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Enforcer

Kanai's Cube

  • The Furnace
  • Mask of Jeram
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur


Weapon Slot

There really is no replacement for The Furnace. Grab Yellow 2H Maces and upgrade them to legendary until you get one!

Armor Slot

This will either be Mask of Jeram or Tasker and Theo,, depending on which one rolled better. Swap either to the relevant Helltooth piece.
**IMPORTANT** - Tasker and Theo that rolls anywhere from 40% - 50% will NOT change the Gargantuan breakpoint/attacks per second (APS) in solo play which is 1.00 APS (60 frames per hit). In groups with BBV from another Witch Doctor, it WILL alter the Gargantuan APS to 1.11 (54 frames per hit). Thus, it is better in most cases to cube the Mask of Jeram for 100% pet damage.

(SOURCE: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/13349475072?page=1#8)

Jewellery Slot

This will be Ring of Royal Grandeur (RORG) 99.9% of the time since it comes with default attack speed % and life per hit and these stats are non ideal stats for this build. Obviously if you are not optimized and have a better rolled RORG over your Short Man's Finger or Convention of Elements, wear what you got and cube the other.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find



Movement Speed - Add until you're capped out at 25% on your character sheet. This will depend what/if you rolled movement speed on your boots.
Intelligence - All your points in here afterwards.
Vitality - No need unless you can't survive.
Maximum Resource - Wtf.


Crit Damage - Best to place prioritize CHD first due to it being much easier to roll better CHC on items, so these points help balance the 10:1 ratio.
Crit Chance - All your points in here afterwards.
Cooldown Reduction - Helps with pironhado/spirit walk/soul harvest, but not a huge priority because of grave injustice.
Attack Speed - Pet attack speeds do NOT scale with yours. They are only affected when they sit in BBV from Witch Doctors, LAWs from Crusaders, and MANTRA OF RETRIBUTION from the Monk.


Life % - Since soul harvest and having intelligence provides a large amount of armour and all resistance, prioritizing life will give your defenses more value.
Resist ALL - Next in line due to soul harvest giving a HUGE amount of armor with 10 stacks (with sacred harvester weapon).
Armor - The more the merrier
Life regeneration - Your zombie dogs with leeching beasts help you out with life, so this is last.


Area Damage - Higher chances of aoe surrounding gargantuan cleave
Resource Cost Reduction - The only thing that costs mana is piranhado, which means this isn't even important.
Gold Find - Gold in GRs? Try looking up your nose instead.

Build Guide


Are you tired of joining public grift groups full of leechers? Are you feeling nauseated from all the verbal abuse you get from GRift groups that harp on your ass for "doing too little dps" or having shitty micro/mechanics? Well look no further, because I've got your introverted ass covered with my SOLO farming GR60+ build! Make no mistake, nothing beats group exp farming/efficiency, but sometimes I know you just want to be a filthy casual.

This build is based entirely on SPEED and maximizing SOLO efficiency. The core difference in this build is the usage of Thing of the Deep offhand in order to maximize our pickup radius for Gruesome Feast and its insane DPS increase. Additionally, we can pick up the Elite globe drops to fill our progress bar faster. We have opted for this over Henri's Perquisition simply because we do not need the extra tankiness it brings.


Nothing is different between the skills used here and the standard Helltooth Gargantuan builds out there.

(Gargantuan - Humongoid)
Used because it cleaves multiple targets and has one of the best damage outputs. Coupled with Shortman's Finger and you've got yourself heavy hitting DPS machines.

(Zombie Dogs - Leeching Beasts)
Best for sustain when you have 50 paragon points in Life on Hit. If not, other options are life link to mitigate damage, or burning dogs for additional dps. Chilled to the bone looks good on paper but actually sucks in high density because your dogs are only hitting 4 things and are not always being targeted for the damage bonus.

(Wall of Death - Communicating with spirits)
Used for proccing Helltooth 2PC/6PC bonuses, and to lower enemy damage output by 25% for 3 seconds.

(Soul Harvest - Languish)
Get a shit load of armour (10%/stack) to help you survive, which is bumped up to a maximum of 10 stacks due to your weapon, Sacred Harvester.

(Piranhas - Piranhado)
Great CC ability that pulls mobs together to help the Gargantuan cleave multiple enemies.

(Spirit Walk - Jaunt)
Your friendly "oh shit" button. Press to bypass elite wallers and to re-position yourself away from heavy elite abilities.


I will only mention the items that have some substitutions/variance. Whatever that is stated as required is well, REQUIRED.

Use either Helltooth, or Mask of Jeram. This will depend on whether you decide to cube MoJ versus TnT. Note that the pet damage rolls here are very important, thus in order to maximize dps it is optimal to cube MoJ for 100% pet damage versus 50% attack speed on TnT because any attack speed rolls 40-50% will NOT change the Gargantuan's attack speed. They are locked in at a default 84 frames per attack without TnT, and at 60 frames per attack with any roll of 40-50% on the TnT.


Use Witching Hour for dps, or String of Ears for melee damage reduction if you're dying (which you shouldn't be).

You have a couple of options here. If you choose Hellfire (which I recommend), the 5th passive can be PIERCE THE VEIL or SPIRIT VESSEL. Besides that, any of the immunity amulets work. High priority given to lightning (Xephirian Amulet) because this element from elites is the hardest to dodge.

The Short Man's Finger is absolutely CORE in this Gargantuan pet build. Convention of elements is an overall 50% dps increase if rolled at 200%. ONLY swap with RORG if either of these two rolled terribly. RORG should almost never be equipped and cubed instead because it has a useless attack speed stat in this build.

The core difference in this build is the usage of Thing of the Deep offhand in order to maximize our pickup radius for Gruesome Feast and its insane DPS increase. Additionally, we can pick up the Elite globe drops to fill our progress bar faster. We have opted for this over Henri's Perquisition simply because we do not need the extra tankiness it brings. The alternatives are Henri's Perquisition and Uhkapian Serpent for defensive bonuses if you find yourself dying.


My name is KarQ / Karkew, and I am a semi-competitive variety gamer, meaning that I jump back and forth between multiple games at a semi-competitive level. Diablo 3 is the type of game that requires consistent grinding to stay on top of the leaderboards and is something that I cannot sustain for the long term. Thus, I usually play for the first month of every season and make it a goal to hit the top 100 solo leaderboard of whatever class I choose for that season before retiring for the next season. I peeked at rank 5 for the wizard in season 3 in the second week, but anybody who plays enough Diablo knows how fast you drop down the leaderboards as time goes on.

If you enjoyed my first written guide ever (on any platform/game), vote +1 to help bump it up! Please leave any comments/questions or feedback and I'll do my best to respond!

For some Diablo 3 gameplay and other games, you can find me on my stream link below. Come hang out, say hello, and feel free to ask me any questions. Thank you!

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