Kanai's Cube
K'mar Tenclip
Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan
Ring of Royal Grandeur
You can find general Set Dungeon information and Set Dungeon guides for the other classes at my Set Dungeon Thread.
The Demon Hunter's set dungeons are definitely the easiest I've attempted so far, and this one doesn't really require too much optimisation to complete. As long as you have the main Natalyas pieces, you can already attempt this and it should be simple to clear. Generally just optimising for speed and resource cost reduction is the way to go.
- You need to keep an eye out for your Hatred. Either stopping to cast Evasive Fire once or twice, or casting Preparation/Companion will help with this.
- Although I didn't run into this particular problem, I can envision a scenario where you might be doing too much damage and therefore cannot complete the maintain Rain of Vengeance for 90 seconds. If so, you might need to space out your Rain of Vengeance casts and slow down slightly!
Paragon Priorities
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed
Resist All
Life Regeneration
Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit
Gold Find
Build Guide
Welcome to my Set Dungeons Build Guides!
You can find general Set Dungeon information and Set Dungeon guides for the other classes at my Set Dungeon Thread.
This build focuses on the Natalyas Set for the Demon Hunter.
Requirements for Mastery
- Kill all monsters
- Maintain Rain of Vengeance for 90 seconds.
- Do not exhaust your Hatred.
Location: Act 1, outside the Wortham Chapel Cellar. The portal spawns at the entrance to the Wortham Chapel Cellar, so take the Wortham Chapel Cellar waypoint then just walk outside.
Feel free to comment below, you can also ask questions or catch me at:
Maintaining RoV is the hardest part here.
What was you CDR when you mastered the dungeon? I think I need to get a bit more CDR
Hmm really? I would've thought with the increased cooldown reduction to 4 seconds from the Natalyas 2 Set Bonus, along with the long duration on the RoV Dark Cloud rune, you'd be able to keep RoV up permanently even with minimal CDR. It's possible you might have had some bad monster spawn areas and couldn't hit anything to reduce your cooldown.
I can't remember what the CDR was exactly but I'd assume it would be around the 60% mark, CDR on gem in helm, shoulders, gloves, both weapons, both rings, and the Gogok gem.
If you're killing stuff too quickly, it might even be worth lowering your damage a bit so you can get more Nats 2 set bonus for your RoV. Other things worth trying include giving up some Resource Cost Reduction (Pride's Fall/Cindercoat) for more Cooldown Reduction (via Leoric's Crown).
I hadnt thought to switch to dark cloud like this build suggests, just my personal prefs. Thats pretty smart, I should read more on the build suggested here!!
I dont have generator problems with Stand still + Evasive fire (focus) held down then clicking strafe after each EF attack, hatred full.
A longer duration RoV is the perfect solution to master this right away.
Good luck, let me know how it goes with the Dark Cloud rune! Back in the early days of PTR, this Set Dungeon was bugged and could only be completed with the Shade rune, I'm glad it's fixed now though!
It worked first try, super easy with longer RoV duration.
First off, thank you for this guide. This was the easiest Set Dungeon I have done so far.
I do have a suggestion:
If you swap Preparation - Punishment for Vengeance - Seethe, you should have all the Hatred you need when you include Companion - Bat, Follower, and Hexing Pants. I had a Quiver with 1.4 Hatred/sec and finished the dungeon in 2:30-ish with easily 95% of my Hatred remaining. This will let you change your passives for more utility, I chose Thrill of the Hunt and Cull the Weak (+Bane of the Trapped) to increase damage, Hot Pursuit for a movement boost, and Ambush because it was there.
My gear was nothing special.... a completely untouched Natalya's that I had pieced together, an Ancient Yang's (no socket), F+R, with Dawn, Pride's Fall (I didn't have Hexing Pants), and RoRG in cube, so I had plenty of room for improvement.
Yeah there's quite a few different combinations that would work for this Set Dungeon due to Natalya's set not being tied to any specific skill for your generator/spender. In my notes I made mention that if you optimised/improved your gear too much, you could possibly complete this Set Dungeon in under 90 seconds and therefore fail one of the objectives!
I actually did this Set Dungeon very early on during Season 5 with almost no gear and no Crashing Rain for the Seasonal Conquest, so you probably don't require anything outside of the core Natalya's Set items to complete this conquest.
In terms of difficulty I'd probably rank this as the 2nd easiest dungeon after the Crusader Invoker Set Dungeon. You probably need to do a practice run or two if you've never played with Strafe/Natalya's just to get the rotations and skills cast correctly, even though it's much easier as of this patch due to the 2 set bonus increased cooldown reduction on Rain of Vengeance.
i failed at this set doungen a few times... because i ran out of mobs... killed them too fast....
What I suspect user 'Gooboo' was talking about is being too efficient and killing all the monsters before 90 seconds is up, therefore failing the objective to keep Rain of Vengeance up for 90 seconds.
Either that, or he killed the monsters he could see too quickly, and couldn't reach any other monsters quickly enough to reset the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance. Just having cooldown isn't a guarantee that you'll be able to re-cast Rain of Vengeance constantly, monsters spawns on the map are completely random so you could easily not have any monsters in a particular area, causing you to restart the objective.
Thanks a lot!
lol Maybe I can finally get this thing done!
if you have Cindercoak in cube pride's fall and run Templar+bat+seethe rune for vengeance, i could not get below 100% hatred and never stopped moving
Also, i did not use any hatred gen. so switch your night stalker to hot pursuit but had punish just in-case, off-hand i used Calamity for the marked passive, nat's ring+CoE with CD ring in cube. finished in 2m30sec
also did you know you have 3 ways cube/rune/wep that give your strafe drifting shadow
Yeah I was very lazy when I first made the guide so there's a lot of overlapping items, thanks for reminding me, I've just updated the items a bit.
The basic story of this Set Dungeon is that it is so simple that you can complete it with just the basic 6 Set Items using the skills listed. It 'might' help to get the Crashing Rain belt just so your Rain of Vengeance cast definitely kills everything, but you really don't need anything else to Master this Set Dungeon.
Why are you taking Tactical Advantage without Vault equipped?
Smoke Screen triggers Tactical Advantage as well.
Excellent guide. I only had the main natalya set, and the ring set and took me two tries. The first try was just to test it out. I had a maxed CD gem in head and only a level 1 Gorgok of Swiftness. So if I can master this dungeon, anyone can. Thanks again! =D
I had no cindercoke, but it was still a walk in the park, I misstook that I had to cast strafe for 90 seconds, rofl that moment when I realized it was RoV. GG WP
thanks a tons +1'd
This felt like the easiest set dungeon of the four (Impale being most tedious), and when I saw this guide, I found that I no longer owned many of the items suggested. So, instead, I ran with:
Head/Chest/Legs/Feet/Hands/Ring1: Natalya set
Shoulders: Marauder's set (doesn't really matter, just using it for % CDR)
Amulet/Ring2: Compass/Traveller combo
Wrists: Reaper's Wraps
Belt: The Witching Hour
Weapon1/2: Danetta Set. Yeah, why Strafe when you can Vault m'dude.
Emeralds in everything 'cept Helm (Diamond for CDR), and same legendary gems from this guide were used (Trapped, Gogok, Zei).
Kanai: In-Geom (practically 33% off RoV once that first Elite dies), Pride's Fall (Cost Reduction, though I never had to use Companion or Preparation), and Obisidian Ring of the Zodiac (extra chunks off RoV).
My skill set-up was entirely the same as the guide, except Strafe was replaced with Vault [Action Shot]. This little custom tweak allowed me to be super mobile, always have RoV ready (while previous RoV had 60% duration left), and never worry about my resources. Completed the goal on the first attempt with 3m 20s left. Would suggest using this tweak if you do not have the various legendaries the guide requests.
This was done Nov 3, '17 during Patch 2.6.1, at Paragon 802.
I found that I had to reduce my damage a lot in order to keep ROV up. I ended up removing all but Natalya's gear and jewelry. If I did not do this, then ROV kept resetting because there was nothing for it to hit. With this build, I could move through the groups at a little slower pace and keep Vengeance up nearly all the time with Seethe and not have to worry about rage much.
Kanai's Cube Powers