Kanai's Cube
Envious Blade
Pride's Fall
Ring of Royal Grandeur
You can find general Set Dungeon information and Set Dungeon guides for the other classes at my Set Dungeon Thread.
The Demon Hunter's set dungeons are definitely the easiest I've attempted so far, and this one doesn't really require any optimisation to complete. As long as you have the main Shadow pieces, you can already attempt this and it should be simple to clear. Generally just optimising for speed and resource cost reduction is the way to go.
It appears that the shields that some Skeletal Monsters in the Shadows Set Dungeon appear to blocking the first Impale hit, therefore preventing you from killing the monster with a second Impale if you don't want to break the Impale Chain objective. I personally didn't encounter this issue in my two Mastery completions of this Set Dungeon (I highly suspect there's a damage threshold you need to be over), but there was a great suggestion by user 'MomoPewpew' to use the Legendary Gem Pain Enhancer. The critical hit caused by Envious Blade will guarantee that the Bleed effect is placed on the monster, which should kill the monster off if your initial Impale didn't (Pain Enhancer may need extra levels if the bleed isn't killing monsters off). Please comment in this build guide if Pain Enhancer helps you out so I can confirm this!
AVOID using the Ricochet/Overpenetration runes on Impale. I've been advised that if your initial Impale does not kill the target that is hit, then you CANNOT impale them again otherwise it will break the objective to 'Chain consecutive bonus damage impale hits on 20 different enemies'. User 'cying' has pointed out that the chain breaks when using the Ricochet Rune when hitting Elites, but not on other monsters. The easiest way around this is to follow the guide, which will allow you to instantly kill every enemy due to the 100% critical hit chance of Envious Blade, coupled with Impale - Grievous Wounds. If you don't have the Envious Blade weapon (either equipped or in the Cube) then you will probably need to choose a second damage skill to kill the monster off so that the chain doesn't break. I didn't have any troubles with Area Damage, but 'bigamie' reports that you may possibly need to remove Area Damage as well from your paragons/items for the same reason.
You MUST CAST SHADOW POWER MANUALLY in order for the Slow enemies objective to update, since the slow rune only lasts for 5 seconds rather than providing a constant slow while Shadow Power is active like I originally thought.
You should dismiss your follower so that they don't deal damage to monsters before you do, otherwise the Envious Blade legendary power will not work! It is possible that you may need to replace Companion with another skill for this same reason, although I didn't have any troubles with my bat attacking monsters before I did.
Paragon Priorities
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat
Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Resist All
Life Regeneration
Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit
Gold Find
Build Guide
Welcome to my Set Dungeons Build Guides!
You can find general Set Dungeon information and Set Dungeon guides for the other classes at my Set Dungeon Thread.
This build focuses on the reworked Shadow Set for the Demon Hunter.
Requirements for Mastery
- Kill all monsters
- Chain consecutive bonus damage impale hits on 20 different enemies, 5 times.
- Slow 45 different enemies with your Shadow Power.
Location: Act 5, Pandemonium Fortress Level 3. The portal spawns just before the entrance to Malthael, so it is quite far away from the closest waypoint.
Tome of Set Dungeons, Page 63: Alliance of the Dying Sun, The way was more difficult than we had imagined, but I have placed and opened the portal on the pathway to the Heart of the Fortress. -- Brother Lyam
Feel free to comment below, you can also ask questions or catch me at:
One question bro, why RoRG in cube, you listed full Shadow set and i think, not sure, you can't get bonus for belt set? Tnx for guides and GL!
I've added RoRG just for more flexible builds, in this case you could use Pride's Fall for the resource cost reduction. If you're wearing the full set, feel free to substitute in one of the other rings listed (Obsidian Ring or Convention of Elements).
The Krelm's Buff Belt is there just for the movement speed, although you could use the Krelm's Bracer as well but it isn't necessary. You can use any Belt and you should be fine!
Thanks for the input! I've updated the build guide slightly to account for Area Damage possibly breaking the Impale chain.
You need to use a generator then if you're using Focus and Restraint, so you'd probably want to equip the Spines of the Seething Hatred and use Chakram as your generator, or Bola/Grenade.
From what I can tell based on the wording by the Blizzard Rep that posted the information, the 40000% damage bonus isn't applied to ANY of the runes. Either way you still get a huge boost to your damage from the Grievous Wounds rune due to the combination with Envious Blade, which guarantees you a critical hit since monsters should be 100% health. This should one shot every single monster even with basic gear. Remember to dismiss your follower, and possibly remove Companion from the skill bar so they don't deal damage to the monsters before you do! You can definitely replace the movement speed passives listed above with Ambush and/or Cull the Weak for more damage if required.
I still find the build above to be much easier to gear for rather than finding a Focus/Restraint. You don't even need a Karlei's Point, just the Envious Bladeand the Shadows Set itself should be sufficient to clear this Set Dungeon. You will need farm some act 3 bounty bags and hope one pops out though but at least it's a somewhat reliable way of farming an item.
In the video i notice you one shoting all the skeletal raiders with shields. What allows you to do this? I've tried positioning, but even from the back it doesn't one shot.
Unfortunately I'm not sure how the mechanics of the shields work. A friend who also attempted to use this guide and was running into the same issue so I suspect it's something do with the amount of damage you deal. A Wiki post here: states that "Uses a shield to block all incoming damage. Shield will block a limited amount of damage before breaking. No more damage is blocked once shield is broken."
I did this Set Dungeon twice - first time with 831 paragon levels and well optimised gear in the video showcased, but I also did this a second time for the Seasonal Conquest with only 200 odd paragons. I do know I had an ancient Envious Blade weapon (Karlei's Point in the cube) in my second run and didn't encounter any issues with one shotting the shield monsters.
Can you try to complete this Set Dungeon using the Pain Enhancer gem instead of the Gogok of Swiftness gem and/or increasing your paragons/damage? There was a good recommendation made by user 'MomoPewpew' to use Pain Enhancer to let the gem's bleed effect finish off the monsters. Unfortunately there's no easy way for me to test how this works as I've only kept Ancient pieces of the Shadow gear so I'd likely one shot the monsters.
As a side note from re-watching my Shadows Set Dungeon video, I noted multiple times where Area Damage was proccing and killing multiple monsters with a single Impale so it appears Area Damage does not affect the Impale Chain objective. Please note that the monsters hit by the Area Damage ALSO died instantly, I'm not sure how the Impale Chain objective is affected if the monster is hit by Area Damage but is still alive.
nvm should be doing bounties to get it
I used pain Enhancer on the shield skeleton and it worked very well!! thanks for the guide
Yeah it could be a combination of higher paragons/better gear that enabled you to kill the shield skeletons in one hit, but I'm glad it sounds like Pain Enhancer is working for others!
Where does the postal spawn? I have page 56 and I am in Fortess level III , standing at Heart of the Fortess portal. Do I need more than 1 clue?
If you watch the very start of the YouTube video, you can see the portal spawn point. If the portal isn't spawning, please check that you have the full 6 piece Shadow Set bonus activated. If it is still not spawning you might need to contact Blizzard Support as you may have encountered a bug.
This is probably a dumb question but how exactly does one obtain the pieces for the set. I got the chest from the blood stone chicken kadala randomly but haven't seen any of the other or how to obtain them
Oh, my goodness; I just wanted to thank everyone who suggested using impale with the fire rune, cindercoat in cube, the Gem of Efficacious Toxin (level 0), remove companion, remove follower, Krelm's Buff Belt, Hot Pursuit, and Tactical Advantage. I was finally able to stop breaking the chain which was so frustrating. Even going slowly and clicking mobs one by one, I had plenty of time to master the dungeon on the first try after making all of these changes.