[2.4] GR90+ LoN Bombardment
Leoric's Crown
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Hellfire Amulet
Eye of Etlich
Mara's Kaleidoscope
- Stat Priority: Physical % Str CDR Socket
Heart of Iron
Aquila Cuirass
- Stat Priority: Str Vit Skill: Bombardment
Sanguinary Vambraces
Nemesis Bracers
Ancient Parthan Defenders
- Stat Priority: Physical % Str Vit AR
St. Archew's Gage
Stone Gauntlets
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AD CDR
Belt of the Trove
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Thorns
Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan
Pox Faulds
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Illusory Boots
Ice Climbers
Fire Walkers
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR LPS
Litany of the Undaunted
The Wailing Host
- Stat Priority: Str CDR AD Socket
Sun Keeper
- Stat Priority: Str Vit CDR AD
Lidless Wall
Akarat's Awakening
Coven's Criterion
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AD CDR
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
Thanks to Toetag, here is some useful information:
Shoulders: The Invoker shoulders are probably the best bet for anyone that is using the upgrade to legendary option in the cube. They will always roll with thorns, and legendary affix on other shoulders isn't really that important.
Bracers - Strongarms are also an option. They're useful for groups or for solo if you're running condemn.
Gloves - St. Archew's give a bubble that is extremely useful, especially in higher GRs.
Weapon - Of the 3 main weapons listed, I personally feel that the Switmount is the easiest to farm into a perfect or close to perfect roll. with Swiftmount, you're looking for STR, VIT, CDR, AD, which is 4 stats. Rerolling the weapon damage to one of the stats you need is perfectly fine. With Dombringer, you want PHYS, STR, VIT, CDR, AD, which is going to be more difficult because of the %20 physical being optimal. The Sunkeeper is similar as in addition to the usual, you also need a good legendary property roll. (30% bonus dmg to elites) Swiftmount has a different playstyle than the other two which you may or may not like.
Shield - If you're looking to gamble for a Lidless Wall, use a barbarian. This is because as a crusader, you'll end up gambling for both non crusader shields, as well as crusader shields. Barbs can only roll non crusader shields.
There are many options on how you build. Consecration Bed of Nails, Divine Shield Divine Verdict, LoJ Decaying Strength or Immovable Object, LoH Hopeful Cry, are all good choices for the two slots that can be changed. Those are the Right Click and No. 3 slots on this build.
You may not really see your sader take off until you reach enough CDR to make Akarat's Champion active on every physical roll around. I believe that number is 65%. Balancing stats is probably the most difficult aspect of this build as you have to sometimes save a new piece until you can use it without hurting your CDR, Phys, STR, VIT and AD too much. Thorns isn't as important on the armor slots that can't roll 9,500. Ultimately though, you'll want it on as many pieces as possible without sacrificing the more important stats.
Running STR gems or AR gems in your gear is usually going to be a personal choice. Many use a combination of the two as well and do fine.
For T10 use SWIFTMOUNT and for High Greater Rifts use Doombringer 
5th passive = INDESTRUCTABLE
To see More Detailed STATS on items: http://ptr.d3planner.com/415793918
Paragon Priorities
Movement Speed |
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Maximum Resource |
Cooldown Reduction |
Attack Speed |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Resist All |
Armor |
Life Regeneration |
Life |
Area Damage |
Life on Hit |
Gold Find |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Why not sanguinary vambraces? Are they bugged or IC too long ?
Thx for great guide!!
sry for noob question
in D3planner it's seem that critical chance/ critical damage has huge effect in bombarment(barrels of spikes) dmg output
as i understand thorn mechanic didn't get benefit from cc/chd
but skill that get bonus from thorn still apply cri
so, what is ideal stat to roll
Ex: hellfire amulet
amulet roll : element20% cc10 chd 100 [] / thorn
compare with : element 20% str 1000 CDR [] /thorn
what roll should we aim? or i just misunderstand
bad eng sry :3
Is this really viable after nerf to bombardment thorns rune ? I know people did crazy things with LoN on PTR, but there were so many changes/nerfs to thorns that it is hard to say what was actually best on PTR.
Actually Dhraque, id love to see a video
This seems interesting to me but i didnt do much investigation into ptr and i thought thorns was only good while using invoker set. it would seem that i am wrong.
The question is: was it done before or after bombardment nerf ? Thorns rune on bombardment has now 200% thorns dmg multiplier. It was 1500% before. It looks like with this setup horse damage will be much stronger than bombardment.
This build seens realy hard to play, the CDs are way too high, do you have any video guide to help us?
This is the top build for now on nonseason EU (was 84 clear yesterday).
Vitality is worse than str damage wise. Let's say you have 8k vit (that's alot) that means you will gain max. 24k thorns from it. Weapon gem alone gives you 38k, new legendary gem will give you around 100k (when leveled to 90+). Now strength scales from all your thorns damage, so actually every point spent in str amplifies ur all thorns damage, while vit only increases small portion of thorns.
Is it >this< or >this< which is the one to prefer? the first one being linked from the spreadsheet
Hey drahque,
This is dkoi a fellow long time crusader, this setup is really exactly what I'm running the only difference I'll be making is I'll be running provoke hit me over resolved and will be taking voltoyas spike instead of lid less the results I had with it superceded the results I found using lidless and was a far higher dps increase overall with the right amount of cdr.
Best regards man and excellent work to all your guys who put this together.

Most likely a n00b question but, since the Bombardment has a 60 seconds cooldown and you don't have other attacks except the horse skill, while they are on cooldown you simply run around in circle? Or I miss something and you can always default attack? I have a hard time grasping the fighting strategy
Thanks for your time! I look forward to try this build.
so what playstyle is it? is there a video showing how to play this build? I got no clue
This is not a tank build. The goal is not to spam bombardment. Instead, with 57-60% cooldown you can pop Iron skin and bombardment on each physical cycle of CoE. I think most of your time between casts will be spent aggro'ing and running between elite packs to keep Archew absorb shield up. Just my experience, I haven't seen a game play video yet.
I got most of this set with 10 ancient pieces so far (using my ancient pig sticker until my doombringer rolls better) it totally wrecks even without all the right pieces, but do you need to be able to default attack at all? Because you can't on the ps4 unless you use a skill like punish :/
Loving the build so far, 2 questions. On my ancient weapon if i have good STR/VIT/Area Damange should I roll the weapon damage off to get CDR or is having weapon damage good for the bombardments? And second question. If I get an ancient hellfire with good STR/VIT/Socket should I roll Phys Damage or Thorns onto it?
I've played this in group a bit on Console (so I've already farmed the gear like non-season). I'm on Hardcore, so I'm a bit gimped to stay alive (swift mount and storm shield). I really like standing in the oculus rings the globe Barb drops for the bombardment casts. I don't think hexing pants are ideal for this though. What's the next best option?
maybe I can spin in place? I will have to try.
I am loving this build so far. I can definitely see how it wrecks, especially with a group. Quick question though. On this site you have stricken as to use for a legendary gem. On the D3 planner, you have gogok instead of stricken. I can see where both would be good, but which one is the optimum one in your opinion?
I am also curious about this, I had rerolled the damage off my weapons for the Invoker set build, but I'm not sure how important it is for bombardment. It does seem wrong running around with a weapon that does 300 damage instead of 2500
Right now, I can ride around almost continuously, but only because I got CDR on a bunch of things, I've got Leoric's Crown in my cube, and I'm wielding a Swiftmount. I tested out switching weapons (though I don't have a Doombringer), and it results in quite a bit of downtime. How do you fill that gap? I see that you're using Bombardment, but it's got a pretty long cooldown time.
Does Hexing Pants work on LoN Bonbard build ? with the 25% increase DMG ?