
Thorn build crusader (Beta)

BBCode Link


  • Punish Roar
  • Provoke Hit Me
  • Bombardment Barrels of Spikes
  • Consecration Bed of Nails
  • Iron Skin Reflective Skin
  • Condemn Vacuum
  • Iron Maiden
  • Finery
  • Indestructible
  • Fervor


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Mutilation Guard
    • No Gem Selected

Kanai's Cube

  • Hack
  • Unity

Hi and welcome to my second build. This build is about the new Thorn crusader.


Right, we are using the invoker set for the thorn + bombardment procs. the set does the following things:

- aoe thorn damage

- buffs your primary skills, we will be using punish for this build

- 50% damage reduction after bombardment, wich is permanent because we are using the Belt of Trove (bombardment every 6 seconds)

We are using invokers helmet, shoulders, legs, feet and gloves plus a Ring of Royal Grandeur so we get the full set bonus without wearing 6 pieces, this opens up a slot for the Sanguinary Vambraces (chance for 1000% thorn damage).

For the chest piece we are using the new Heart of Iron (400~500% thorn dmg increase based of your vit), since we are using this we are stacking vit on all our gear so we pump our thorn damage as high as possible.

The belt we are using is the Belt of Trove, as i named earlier in this guide. it calls for a bombardment every 6~8 seconds wich gives us a permanent 50% damage reduction. Also, with the new rework, it deals 1500% of your thorn damage. yes you read that right, 1500%! Try to get a good belt with a 6 second proc.

The shield is called Vo'Toyias Spiker, it gives dubble thorn damage to enemies that are prevoked. More damage = good.


The new endless walk set is really nice for this build, 100% damage when you are standing still and 50% damage reduction while walking, do i need to explain? well i guess i do since this is a guide.. aight, we are gonna pull the mobs in our little save heaven so they get blown up by our consecration, so we are standing in one spot and our damage goes up by a 100%, when we are walking from spot to spot we get a 50% damage reduction, again...

You could also get a Hellfire amulet with the Lord Comander passive, which grants a 25% cdr to steed charge and whopping 35% to bombardment, I'd use this for a speed farm variant on this build, so you can kill elites fast on T10.


We are using Inviolable Faith as our main weapon, a nice little flail wich makes our consecration stack on our team members. if you are running a greater rift with like monk thats gathering the mobs for you, you can stand on top of each other and cast consecration, dubble damage! imagine a crusader with 3 support monks.. huehuehue...

If you've found a nice Hack, this lovely little axe gives you 75~100% thorn damage on every hit, wich has a nice sync with our cubed belt (more about that later), our 2 and 6 set bonus from the invoker set. I suggest putting this weapon on the cube since it rolls shit most of the time and you'll be sure to get a 100% proc once cubed.


As i said before we put the Hack in the cube so we get the 100% thorn damage bonus on every attack.

The armor slot will be used for an aquila cuirass. it gives you 50% damage reduction when you are at almost full resource, which we are all the time.

An Unity in the jewelery slot for the 50% damage reduction when you're in a solo rift with your loyal templar. If you are in a group I'd switch it to an Overwhelming Desire (charms enemies, once charmed, they take 35% extra damage. Who can't resist a bald giant with an octopus shield... Sexy af).

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

pretty basic paragon points. cap movement speed, get vitality, more vitality = more damage + tankyness.

cap CDR, get attackspeed since we are using a primary attack to spread the thorn damage.

Get all res first and Armor last. crusaders gain Armor through strenght. Life is pretty nice too since we are stacking vit.

For utility, get Area Damage and life on hit first.

Build Guide


punish - roar

punish for the invoker proc, we take roar for the invoker proc and roar for te aoe fire damage

prevoke - hit me

some block chance for survival. cleanse may also be nice if you lack life per hit

Bombardment - Barrels of Spikes

1500% thorn damage? yes please. this is our elite kill-inator. we proc this every 6 seconds anyway, if you click it at the same time as the proc, you'll have a huge burst on elites

Consecration - Bed of Nails

100% Thorn damage every second and a heal. with enough CDR you can have an uptime of 100%

Iron skin - Reflective skin

100% thorn damage increase. Buffs everything else

Condemn - Vacuum

our pull ability, it sucks everything inside our Consecration.


Iron maiden

100% thorn damage. why wouldn't you take this?


second life.


15% CDR and 15% Attack Speed.


more strenght is more damage and defence.