Build Guide
Do you guys want to gain paragon levels absurdly fast with minimally optimized gear? Well you're in luck because you can! With just a little bit of proper statting, you can farm with the best in no time. With this build I generally farm about Tier 72 or higher with my clan mates, with about 8 minute runs on average, generally adding up to about 250 billion xp/hour with xp pools. I know right? Welcome to the paragon grind of Season 4.
A little bit about me so you believe what I say. I am almost at 1100 paragon this season, I cleared a tier 68 solo in 13 minutes at the beginning of october which gave me a top 100 clear at the time, now it is about top 200. I have not had much time to push that since then. I also am about top 400 on 4p leaderboards with my pull barb. I intend to increase both of those rankings in the next week or two. I have done all of this while working and going to school full time, so I have had to be superefficient with my time. And no, I DO NOT BOT. This is evidence of how efficient this build is. I will try and get some runs recorded soon so that you can see the build in action. I also stream occasionally at Also here is a link to my exact build if you want to look Come by and watch and ask me questions if you want. Enough boring talk about me, onto the build!
To start off, this build is meant to be run with in four man groups with 2 people in full xp bonus gear. You are one of them. The current group meta generally consists of you, the xp/pull barb, a healer monk, a sunwuko/exploding palm monk, and any high dps character. There are constantly changes to this meta and different viable options, but the majority of my explanation for this build will assume you are running in this type of group.
You have 3 main jobs in this build:
1. Scouting, aggroing, and pulling monsters.
2. Keeping the ignore pain buff on your team 100% of the time.
3. Making everybody move really, really, ridiculously fast.
1. In high tier greater rifts, the goal is to set up giant packs of monsters first, blow them up once you have done so, and then move on to the next pack, rinse and repeat. In order to do this, you must first find areas of high density, begin aggroing as much as possible, and then pulling as much as possible with your Ancient Spear. You are generally going to be the first in and first out of every pack of monsters. In my opinion, the Pull barb should generally be the leader of the party because of this very reason. Run ahead of your team (but not too far ahead, I will go over positioning in a little bit) and find an area with a lot of monsters that can be pulled together. These are generally big open rooms, but sometimes just wherever a lot of monsters happen to spawn. Once you have found this spot, notify your team that that is where you want to fight. If you aren't in voice chat with them, just drop a banner so they know where to go. You will often see beginner pull barbs stop there and start pulling monsters; this is an incredibly INEFFECIENT way to build density. The reason we call where we want to fight is because we aren't gonna stop there. Your next job is to aggro as many monsters as possible. Run around in every possible direction around where you want to fight until all the monsters in range are running after you. This way they do half the work for you. Now run into the center of the density pack, where your team should be set up by now and begin pulling any stragglers in. Ideally you will pull in all enemies in range before your group's dps pops the Exploding palms. If your dps is smart he will wait until you have pulled in all possible monsters, but let's be honest we don't play with smart people often. So hurry the hell up and pull in as much as you can. Once you have pulled in as much as possible, try to use ancient spear on everything to apply your strong arms buff. When the majority of the density has popped, it is time to rinse and repeat the entire situation.
2. Keeping ignore pain on your team 100% of the time can be a little trickier than it may sound. And honestly it sounds tricky. First of all, I go over how to get 100% up time on IP in the gear section, make sure you have that first. But there are some more subtleties to it than that. In order for your team to keep the buff from ignore pain, you have to cast it while they are all in range, and then stay in range of them throughout the duration. The moment you leave range of a teammate, the buff is lost for them and does not come back up until cast again, even if you return back in range! So it is critical to learn your range and stay in that range of your team mate. This gets hard in a few situations. First when you go to aggro more monsters into your pack, be sure you only go as far to aggro as you can without leaving this range. Second when your team is running only stay far enough ahead that your team is still in range of your IP and you are still in range of your monks heals. Third, and by far the most tricky to deal with, is when a team mate dies. When a teammate dies, they obviously lose IP, and then they can not regain it until after they come out of that black and white screen upon respawning, and remember it has to be cast once they are alive, not before or the buff won't come up on them until the next time you cast it. This is why deaths often begin to chain one after another once somebody dies. The irony of the whole situation is that often these deaths are caused by IP dropping in the first place. So don't let IP drop!
3. This is the most simple job. Make your team run really freaking fast. Although rend mutilate sounds like a nice skill for this build, in speed runs sprint - forced march is so much more important for getting your team to run really fast from one pack to the next. This is also why we run Chilaniks chain, for even more move speed from war cry. Once again make sure to stay in range of your team as you run to keep these buffs on them, and get everyone to move as quickly as possible from one good area to the next. Skip past all low density areas, it is a waste of time trying to make something out of what is not there. Just use your super fast group move speed to get to the next good area.
Other skill options:
As I said, rend is good for damage, but the move speed from sprint is just better. Also rend causes lag.
War cry runes: impunity is another good option. Depending on your group's resistances it may be better than Veteran's warning, also if you have a HotA barb as your dps, be sure to communicate with him which rune he is using, because you are wasting a skill if you are both running the same one.
Ancient spear - rage flip, I don't suggest this run for speed runs. You may see that many leaderboard pull barbs are using this. The strength of it is that it can pull monsters far further with much more ease. This can be useful in high tier pushes, but in speed runs it is a waste of time. The value is that you can pull elites along with you as you move. The weakness is that it cannot pull as much density. Since our goal is to just move quickly from one place to the next, it is generally a waste of time to try pulling elites along as you move, so stick with harpoon for speed runs.
Some small details that will improve your play(skip past this if you just want the basics, come back when you want to be exceptional!):
Harpoon is a complicated skill. Some things to note: You cannot pull through walls, you cannot pull over holes in caves, the part of the spear you hit enemies with DOES matter. Doorways are hell for a pull barb. Some enemies don't fit through doorways, some enemies only fit if perfectly centered. You have a few options to deal with them. One good option is to fight on the doorway. The strength to this is that you do not have to bother pulling enemies through, the weakness is that exploding palms will not hit as many targets. Another option is to run as far in to the room as possible so that the monsters have an easier time running in on there own. Another very difficult trick you can use when monsters get stuck on doorways, is to run back behind them, pull them away and directly centered to the doorway and then run back in and pull them through.
The position on the harpoon that you hit the enemy with judges how far you pull the enemy. The tip of the spear not only pulls an overall longer distance, but also a longer percentage of the distance from the monster to you. If you hit with a close spot on the spear you will notice that it only pulls monsters about half the distance between you, while if you hit with the tip, the monsters quickly fling all the way towards you. So try to learn to hit monsters with Just The Tip!
Overall, learning your hitboxes, on the maps, on the spear, and on the monsters will make you the very best like no one ever was.
Dexterity ring on barb ?