
[2 MAN GR 80+] Istvan's Paired Blades ZDPS

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  • Cyclone Strike Wall of Wind
  • Inner Sanctuary Forbidden Palace
  • Way of the Hundred Fists Fists of Fury
  • Epiphany Desert Shroud
  • Mystic Ally Enduring Ally
  • Mantra of Healing Sustenance
  • Beacon of Ytar
  • Resolve
  • Near Death Experience
  • Harmony


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard
    • Iceblink
    • Esoteric Alteration

Kanai's Cube

  • Flying Dragon
  • Illusory Boots
  • Rogar's Huge Stone
This is currently the strongest support build for 2 man GR's.


IAS - Increased Attack Speed

IPB - Istvan's Paired Blades

WotHF - Way of the Hundred Fists

APD - Ancient Parthan Defenders

Basic Gameplay

It's a reasonably simple spin on the standard Inna's ZDPS monk, using Flying Dragon, Istvan's Paired Blades, and 2 piece Raiment for Increased Attack Speed to proc your partners Static Charge with WotHF.

The gameplay is similar to a standard ZDPS monk, but instead of regaining spirit from Blinding Flash + Laws of Seph, you're using WotHF.

Find a bunch of dudes, use Cyclone Strike, suck 'em in all dense like, put down an Inner Sanctuary and start spamming WotHF, and watch those nerds melt, using your Mantra, and Mystic Ally active as needed for damage mitigation. Pretty simple but more fun to play than the standard heal monk IMO.

Skill Breakdown

Cyclone Strike - Wall of Wind - Pulls in dudes, Freezes them, proccing Iceblink, and APDs (if the monk you're playing with is using them). Use this every few seconds when fighting to keep the IAS from your 5 stack IPBs up.

Epiphany - Desert Shroud - Every build and it's mother uses this skill and rune. 50% damage reduction, teleporting around, and spirit regen. Very powerful and useful in almost all situations. Keep it on cooldown as much as possible.

Way of the Hundred Fists - Fists of Fury - Probably the most broken skill in the game currently. This skill has the highest proc coefficient in the game, and combined with your partners Fists of Thunder - Static Charge works.... very well to say the least.

Inner Sanctuary - Forbidden Palace - 55% Damage reduction, 30% increased damage, and a really strong slow, uhhhh YES PLEASE. Use it on cooldown when you're in combat.

Mystic Ally - Enduring Ally - Gives you free LPS, keeps dudes off of you (which can be good or bad), and you can pop it for a 100% full heal. I use the active mostly for when I get lazy and stand in arcane lasers or desecrator puddles for a few ticks by accident.

Mantra of Healing - Sustenance - Gives approximately eleventy-billion LPS to your partner, you can use active to provide you and your partner a dinky shield for a few seconds. The shield mitigation is more cute than actually meaningful, but the life per second is ridiculous.

Other Stuff

-Your Hellfire passive is Unity!
-Immunity ammys are a fine substitute for hellfire
-Put Diamonds in all your armor for All Res + CDR
-Put Purple Gems in your Weapons for LPH
-Try to aim for around 30ish% IAS (including 10% from paragon points)
-Remember to buy milk at the grocery store later today.
-If you have any questions feel free to ask, and I'll gladly give you an answer that is most likely wrong.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Life Regeneration
Resist All


Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit
Gold Find

This may not be optimal order, but who cares really.

Build Guide

This is currently the strongest ZDPS build in the game!!!!! for 2 man grifts with a Duogen Monk

Please note I did not come up with this build, nor math it out, I found it on the top of the 2 man leaderboards, and have not been able to find a guide for it so I decided to make one :)