
Death's Breath Shenlong's Static Charge Build

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  • Way of the Hundred Fists Fists of Fury
  • Mantra of Conviction Overawe
  • Epiphany Insight
  • Breath of Heaven Infused with Light
  • Dashing Strike Radiance
  • Fists of Thunder Static Charge
  • Beacon of Ytar
  • Exalted Soul
  • Harmony
  • Seize the Initiative


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Simplicity's Strength

Kanai's Cube

  • Flying Dragon
  • Leoric's Crown
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

Stack secondary resistance on all pieces you can for benefit from the passive Harmony.

Stack maximum spirit on weapons.

You can swap the gloves, head, and boots slot between Sage's or Raiment set but remember that you have to complete the three pieces bonus of the Sage's and the four pieces bouns of the Raiment.

If you equip an Hellfire Amulet the fifth passive will be Alacrity.

If you are feeling that you are low on damage due for example of difficulty rolls of Focus and Restraint you can drop some cooldown reduction on them, or maybe you can use The Witching Hour instead of the Vigilante Belt but remember to keep up the 100% uptime of Breath Of Heaven (it also give you a high uptime of Epiphany that means more uptime of the Shenlong's and more Dashing Strike for mobility).

Paragon Priorities


Maximum Resource
Primary Stat
Movement Speed


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Area Damage
Gold Find

Build Guide

This build allows you to equip the Sage's set, that increase your death's breath drop by one, and it's base around the cooldown reduction. You will have 100% Breath Of Heaven uptime and 100% Epiphany uptime (100% Epiphany uptime with 15 stacks of Gogok). You have a lot of spirit, you can literally spam Dashing strike for moving thanks to 4 pieces Raiment set and you also proc Focus and Restraint. For the damage it works like a normal Static Charge duo-generators build. You can min-max the build depending on your items but don't drop too much cooldown reduction, you must have at least 100% Breath Of Heaven uptime that also means a really high uptime of epiphany. Tested and it's really, really, fast.


1 - Use Breath Of Heaven and Epiphany on cooldown
2 - Dash for move or to proc Focus and Restraint (4 secs buff)
3 - Apply Static Charge with Fists Of Thunder (6 secs debuff on monster)
4 - Use Way Of The Hundred Fists to proc Static Charge

5 - Move

(In some situations you can also activate the Mantra)