Build Guide
Hello, DatModz here! Introducing the Strongest Solo Static Charge Monk Build. The build revolves around secondary CC effects to stun/freeze mobs to proc APD's granting you HUGE survivability boost.
Basic Overview
- Ancient Parathan Defenders are activated by secondary stun/freeze on hit effects on your gloves,belt & weapons (DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS BUILD WITHOUT THOSE ROLLS) you want to have 10%+ CC Effects combined on your gear to get the full benefit of this build.
- You need 1.85 Sheet APS without active buffs How to Calculate Flying Dragon Uptime
- Apply your Static Charge debuff on mobs, attack with Way of the Hundred Fist to proc the static charge effect
- Breath of Heavens on Cooldown
- Activate Epiphany: Desert Shroud when encountering big density or sketchy elites, it can also be used as a O-SHIT teleport if you use all your Dashing Strike Charges
- Dash every 4 seconds to activate the attack speed buff & Restraint Ring
- When in sketchy situations or you need added toughness use your mantra activation
- Preferred Stacking Resist: Physical
- On single target use Fist of Thunder over WotHF
- Make sure to have unity on your follower or you will not get the 50% Damage Reduction
- + Spirit = Damage & +% Stun/Freeze on Hit = Survivability
Stat Priorities (Secondary Slots in Red are MANDATORY)
- Helmet- Socket, Dexterity, Critical Hit Chance, Vitality Secondary Stats: +15 Max Spirit
- Shoulders- Dexterity, Vitality, 15% Life, Resist All Secondary Stats: Health Globe Bonus & Pick-up Radius
- Amulet- Socket, Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage, % Lightning Skill Increase or Dexerity Secondary Stats: Stacking Resist
- Chest- Socket X 3, Dexterity, Vitality, 11% Reduction from Elites or 15% Life Secondary Stats: Stacking Resist & Reduction from Ranged Attacks
- Belt- 7% Attack Speed,Critical Hit Damage, Dexterity, Vitality or Fist of Thunder Damage Secondary Stats: 4%+ Freeze on Hit & Stacking Resist
- Legs- Socket x2, Dexterity, Vitality, Armor Secondary Stats: Life after Kill
- Bracers- Critical Hit Chance, Dexterity, % Lightning Skills Increase, Vitality Secondary Stats: Stacking Resist
- Boots- Dexterity, Vitality, 12% Movement Speed, Armor Secondary Stats: Stacking Resist
- Gloves- Dex, Vitality, Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage Secondary Stats: 4%+ Stun on Hit & Stacking Resist
- Ring 1- Socket, Critical Hit Chance, Dexterity, xxx-xxx Damage Rolls Secondary Stats: Stacking Resist & % Reduction to CC Effects
- Ring 2 - Socket, Critical Hit Chance, xxx-xxx Damage Rolls & Critical Hit Damage Secondary Stats: Stacking Resist & % Reduction to CC Effects
- Weapons- Socket, Dexterity, Life on Hit, Vitality Secondary Stats: +15 Max Spirit & 2%+ Freeze or Stun on Hit
Follower Setup
Follower: Enchantress
- Level 15 Skill: Charm (Charms a enemy for 6 seconds)
- Level 20 Skill: Missle Ward (6% Range Damage Reduction)
- Level 25 Skill: Disorient (Disorients Enemies for 2 seconds)
- Level 30 Skill: Mass Control, however if Focused Mind(3% Attack Speed) allows you to hit another APS Breakpoint go with APS.
- Enchantress Token: Smoking Thurible - Intellect, Critical Hit Damage
- Weapon: Thunderfury - Intelligence, 10% Damage, 10% Cooldown Reduction & Socket
- Ring 1: Oculus Ring - Intelligence, Double Attack Speed Roll(16%)
- Ring 2: Unity - Intelligence, Attack Speed, Cooldown Reduction
- Amulet: The Ess of Johan - Intelligence, Critical Hit Chance, Cooldown Reduction, Attack Speed & 80% Pull Chance
Alternative Gems/Skills/Items
- Pain Enhancer - If you are on non seasons you will use this instead of bane of the stricken
- Serenity: Ascension - Use in place of Ephiphany: Desert Shroud
- Guardians Path - Your 5th passive that you will use, make sure to get a decent Hellfire Amulet!
Kanai Cube Variants
- Eye of Peshkov - If you don't have the secondary Freeze/Stun rolls needed for the main build, use Eye of the Storm and cube Eye of Peshkov for the Basic Static Charger Monk Build
- Helmet: Experience Runs: Flawless Royal Ruby(41% XP) Ranking: Flawless Royal Amethyst
- Armor - Flawless Royal Emeralds (More Damage and Armor!)
Ideal Stats
- Health: 900K+
- Armor: 16K+
- Resist All: 1000+
- Critical Hit Chance: 40%+
- Critical Hit Damage: 450%+
- Cooldown Reduction: 0%
Happy Farming in Season 4! If you have any questions, leave a comment below or you can catch me live @ Shout-out to the Chinese Fap-Man for innovating this build.
Definitely need the stun/freeze, because I'm having issues even clearing 57 with this build, I have everything but that and the life... But now I'm definitely going to try and add the secondaries and see how much further I can go :-) Thanks Dat :-) +1
thx for the guide. but how in gods name is it possible to obtain those items that are so perfect that you actually can reroll the secondary stats? i still struggle with getting all my stuff in ancient. i don't like this new "specificness" in Diablo at all.
It only applies if you want to be the 0.01% pushing past 75s.
Just normal ancients will get you to 70.
Half ancients will easily get you to 65.
What a sad situation with combination strike that not even a double generator build would use it. Perhaps though, Combination strike could be swapped in over Guardian's Path if you have a good Hellfire that has it and a good string of ears instead of the Witching hour.
build copy from chinese guy who made grift 79
I love how everyone missed that line from his post -.-, he gives credit to the original creator of the build, you know, to save you all the time of going through chinese websites and figuring shit out on your own.
Thanks for the update and detailed guide Modz.
Hooked on phonics worked for me!!!
If you're rolling CHD off the Witching Hour why not just use the crafted belt?
I don't see him saying we should roll off the Crit Damage?!?
If you look in the "Items" section at the top under "Waist", and not the re-listed "Stat Priorities" lower on the page, it says:
Stat Priority: Dex, Vit, Skill: FoT
CHD is noticeably "missing".
i understand the how does this build works and its amazing but my question is why using Fist of Fury instead Hand of Lightning? it's bcuz the dash strike or does the stacks? i only want to undestand that point
its not 80 % chance to pull , its 80% slow only
as far as i know
ty for guide dude.
CDR does not work for the enchantress skill
I am guessing the reason is because the Witching Hour already has attackspeed and CHD +4 Random, but guessing it can just be updated to reflect that you want to keep AS and CHD.
If i'm doing group play what ring should i be using in the kanai cube instead of unity?
I just dont get it why armor + secondary resist is better on boots instead of All Resist.
I know it has got something to do with Harmony Passive, but I just cant figure out the maths on this oO
Please someone explan this to me...
Guide says 1.85 IAS, but I've seen other places where they recommend 1.9. Which is right?
This. I cannot get a clear answer on this. 1.85 APS can be reached with only one 7%IAS roll on gear. That being said the guide here recommends 3 rolls, 7%IAS on ring, 7%IAS on belt, and 7%IAS on gloves. According to D3 planner that puts sheet APS before active buffs at 2.04 APS. D3 planner then tells me with 2.04 APS Fist of Fury's first 2 hits require an additional 2.1% APS to reach the next break point...Is that why we need Enchantress +3% IAPS?