
Blesslightadin (Bless the Lightning Paladin)

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  • Justice Hammer of Pursuit
  • Fist of the Heavens Reverberation
  • Provoke Charged Up
  • Laws of Valor Critical
  • Falling Sword Rapid Descent
  • Blessed Hammer Thunderstruck
  • Blunt
  • Fervor
  • Fanaticism
  • Finery


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Pain Enhancer
    • Wreath of Lightning

Kanai's Cube

  • Guard of Johanna
  • Blessed of Haull
  • Convention of Elements

Hellfire Amulet - Lightning Damage %, socket, CHD IAS / Str Indestructible as passive

Eye of Etlich - Lightning Damage %, socket, CHD, IAS / Str

Andariel's Visage - (if playing with a Ring of Royal Grandeur) Lightning Damage %, IAS, CHC, socket

Ring of Royal Grandeur - Str, IAS,CHD / CHC, socket

Focus & Restraint - socket, IAS, CHC, CHD

Lidless Wall - IAS, Lightning Damage %, CHC. Str

Guard of Johanna - Blessed Hammer %, CHC, Str, socket

Stormshield - CHC, Blessed Hammer %, Str, socket

Witching Hour - IAS, CHD, Str, Vit

Hellcat Waistguard - IAS, Str, Vit, Life %

Gift of Silaria - IAS, Damage %, Life per Hit, Str, socket

Thunderfury B.B of the Windseeker - IAS, Damage %, Life per Hit, socket

Fulminator - IAS, Damage %, Life per Hit, socket

Ancient Parthan Defenders - Lightning Damage %, Str, Vit, CHC

Strongarm Bracers - Lightning Damage %, Str, Vit / All res, CHC

Lacuni Prowlers - Lightning Damage % Str, Vit, CHC, IAS

Steady Strikers - Lightning Damage %, Str, IAS, CHC

Set Items:

Mountain of the Light - Str, Vit, All res, CDR/Life %

Foundation of the Light - Str, Vit, All res, Blessed Hammer %

Will of the Light - Str, Vit / IAS ,CHC, CHD

Towers of the Light - Str, Vit, All res/Armor, sockets

Heart of the Light - Str, Vit, Life%/ Red. damage from elites, sockets

Crown of the Light - Str, CHC / Vit, Blessed Hammer %, socket

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Life on Hit
Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

Pretty standard setup here. Only thing to note for lower paragon players is that Attack Speed in Offense would come first and Cooldown Reduction would come last as priority.

Build Guide

Hi all,

This is a lightning-hammer based build which utilizes range combat, attack speed, lightning affix and sufficient crowd control.

Link for video of playstyle: https://youtu.be/10axfbSJohM

It is somewhat demanding on the items you would need to acquire.

Naturally the priority of the build is to optimize the crusader for a solo high rank play in the grater rifts and be fun to play!

Step 1 of playing it successfully is to keep enemies at bay with your spender - Fist of the Heavens, while continuously spam Justice (Hammer of Pursuit)

This will utilize both Bastions of Will set and Bane of the Trapped Gem.

Step 2 would be to pop up Provoke and Laws of Valor and boss packs. These skills would bring up your damage and let you finish boss packs more quickly therefore giving you and edge of time in the grater rift.

Step 3 - use your Falling Sword (Rapid Descent) on relatively slow and weak groups of enemies to bring the cool down as much as possible.

The more the skilled you are at using the falling sword the more uptime of total toughness you would have (and toughness is a problem in this build as of the moment)

Step 4 - Kite your enemies. Direct combat isn't recommended at all. Your Justice skill would allow you to often attack from off-screen which is a lifesaver by itself. Try to push mobs away with Fist of the Heavens as much as possible. If you come across a Reflect affix type of a boss pack try to skip it with Falling Sword.

Reflect would be a No.1 reason for you dying.

The damage output is really great, however toughness is lacking, so any suggestions about how to improve the toughness without compromising the damage way too much are most then welcomed.

If you try the build and/or have any questions or thought let them all here in the comment section.