
Demolition Man

BBCode Link
Types: Fire, Physical


  • Spirit Barrage Well of Souls
  • Sacrifice Black Blood
  • Spirit Walk Jaunt
  • Horrify Frightening Aspect
  • Piranhas Piranhado
  • Summon Zombie Dogs Life Link
  • Blood Ritual
  • Pierce the Veil
  • Rush of Essence
  • Creeping Death


Build Guide

This build is something i've been theory crafting. with the new patch 2.1 coming eventually, they are changing sacrifice. i've always enjoyed the skill, as its pretty comical to me. well of souls is changing from cold to fire, so essentially that's your main spamming skill. sacrifice is just there to do high burst damage.

items are pretty straight forward. i tend to gravitate towards using BT and Aughilds 2 piece with a RoRG as it offers the most mitigation and survivability, so i'm likely to shoot for making that work when the patch goes live. a few things here, first is it's entirely fire based, as you really want to maximize the amount of damage that spirit barrage does. so you're looking for spirit barrage / fire skill damage. with the proper set up, and with BT and Aughild set, you should be seeing anywhere from 2-4m damage per spirit bolt, which is pretty tasty. this works out wonderfully when it comes to single target damage, but having splash damage makes for a very fast group murder also. smaller little bastards you can also piranha, and sac on top of them so they die instantly.

i use horrify because i really love the amount of CC this skill adds to the build. that, and with frightening aspect (unfortunately it's going to drop down to 35% armor instead of 100% in patch 2.1... WTF BLIZZ? too low now but,) you get yourself a bit extra survivability which is always a good thing.

you'll want to use a tall mans finger, as it'll give you one massive dog which gives you the full damage of 3 dogs per sacrifice, and this is also beneficial because that 1 dog, with the black blood rune, stuns everything hit for 3 seconds. this works out great for crowd control. pairing the TMF with a homunculus is insane. you get a big dog every 4 seconds. this timer also keeps going after one is spawned. by that i mean, if you cast sacrifice, another one will spawn immediately upon losing the other. this is awesome for blowing up enemies a couple times back to back to really do some serious damage. the pairing of these 2 items is absolutely amazing for this build.

for a belt, i'd use a harrington outside of Grifts. i haven't done a whole lot of testing on belts INSIDE Grifts, but i'd assume anything that adds straight damage would be nice (i.e. hellcat, witching hour). otherwise, just try to get a good pair of bracers / amulet with your fire damage on it. the rest of the gear can vary depending on what kinda sets you wanna get going, and what kinda set bonuses you're going for, so really that's entirely up to you.

weapons, you'll need to have a 1 hander. i'm figuring a devastator or a burning axe will be best for this build, as it adds that much needed fire damage. if anyone has any other weapons they would consider using here, lets hear it. i'm open

using rush of essence and pierce the veil simply drains your mana. the only skill you'll be using that requires heavy mana is piranhas, you'll only be able to use that every so often. this is why i use blood ritual. this will reduce the cost a bit, which in turn will allow you to spam spirit barrage forever. and since that's where a lot of your damage comes from, this is a good thing.

i plan to optimize this build once the patch releases. any questions or comments feel free to leave em. cheers!