Build Guide
Just an test build.
Hello guys, this build is very simple, all you will need to do is hack'n slash everything in your way.
How this build works? Bane of the Stricken have an internal cd that is based in your AS, if you have enough ASP you will can stack it easy and you will do tons of dmg, i haven't tested this yet. You can snapshot the Bane of the stricken by using an pot after u got an 10+ stack of Pain Enchancer.
Movement Speed |
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Maximum Resource |
Attack Speed |
Critical Hit Damage |
Cooldown Reduction |
Critical Hit Chance |
Resist All |
Armor |
Life |
Life Regeneration |
Area Damage |
Life on Hit |
Gold Find |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Don't even put an single point in CHC, it will only diminish the proc of Broken Promises.
Just an test build.
What is proccing obsidian ring of the zodiac? lol
obsidian ring will proc every time u hit slah and it will decrease 1s of an skill on cd... it's an very OP stats for crusader cuz it's will help u on the perma AC.
Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac only procs on "Resource Spending Attacks". Slash is a generator that does not spend Wrath. Therefore, it will should not proc the ring. However, please let us know if there is a bug that actually allows it to proc.
WTF is that build, it makes no sense at all