Build Guide
Video is a placeholder, if showcases a recent lvl71 HC clear using this build.
If there will be a demand, ill make a new one with detailed explanation.
I'm pretty sure this one can go 75+ even on HC with proper rift layout / mob type / RG combination
Like 1-2 levels higher on SC, I guess, because there is not that big of a DPS difference between these two nowadays.
General idea of the build is usage of on-demand damage multiplier before popping up archon, so we get 10 seconds of increased damage, which actually overlaps with our "burst phase" (Swani + Archon).
Damage increase can easily go 200%+ (the highest one i've seen so far in an actual rift environment was around 600) with decent density and you wont really do 65+ without good density anyways, so take it as a given.
All you need to do is a few swings of spectrals in a direction of a most clustered area and pop archon -> enjoy your damage increase.
If you're lazy - you can actually replace Spectrals with Black Hole / Absolute Zero and do teh same, it's not as potent as Spectrals, but it's infinitely easyer to use. Ofc this adjustment will require the change of you basic damage type, by swapping an element on your bracer to Cold.
If there is anything I missed here or you want to get an actual proper guide which describes an interactions betwen mechanics - post a comment.
Honestly, just because Static Discarge is better in terms of AP sustain and bleed effect from PE on extra targets (extra AS for Spectrals).
You get max DR from Flame Ward after channeling for an extended period of time, so it's possible that you wont get any benefits from it at all.
Damage you do outside of form means literally NOTHING, one Chantodo explosion will do more, than your entire channeling to reset archon CD.
Ofc, you can opt for it if you really want to, but I would strongly advise to stick with Static Discharge.
Or Blizzard / Snowbound for that matter, which is also an extremely good choice, but you will destroy your left mouse button pretty fast, if you will go for it without using any specific mouse software, wich will spam left-click for you.
I'ts nice to know that it was helpful for someone %)
Nice work. I'm using the normal lightning archon build and did a GR63. I'll try your build and see what i can do.
Question: it's worth getting 70% cdr and go for flame blades as the only source of chantodo's stacks?
To be nonest - not really.
You can use Spectrals as the only source of Chantodo Stacks no matter what, it's not directly related to your CDR, only AS.
However, I would strongly recommend against dropping Zodiac+AT/Blizzard combo, as it can easily go to <5sec Archon Downtime with just 55% CDR on hand, it only depends on your AS snapshotting ability.
70% CDR on the other hand will give you 10 sec static downtime, which is way too much imo, it cripples your progression and DPS potential severely, because you dont get your extra 4-5 sec overlap, which leads to lower stackcount overall, and lower damage and tankiness as a result. Also, investing that much into CDR cripples your overall statcount, which is vever a good thing.
More to follow, you dont really have to channel AT till 20 stacks and Archon going off-CD, can stop like 2 sec before archon is ready and start using spectralf as a buffer. When Archon goes off-CD naturally you pop it right away and get your Fire Damage buff without Extra DT.
amazing job buddy, i was wondering, how many LoH do you need to do 60+ ?
Run in featuredvideo is done with just Paragons put in LOH, had nothing on gear, thats why I did it with Gizzard to compensate.
As a guideline tho you want to have LOH on both Bracers and Weapon ideally for higher tiers.
Just a weapon is more than enough to comfortably run like 65-67 without any extra external sustain.
With recent Ninja-Hotfix to AS snapshot for channeled spells i'd swap Torrent for Blizzard/Snowbound for pretty much any scenario.
As for group play, it's stated in decription, you would want to run CoE instead or Unity, Furnace/Scourge as a cubed weapon.
If group is well supported in terms of survability you can actually drop APDs for Ranslor and pop in Twister in build, just to stack mobs in a supercluster, so AD procs would make a super quick work of em, it can increase the group DPS tremendously.
If the level is really high - Mammoth Hydra is worth using instead of Nova or even your Zodiac Spender (if you ahve enough CDR on gear).
basically, there are a ton of options, mostly you would use the shit which fits your playstyle.
AT Fix has been UNfixed after being live for about 24 hrs, so back to torrent xD
How does the AT snapshot work? I only know of snapshotting Bane of the Stricken ICD with potion.
Also Flame Blade stacks are multiplicative with Elemental Damage right? If you get it lined up with overlapping Archon stacks and Flame Blade stacks it should do tons of damage I think? The window for it is like 10s so it doesn't seem that unlikely.
It works exactly the same way as stricken snapshot, basically you use a potion / a pilon which alternate your stats / healing well or change zone.
You kinda want to do it on a peak of your AS bonus, preferably - at 5aps, to get capped for ther rest of the rift.
Also you want to change zopnes with peak stack count (Swami + some fresh archon stacks) so you wont need to snapchot again in a new zone.
Without forced snapshot torrent does not utilize temporary AS bonuses at all.
As for Spectrals, Flame Blades bonus is Multiplicative with Archon stacks and Additive with +Fire Damage %.
And yes, using Spectral bonus damage during the stack overlap window is a general idea of setup.
5aps is the cap, can't get more than that?
Yep, they capped AS at 5aps mid PTR, it was possible to get more before.
I am currently progressing through GRifts 55 HC and going steadly, I would like very much to ask you is which RG do you think are worse or even think on skipping entirely ?
What do you do when you proc ? Run desperatly like a lil girl ?
What build do you recommend for cold archon ? I think it fares better on medium density maps which as I don't fish very often I get those a lot.
About guardians, up to like 60+ you shouldnt really care about anything, all of em are facetankble even without any ancient gear and mostly you cant ignore pretty much all of the abilitys.
Here is the quotation from my youtube channel regrding RG on higher tiers:
As for cold archon, cant rly recommend anything, its exactly the same as fire one, just easier to execute, cus you only have to use one spell to get your damage boost, and this spell is ranged itself.
Basically, there is no real difference in terms of gameplay, its a lil easier, but less potent.
For a cold build assuming you have a hellfire amulet , so you can have illusionist making aether redundant what would be a better choice, rimeheart or furnace ?
which is better for stack generation AT or BLIZZ I see people using one or the other and sometimes both I still havent quite grasped what is the purpose of this.
Honestly, even if you for whatever reason dont use an immunity amulet, Aether Walker is still your best dps upgrade xD
Point is - even tho you dont fish you still suffer from slow movement.
There is NOTHING in the entire game that will increase your clearing speed as much as Walker does. It provides you with an ability to pretty much instantly skip entire maps filled with shit.
What Walker does in one Archon use, Illusionist will do in 2 minutes and will actually require you to get hit continously, which is a bad idea in a first place,
You can look for good rooms with big mob clusters at ridiculous speed, thats the biggest advantage of Walker, not just an insane survability.
About Furnace and Rimehart, both are more or less useless, Rimehart procrate is really low and it only applies to actually frozen target, which leads to even bigger inconsistency.
If you REALLY want to drop walker i'd prefer Furnace cuz it is at least somewhat usable on boss, everything else is just useless entirely.
About Zodiac Spenders - AT is generally more AP stable than blizzard (due to abysmal procrate on blizz) and can be AS-snapshotted, which is a great upside in comparison to Blizzard.
Both are usable tho, in some situations Blizzard can be considered to be superior (like non-archon masspulling and extra snare), but i'd prefer to stay with AT.
I think you should reconsider the way you actually play the build, mate.
I RIPed my wizard like 2 days ago and did a ton of 60es today with a brand new character, with no ancient gear, just to level up my gems, it felt like a cakewalk.
Most likely you try to actually tank to much.
You want to alternate your position between groupped mobs, so you would always be in range of some shit which CAN be frozen.
I should remind you that CC nerf hit APD effectiveness a lot, so now you dont want to stay in one spot for too long, unless you have some source of extra sustain, or mobs literally cant do anything to you.
Honestly, just the Thunderfury.
I'ts the only item which doesn't mess with diminishing returns in a bad way and actually provides something useful (AS reduction).
Yes, you want to avoid ANY hard CC mechanic on hes gear, with an exception of Ess of Johan, cuz it actually does something.