Build Guide
Build that put me back at Rank 1 on hardcore season. Still being early in the season, I can see this build doing 65+ with a dream rift and conduit.
I liked this run because I didn't get a conduit pylon. This lets me know that I can do 61-64 if I get a nice rift with a conduit.
How I studder step:
Studder stepping is the key to being a solid hammerdin player. I have a mouse that has two thumb buttons on side. I bound force move to the top thumb button. While I spam right click, I'm studder stepping because force move is held down 100% of the time.
Force move can be found in options in the keybind tab. It is unbound by default.
hey i do something similar for studder stepping just in reverse
the way you do it i found i never took full advantage of my attack speed
so what i did was hold down hammer the whole time and the hit force move after every hammer, give it a try might get you a little bit more dmg especially on the RG
I highly recommend using space bar or a similar keyboard key for force move to studder step.
Right Click spamming hammers + gripping to hold down another mouse button is a fast track to repetitive use injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. If you relax your mouse hand and only need to focus on spamming hammers, that reduces the negative impact to your hand and wrist by a significant factor.
grats on getting top spot. reckon you can share what gear you had on at the time? any ancient?
Question, why use Falling sword / rapid descend? It is not damage dealing ability so you gain nothing from faster cool down. I find Falling Sword / Flurry to a lot better, it is holy and it gives crowd control.
And on studder stepping, I bind it to mouse wheel, hold right mouse button and spin the wheel I will most likely start using Provoke on the one side, it is more natural and less damaging to my keys
" hey i do something similar for studder stepping just in reverse
the way you do it i found i never took full advantage of my attack speed
so what i did was hold down hammer the whole time and the hit force move after every hammer, give it a try might get you a little bit more dmg especially on the RG"
Thank you for the tip! I tried this and this relaxed my mouse hand more than right clicking. I will try to get used to this method.
I highly recommend using space bar or a similar keyboard key for force move to studder step.
Right Click spamming hammers + gripping to hold down another mouse button is a fast track to repetitive use injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. If you relax your mouse hand and only need to focus on spamming hammers, that reduces the negative impact to your hand and wrist by a significant factor."
I tried with space bar, but the issue is holding down force move on space bar does not auto cast the keys with the Num Lock method. Fyi* using numlock to auto cast keys is not against the terms of service.
Question, why use Falling sword / rapid descend? It is not damage dealing ability so you gain nothing from faster cool down. I find Falling Sword / Flurry to a lot better, it is holy and it gives crowd control.
And on studder stepping, I bind it to mouse wheel, hold right mouse button and spin the wheel I will most likely start using Provoke on the one side, it is more natural and less damaging to my keys "
Rapid Descent is great for hardcore. If I have big density and I falling sword it will 100% reset my cooldown so I can use it again if needed. Being able to falling sword at anytime helps in dangerous situations. (+ obsidian ring isn't spending procs on my falling sword and instead on ironskin/critical and akkarts
The reason why I think Flurry is the worst choice is because you never want to falling sword during the holy rotation of your ring of elements. You want to make sure your hammers are going like crazy the entire duration of the holy element for big dmg.
My little secret, I will be unleashing for 60+
If my toughness feels good in 61+ I will switch to the superheated rune for falling sword. I always like to falling sword during my fire proc on my ring of elements so I have 50% dmg reduction the entire duration for hammer spam on Holy.
Landing superheated with 200% dmg from the fire proc on ring crits for 1 billion + and then ticks for 50-65 million. This is great for extra dps in big density.
"grats on getting top spot. reckon you can share what gear you had on at the time? any ancient?"
You can check me out via right click profile in game
Every single piece on my gear can be replaced for much better rolls and dmg. I'm going to start putting max blood shards into trying to fit my sader with the best rolls for the 61+ push to 65.
Therein lies the problem with this ability. You shouldn't have to spam press to use it efficiently. Min/maxed gameplay should not require carpal tunnel or a 3rd party program.
We should all petition Blizzard to address this and bring the ability up to par with many of the games other abilities such as Whirlwind.
Instead of having to stutter step using a second keybind, why not hold left mouse button to move and use a force cast button? It acts the same as using the force move + casting but is one less button to have to make sure to mash which should be easier on your hands.
Which passive to get on HF amulet?
Is the raw gain of str and armor from using finery in place of blunt a better choice for the passive?