Kanai's Cube
The Fist of Az'Turrasq
Leoric's Crown
Convention of Elements
You use the Sunwuko's Set to buff up your EP damage.
2 set Uliana to apply EPs to a lot of things with your spender,
Gungdo gear is amazing for spreading your EPs.
String of Ears so mobs dont beat us down while we are applying our EPs.
Crudest boots so you get 20% damage from your fire ally.
The furnace because it has high damage + damage against elites which is what will be slowing you down if anything.
Fist of Az in cube because we rely on EP damage and that thing doubles it.
Leoric's Crown for that sweet xp, if you're dying too much you could go for Spirit Guards.
Convention of Elements is a multiplier of 200% and Quin loves mulipliers only downside is that it rotates away from cold.
Bane of the powerful so we blow up elites and rare packs easier + the buff will be up most of the time. If you go speed farming in 70+ you won't be killing the elites and you should go for either Iceblink or Zei's Stone of Vengeance.
Bane of the Trapped is a sweet multiplier that procs itself.
Moratorium is another prevention against getting oneshot to protect your pools of reflection.
Paragon Priorities
Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Resist All
Life Regeneration
Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find
In core you want to get movement speed until you hit 25% total from paragon points and gear, the rest into dex.
In offense you want crit hit damage or crit hit chance, it depends on what you already have but you should aim for 10 times more CHD than CHC for example 10% crit chance and 100% crit damage, CDR and AS not really important.
In Defense you want all resist, life regen, armor and life.
In utility you want Area damage, RCR, life on hit and gold find.
Build Guide
I just copied this from Quin69 because people kept asking him so I thought I'd give him something simple to link to but it basically evolves around making big fat EPs that others blow up
This build is group only and does not work for solo play
The build is basically about putting EPs on mobs and let others blow them up. You really want a healer monk with this setup, otherwise you'll snap like a twig. You also need someone to set off your EPs because you have no single target damage. You want to keep up your focus and restraint with Crippling Wave and Tempest Rush. Quin uses Tempest Rush because it allows mobility in his spender over cyclone strike where you have to stand still. The Transgression rune in your mantra assumes you have a barbarian that can benifit from the AS buff.
The youtube link is to Quin's Video Guide on the build.
I'll take it down if he asks me to
Yay, that what i was looking for!!
But, tempest rush? why
Do you really need it (Tempest Rush Flurry)? Because you could also manually apply EP? Perhaps use the skill slot for something else?
One problem with this build...
I was testing it out and iceblink only applies its cold effect to the 1 target you are hitting, it wont add to targets being applied by the Ulianas set, thus making the gem kind of useless. So my concern is that if its not applying the cold effect from the gem, is it registering the crit effect of the gem into the ep being spread?
the gem starts to proc after you stop channeling yout tempest rush, the flurry will explode with cold damage making the iceblink hit all the targets around you
Mantra of Conviction: Annihilation has usually been the most valuable offensive mantra for speed farming.
Mantra of Salvation: Agility has always been the most valuable defensive mantra for pushing.
I'm not convinced 10% attack speed is the best choice.
Would it not be much better for this build to use Wrath of the Bone King as the weapon?
30% + to cold damage > 50% elite?
So, you punch things until you apply EP, Activate tempest rush to stack F + R, then resume punching and repeat? Use your spirit to activate your mantra, use your Mystic ally when Fire rolls around on Convention?
Quin made a video of this man, saw it just a while ago. This is really good by the way
Here is the link to quins video:
BiS weapon is a GG Wrath of the Bone King, not The Furnace.
2. Yes
The real answer is, it depends. SWK, Focus/Restraint, and CoE are dynamic, and will be calculated when the mob explodes. Assimilation, Mystic Rhythm, and Power Pylon are "snapshot" when you apply to the mob. Quin has a really good video about U6 monk explaining EP snapshotting, some of which is relevant to the SWK group version, and some of which isn't.
"The Transgression rune in your mantra assumes you have a barbarian that can benifit from the AS buff."
Dart Docs also benefit from this, as would a two gen monk.
A quick note, if you are running with a support/healing monk (you should be) *do not* run Mantra of Salvation. The Inna 2-piece doubles the base effect of all four of their mantras, but if you equip an aura, the game prioritizes your aura instead of theirs.
If you equip Mantra of Salvation, you are *lowering* your group's resists. While technically you gain 35% dodge, it is mostly one-shot hits that kill people. Resists consistently help with this; dodge does not.
The same happens with Mantra of Conviction. Their MoC passively is a 20% damage boost, but if you equip MoC - Annihilation, for example, that drops to 10%.
The reason Mantra of Retribution is fine is because no one cares about the tiny damage it does. The 10% attack speed comes from the rune and is all anyone cares about.
Do be aware that if you're running with a Static Charge monk, their standard group build includes MoR as well. You'll need to coordinate mantras with them to get the most from Unity or consider swapping passives (Determination, Mystic Rhythm) and grabbing a defensive skill such as Epiphany.
How about using 2 pcs Inna (belt & weapon) to buff both mantra and Mystic Ally. Actually with the crudest boots we will have 2 allies.
Quite a few of the top 4-mans do run a SWK with 2-piece Inna's. If you run a 2-piece Inna's Mantra (belt + boots/chest/legs), consider that the only added benefit is the rune you are bringing. Some good ones might be:
- Mantra of Salvation: Agility for 35% dodge, and you can activate it for additional bonus resist all.
- Mantra of Conviction: Annihilation for 30% move speed (good for speed grifts).
- Mantra of Conviction: Overawe to increase group damage.
Never use Mantra of Healing! The heal monk has a much higher LPS, and you will hurt the group considerably.
Spirit generation can be an issue with this build. Not a huge deal if properly managed. But Air Ally might be a good choice if you have a static monk in the group. According to Quin the ally is good for triggering Static Charge procs (I have no idea why, don't ask), will give you some passive regen to help offset the slow attack speed this build has, and can be popped for an instant shot of Spirit.
If you don't have a hota barb or darts WD and aren't running Inna's 2-piece, consider dropping the mantra entirely for Epiphany: Desert Shroud or Serenity: Ascension (or Unwelcome Disturbance with Static Charge monk for more procs).
As mentioned, many top 4-man groups have a SWK monk that runs 2 pc Inna. However, the main reason they run it is because for progression you need to properly manage your EP snapshot application and you cannot do that with 2 pc Uliana. There aren't any particularly interesting chest/pant options to replace Uliana, so they use Inna as replacement to gain an extra 10/20% damage from Fire Ally.
For speed runs, EP snapshot is unnecessary and you need the speedy application of 2 pc Uliana so your DPS don't have to wait unnecessarily before killing things.
Don't use Inna's Daibo. Even with the doubled Fire Ally, your explosions will hit for considerably less damaged than with a good Furnace or Wrath of the Bone King. Remember, DPS doesn't matter for this build, just average damage per hit.