GR65+ solo with 4 Inna/2 Raiment (Season 4)
Inna's Radiance
- Stat Priority: Socket CHC
Mantle of the Upside-Down Sinners
- Stat Priority: CDR
Hellfire Amulet
Eye of Etlich
- Stat Priority: Socket CHD CHC Holy %
Inna's Vast Expanse
- Stat Priority: None
Spirit Guards
- Stat Priority: Holy % CHC
Fists of Thunder
- Stat Priority: CHC CHD CDR
Inna's Favor
- Stat Priority: None
The Crudest Boots
- Stat Priority: None
Shenlong's Fist of Legend
- Stat Priority: CDR LOH Socket
Shenlong's Relentless Assault
- Stat Priority: CDR LOH Socket
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
GR75-80 solo: Fists of Fury for Season 5/Non Season:
Solo GR75-77 at this moment for experience (+25 billion exp/run), upgrade gems in 7-10 minutes:
Nothing is set in stone, you all should test things, make the changes that you want, this is my advice for all builds you use.
You want these passive: Beacon of Ytar, Harmony, Unity, Seize the Initiative...Your Hellfire amulet can have Alacrity, Exalted Soul, Near Death Experience or the passives that I said.
I'll test more and other changes, including Mirinae, Crippling Wave (Rising Tides). etc...list is longer and maybe in the end will be with fire, cold or lightning and not holy like it is right now.
Over 2.7 million damage in character screen + 40% holy can be over 3.8 million damage and 3 inna pieces aren't ancient in this picture:
Paragon Priorities
Movement Speed |
Maximum Resource |
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Cooldown Reduction |
Attack Speed |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Resist All |
Armor |
Life |
Life Regeneration |
Life on Hit |
Area Damage |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Gold Find |
25% default movement speed, if have movement speed in boots (for instance: 12%) then put only 13% in Paragon
50 spirit resource in Paragon
Rest put in dexterity; if need more toughness, you can put in Vitality too
Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Resist All
Life Regeneration
Life on Hit
Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find
Unity is a staple for soloing as long as you equip a matching ring to your NPC follower. Add the matching 'NPC can not die' unique to them, and you basically have a reliable damage sponge to reduce your own incoming damage by a ton. (Disclaimer: 'a ton' may vary. Don't quote me on the math.)
Think he means the Unity Passive as you don't play with others when soloing. But he forgets that 2 mystic allies + templar = still 3/4 possible stacks so 15% damage increase.
Sorry, but this picture doesn't show too much. not reliable to me for this. Show a full picture, without cuts, plz.
Why is marked as seasonal???
I was planning on a very similar build, but surely Exalted Soul is a must have for ANY Shenlong build? 50 more spirit is way too good to pass up, far better for damage than Unity or Sieze the Initiative, right?
Also, how do you find your mobility without Dashing Strike?
Wow, im using almost the same build (thx to blizzrandom, have only 3 pieces of uliana by now@500 paragon), ring of royal grandeur in cube, 3 pieces of inna, 2 pieces of rainment and Magefist, this combination offers even much more damage than yours.
Dashing strike with dodge rune and mantra of salvation with agility, with ancient pieces of Inna i have something like 80kk toughness unbuffed, so u do not need unity so much. U do not neet Unity nor Initiative passives while playing solo. Exalted Soul is mandatory for this build.
Still cant get ancient shenlongs to close high rifts though, stopped in 56 cuz my monk haev not enough damage