
Blessed Bounty Seeker

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  • Justice Hammer of Pursuit
  • Blessed Hammer Limitless
  • Laws of Hope Wings of Angels
  • Akarat's Champion Prophet
  • Steed Charge Endurance
  • Iron Skin Flash
  • Finery
  • Long Arm of the Law
  • Fervor
  • Blunt


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Esoteric Alteration

Kanai's Cube

  • The Furnace
  • Leoric's Crown
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

Build Guide

You are essentially doing just a few things here.

1. Stacking Movement Speed

This is the most important part of the build. You want to farm Bounties as fast as you can, which means finding your Bounty's objective as fast as possible and ignoring all of the extra going on. Swiftmount doubles your Steed Charge. Steed Charge and your Hammers proc the Warzechian Bracers. Wings of Angels and Long Arm of the Law are there as extra movement speed, as needed.

I went with a 1-Handed Flail, Swiftmount in particular, as to take advantage of Fervor's 15% CDR. This will help tremendously with alternating your Movement Speed skills. This is also why I am using Hammer of Pursuit and Gogok of Swiftness. Hammer of Pursuit is basically a heat seeking missile, just throw it in the general direction of enemies, and it will hit. This procs 1/2 of your Focus & Restraint, gives you a stack of Gogok, more attack speed, and more CDR. Definitely the best Justice rune in my opinion, even though we're stacking Holy damage.

You want to put Leoric's Crown in Kanai's Cube if you can, because then you are guaranteed a 100% increase on the Diamond in your Crown of Light, however, if you have a better Leoric's Crown than Gloves of Worship, feel free to switch those two as needed. Gloves of Worship has a static roll, so it is easier to wear those in my opinion if you can.

2. Looking for Shrines

This is where the Gloves of Worship come in from. Once you find your first Fleeting Shrine and Empowered Shrine, you'll be on easy street. Frenzied Shrine also helps, but isn't as build defining as the other two. Because the Crusader is not as stacked as some other classes in Movement Speed capabilities, Fleeting Shrine will come in handy.

Bandit Shrines, a new feature added in 2.3.0, are arguably the best source of loot you can find in my opinion. Odious Collectors drop Forgotten Souls like crazy. Blood Thieves obviously give you a bunch of Blood Shards, and Insufferable Miscreants and Malevolent Tormentors are almost guaranteed to drop a Legendary. Always be on the lookout for these. Do not go out of you way, but definitely look for them and alert the rest of your group when you do!

*Be careful about clicking Shrines, as you are also on the lookout for Bandit Shrines. This is when you may want to take a minute and call any party members you may have grouped with.

3. Spamming Justice

You'll notice I did not include Johanna's Argument, the brand new Blessed Hammer Flail. That's because this is just a T7-T10 speed farming build. Johanna's Argument is really more for T10+ in my opinion. Not necessary, nor really wanted on the lower levels. Justice combined with the Blessed of Haull belt will do more than enough damage on T7-T10 speed runs. You want Blessed Hammer: Limitless on your skill bar, so the Hammers generated by Blessed of Haull get that rune. You also want to cast Blessed Hammer every few seconds as to proc 1/2 of Focus & Restraint.

Furnace is there in the Cube to help with Bosses. A lot of Bounties are killing Bosses after all. 50% Elite Damage will help tremendously with that. If you do not have a Furnace yet, you can use Jace's Hammer in the Cube or Justinian's Mercy. Jace's Hammer merely increases the hit box of your Hammers, meaning they'll hit more targets, but they do not do more damage.

*Save Boss Bounties for last. Do not leave your current Bounty to do a Boss Bounty. The only time you should leave your Bounty is if a group member calls out a Bandit Shrine.