Build Guide
Hey boyz! Season One & Two - Rank 1 monk (world) here!
In my opinion/experience this build is currently one of the strongest possible monk setups for group competitive greater rift laddering.
Please note: I always keep my diablo fans guides up to date and will be making adjustments to the guide whenever there is a shift in endgame meta! so be sure to check back, and vote on the guide!
Basic game-play strategy:
- Spam Cyclone strike to position mobs & proc obsidian ring of the zodiac
- Use blinding flash on cooldown (when in combat)
- Use inner sanctuary on cooldown (when in combat)
- Use Epiphany on cooldown
- Spam mantra active when your group is taking alot damage
- Use the Epiphany teleport for mobility
Skill variations:
- Dashing Strike - Blinding Speed (Replace blinding flash, and change Laws of Seph to Leroics crown)
Legendary Gem variations:
- Bane of the stricken - Swap out Gogok of Swiftness for max DPS setup.
- Esoteric Alteration - Swap out Gem of efficacious toxin for more personal toughness.
Hellfire Passive:
- Unity
- Near Death experience
Stat Priority:
- Helm: Socket>LPS
- Shoulders: CDR>LPS
- Torso: x3 Sockets>LPS
- Legs: x2 Sockets>LPS
- Gloves: CDR>LPS>RCR
- Rings: Socket>CDR>LPS
- Waist: 15% Life>LPS
- Wrist: LPS>LOH
- Amulet: Socket>CDR>LPS
- Weapon: CDR>RCR>LPH
you want dex/secondary resist on all your pieces(where possible)
If you liked the guide, then come follow my stream @ >>> <<< for more monk action! When i go live, Any questions that you guys have - i can answer for you live on stream! I will also be posting YouTube guides on my twitch channel soon!
Be sure to check back on the guide every now and then! as i am always making minor changes.
Note: I will try answer as many questions as i can! and will read all of your posts, but obviously doing a gear-check for each one of you bros or re-answering the same question over and over will take all day If you want a direct answer come follow the stream <3
One query is why use crudest boots when you are already gaining the double passive effect from inna's??
Your LPS halfs without either Crudest boots(x2 the LPS) or Innas, the idea of this build is to maximise LPS.
For everyone, this is the newest healmonk's build of Quin69: Quinsane
If you compare your actual build with that, you will understand the reason why of the changes.
Good luck and good game.
CDR = Cool Down Reduction
RCR = Resource Cost Reduction
Hi Quin69, Thanks for the guide but was wondering if i can alter it a bit to give more help to my Barb wife?. She plays a Hota-Gavel build with around 1 mill sheet DPS. We are struggling to get past 56 Grift due to lack of damage, i know that is not good but is ok for a couple past 60 i reckon. Is there any way i can contribute some extra damage to help? Healing with that build is not a problem at that low Grift level, even for slow old me.
yeah even i thought that wud be the case but i just lost the amount of life regen i had on my boots +10000 life regen
Quin, thanks for posting the build. I'm wondering if you tried a setup where you use Coven's Criterion, and in the Cube you have Blood Brother. For rings you'd use a Justice Lantern in place of the Obsidian Ring (which goes in the Cube in place of Oculus Ring - I thought you had to get the killing blow to proc that? Is that wrong?) You can actually get your block rate pretty near to the maximum with that setup. And the Criterion + Blood Brother offers some serious damage mitigation. Just curious what your (or anyone's) opinion on that is!
It double the doubles, quite obvious. 2 allies with each having 2 times their bonus.
Stat priority on boots?
Great build. Thank you, sir! You are a gentleman and a scholar.
how much life regen should u have? i can only push to around 604k and thats almost with all life regen maxed on all items u can get life regen at.. the life regen gem is lvl 65 whats the trick to get so more i dont get it ???
It cracks me up when these guys fail to let you know that they are 1300+ paragon...Of course they will be doing lvl 70+ gr's along with their Paragon Priorities maxed out. Don't get me wrong it's a sweet build if your over Paragon 800...But how about some builds pertaining to lower lvl char's...
It cracks me up when these guys fail to let you know that they are 1300+ paragon...Of course they will be doing lvl 70+ gr's along with their Paragon Priorities maxed out. Don't get me wrong it's a sweet build if your over Paragon 800...But how about some builds pertaining to lower lvl char's...
Sucks they nerved healing in the PTR from 30% to 7%. Love playing this.
It's easy enough to pick that out of the videos he posts. It's also somewhat expected when you're looking at a build by a player like Quinn. This build works pretty good for me. I've been able to clear 60+ with a barbarian and neither of us are close to paragon 800 so......maybe it's you?
Why not switch grandeur to cube and equip oculus ring, shouldn't 16% reduced elite dmg be better than a little bit of dex/armor and lps? On the other slots, cept weapons ofc, lps is a must have i know. But i personally find oculus equiped alot more effektive in terms of surviveability.