Build Guide
Currently using this fun build to efficiently speed farm Act 1-5 bounties (solo or split) and/or key-wardens.
This is a variation of Mimic Helltooth build utilizing Wall of Death, Acid Cloud, Piranhas, Big Bad Voodoo, and replacing Spirit Walk with Hex to support the Manajuma set.
Choose what you want kill or find, speed around entire map till found, kill it ... this is very handy for bounties that require you to accomplish multiple goals.
Basic premise is get the bounty target/goal, Hex into Angry Chicken mode -> warp at 100% movement speed from current location looking for bounty markers (or Keywardens) -> if you see anything interesting -> hex again to explode/stop in the middle of a mob and sidestep -> hit Big Bad Voodoo -> spam Corpse Spiders, Piranado, Wall of Death, and Acid Rain along with your Mimics till everything dies -> then rinse and repeat.
Angry Chicken mode usually allows you to run through/around everything unhindered with the exception of some clickable doors, shrines, solid barriers, and wallers (in PTR 2.3, could have sworn that this was not an issue). Hit Hex again to stop, process, and continue ... usually the Hex timer has been reset for chicken spamming. It allows clicking on chests and ground objects and picking up loot.
Mimics when active will triple your attacks and will use Acid Cloud, Spiders, Piranado, and Angry Chick ... painting the entire attack area green !
For the Cube, Furnace (adds 50% Elite Dmg). SMK can also be used to reduce the cooldown of Big Bad Voodoo.
Dmg mitigation: Helltooth 4-set bonus + Esoteric Alteration + Bad Medicine. If mitigation is good, Esoteric Alteration can be swapped for Zei, Toxin or your choice for more dmg.
Replaced Cubed weapon from Wormwood to Furnace (50% Elite Dmg too good to pass up)
For a little more Crowd Control to work with BotT and CoE :
Wormwood (Cubed) + Hwoj Wrap (belt) combo = Locus Swarm will continually Slow enemies 60-80%
Switch Corpse Spiders (Skill) to Medusa Spiders = 100% chance to Slow enemies by 60% with every attack.
For more Dmg:
Switch Big Bad Voodoo(skill) to Zombie Charger / Zombie Bears = benefits from Helltooth set bonus, F&R, and mimics
Very true ... only thing missing is the Arachyr set 6-piece bonus to Hex to create that 2nd dmg explosion ... ended up switching out Big Bad Voodoo (mana wasn't much of a problem) for Zombie Charger to invite lots of Zombie Bears to the Mimic party !