Build Guide
Hey Folks
Here's my rather standard R6 Fire guide for Patch 2.3. It's basically an improved Version of the Season 3 Build, you'll find all things in the Video Guide!
I'm not 100% sure on where the Build stands in competition, but i do believe it will be very close to the generator builds out there. I love the mobility of this setup and i will probably never really give up on it!
Cleared G66 on the second attempt, failed the first g67 by 10s because there was no power pylon to be found. It will probably be strong enough to clear even G70 with a very good rift, maybe higher? Time will tell!
Most Important:
Never use Channeling Pylons
Fight Close to your Templar
Keep an eye on your Spirit and Shenlongs buff
Try to kill blue elites!
good Luck and have Fun with it, i do like the spec!
This is the spec I'm using now coming off of season 3. I find that mobs die a bit too quickly to maintain my spirit under the Shenlong's set buff while in Torment 7 and below, but anything above Greater Rift 35~40 where the mobs have a bit more HP, I can sit in a pack keeping my spirit almost completely full, dashing at will, and sustaining my HP with Life on Hit. Definitely a lot of fun!
Zodiac refunds DS?
Im trying Gundo Gear+EP instead of ISanc for speed farming. The splash damage is crazy. In geom required for tX.
I like the dashing strike build but unfortunately running it on PS4 can be fucking annoying. Dashing strike ALWAYS goes max distance, so it requires locking on to an opponent and it can make BotT useless unless you run Blinding Speed + Iceblink or MoC-(slow rune). I'm working on a cold spec using Windforce Flurry + frostburn and waiting for a Hellfire with Relentless Assault? (20% damage to frozen enemies). The generator builds are good but they need more burst damage which this may help with.
just want to ask how come all your armor looks so white? i tried to copy your transmog but some items still got some other color
How do you keep dashing strike from chain casting. about every third or forth dash it'll chain cast on me and use up both charges leaving me on CD. This can be crippling at times.