Build Guide
Okay guys, this is a frost caster build that is a great combination of upfront dmg and dots which will ramp up and melt (or freeze) RGs in seconds.
If i'm not entirely retarded, i realised that the dots provided by Wall of Death - Communing with Spirits and Acid Cloud - Slow Burn stack up.
That basically means you wanna cast 3x Wall of Death on the same group of enemies, or spread it to debuff the whole screen in grp-play.
Our Weapon of choice is the SuWong Diviner which provides additional AC Dmg and the Lob Blob rune. These little green guys do aoe dmg in form of another dot, which of course stacks too.
I have to mention that Wall of Death has no Global CD - you can spam this parallel to Plague of Toads, Acid Cloud or Piranhado. Which you should always do as soon as it's off CD.
I usually start with WoD+PoT and Piranhado followed by AC spam. Watch out to keep FnR active all of the time, as the set basically doubles your DPS. this will automatically provide Vision Quest uptime for mana regeneration
Without any mana bonus and ressource cost reduction i am able to cast AC 4 times which means it tick 4 x 720% + the Lob Blobs with additional 600% on the enemy. WoD is 3 x 1200%.
These numbers get buffed by your
Zombie Dogs (15%),
WoD itself with the Helltooth 2p bonus (20%)
and Piranhado (15%)
Using WoD will buff your AC by 900% (Helltooth 6p Bonus) so you should always cast at least 1 WoD and PoT before nuking with AC to buff up that 900% from 6p and 100% from FnR
Long story short: its a lot of dmg. with everything buffed and convention of the elements, i've seen upfront AC dmg of 1-2 billion followed by dot ticks of 5-7 billion. this is of couse only 1 of the 3 dots.
its a fun build and i've managed to clear Grift 55 in a moderate time. i havent been able to go much higher since my esoteric alteration is still lvl 3 ;D
but in a 2player game dmg seemed enough up till lvl 60- 65. this build exceeds in an environment where mobs live around 5-10 seconds to ramp up dot. this makes it viable for grift progression and grp play, as long as you will survive incoming dmg. doing all cold dmg with the Iceblink Gem will slow everything on the screen, proccing everyones BotT. this is a nice bonus in grp play.
i have no clear evidence, but it seems the mass of high dot numbers makes the game lag out on high grift and huge mob grps - FIX IT BLIZZ
Okay guys, thanks for reading have fun trying the build
edit: i'm aware that firewall might do moar dmg, but since this is not an exclusive single build, i consider Communing with Spirits the better option since it provides dmg reduction and a bigger area of effect. additionally firewall would probably need (more) cdr to work properly, depending on its dot-mechanics
after further testing it seemed that stacking up the dots made the game lag
tested this without grin reaper in the cube and on a small grp of mobs -> added prides fall to the cube and boom stacked the dot up to around 8-9 times on 7 mobs... 4 sec freeze. using grin reaper seems to have the same effect since the mimics will cast AC, etc. too
i hope this only occurs because of the distance between europe and the us ptr realm, guess we'll have to see