
2.3 Lightning Archon GR60+

BBCode Link


  • Blizzard Snowbound
  • Archon Pure Power
  • Teleport Calamity
  • Familiar Cannoneer
  • Ice Armor Crystallize
  • Magic Weapon Conduit
  • Paralysis
  • Blur
  • Unstable Anomaly
  • Evocation


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Esoteric Alteration

Kanai's Cube

  • The Furnace
  • The Swami
  • Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac

Diablofans still don't have the rest of set in database.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Gold Find

CDR and AS for the glory of Zodiac.

Build Guide

Hello and high five for everyone. I am going to explain everything quick and simple.

1. What to cube?
- Obsidian ring of zodiac -> reduce the remaining cooldown of one of your skills by 1 second when you hit with resource spending attack.
- The Swami -> the bonuses from Archon stacks now last for 20 seconds after Archon expires.
- The Furnace -> increases damage against elites by 50%.
2. Cooldown
The best for that is 55% and accualy if you roll max cdr on wand, source, hands, shoulders + diamond in head + paragon points = you have 55,17%
3. Explanation of Chantodo's Wave of Destruction.
Chantodo's set gives you now Wave of destruction and this is accualy your the most dmg dealer skill. Each attack gives you stack to wave of destruction. Each stack deal 350% and stacking up to 20 stacks. 20x350%=7000%. Wave of destruction expel one time per second.
4. Gameplay
[Youtube link soon]
The core is to get as many archon's stacks as you can when you are in archon form. When archon expires you are going to spam Bizzard skill for reducing cooldown. You need 19xbizzard to get your 20 stacks of wave of destruction(yeah, it starts at 1 stack).
Due to LoH accualy you can stand in some places without worring about damage taken. Of course shits like frozen, molten can hurt.
5. Q & A
a) Mom, why lighting?
"Paralysis" gives you chance to stun. Due to Ancient Parthan Defenders stuns reducing damage taken on you.
B) Mom, Why hellifre amulet?
If you get pretty good amulet you can take another skill. Audacity imo the best.
c) Mom, can I play this with friends on normal torments?
Yes and no. If you lack def - yes. If not - go for dmg fast clearing set with armguards braces.
d) Mom, why not unity?
Trust me, you don't need it.
e) Mom, those items are hard to get.
I know and everywhere is "must have" or build will not work that good.
f) Mom, can I roll more CDR?
If you have more than 1.55 AS you can.
g) Mom, why Esoteric Alteration gem?
Due to LoH it's the best gem.
h) Mom, how much LoH i need?
If you can get 150+ stacks per archon 30k should give you immortality in 60's frozen.

g) Mom, which belt is the best for this build?

Well, after nerfing 'Fezula belt' you can start at max 20 stacks instead 50 stacks. I think 20 stacks are pretty low so the best choice is to go with The Witching Hour. If ya find yourself dying too much you can try to go with Thundergod's Vigor with tanky rolles like extra life% or all resi/armour+.
6. TL:DR
I will reply all your questions and theory about improving this set.
Thanks to Nashqt for being awesome monk.

//Stay calm and be nice//