

BBCode Link


  • Corpse Spiders Spider Queen
  • Locust Swarm Searing Locusts
  • Haunt Resentful Spirits
  • Big Bad Voodoo Slam Dance
  • Piranhas Zombie Piranhas
  • Creeping Death
  • Fetish Sycophants
  • Rush of Essence
  • Blood Ritual


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Taeguk
    • Enforcer

Good evening fellow Witch Doctors and those that may wonder what the extent of the epic world of Witch Doctor's can accomplish. My name is Misstakeda and today I would like to share with you something that was in my brain, something that I have not tested, but something that (on paper) looks incredibly effective.

Let's skip the rest of the pleasantries and get down to the explanation:

1) Corpse Spiders - Spider Queen:

Fire and Forget additional damage ever 15 seconds. Need something in the spot, more damage seemed viable. I thought about replacing this with Spirit Walk - Healing Journey, which I may wind up doing anyways.

2) Locust Swarm - Searing Locusts:

With Creeping Death this ensures 100% uptime on fire damage for Tal'Rasha 6 piece.

3) Haunt - Resentful Spirits:

Resentful Spirits isn't necessarily the end all be all Rune, however when getting through the GR I was thinking you would want the JH 2pc to do as much AoE as possible and this is the only Rune that will do that for you. Alternatively, the only one I would consider to replace with is Comsuming Spirit spam on "all the things!", and then switching back to main target for 2pc JH to do it's thing. This, however, would take twice as long as Resentful Spirits but your surviveability would be greatly increased.

4) Summon Zombie Dogs - Chilled to the Bone:

So, why not Leeching Beasts one might ask.... I do not think this build is going to have enough Life on Hit (unless you force it to) to make it very useful. Chilled to the Bone increases damage that much more.

5) BBV - Slam Dance:

Not really sure this needs a whole lot of explanation. Slam Dance is just bad to the bone, not really much else to say.

6) Piranhas - Zombie Piranhas:

Just in case that mean ole' GR Guardian is a mover and of course, 15% increased damage.


Creeping Death:

Ain't nobody got time to be reapplying Fire damage for TR buff.

Ain't nobody got time to be reapplying Haunt damage widdling away packs.

Ain't nobody got time to be reapplying Piranhas damage buff.

Fetish Sycophants:

Have you ever played with Fetish Sycophants before? WTF bad to the bone? Yes please + Enforcer.

Rush of Essence:

Ain't nobody got time to be losing Mana while spamming Haunt.

Blood Ritual:

Ain't nobody got time to not be having some regeneration.


Gogok of Swiftness:

Faster Haunt spam = faster dead target.


With a Haunt spamming WD, it's almost impossible for this to go down, you can spam Haunt while walking to keep this up, no need for not worrying about low density GR's


So, you ask why Enforcer without Zuni build. Well let me tell you why. Pets need to do as much damage as possible to hold as much threat as possible off of you while Haunt is ticking on targets. Without Enforcer you are going to be just eating everything and you'll never pass low 30's GR's. This is a must have in order to reach the 40's with this build.


This build requires high Attack Speed, Crit and Crit Damage. Lolz, what build wouldn't right? Well this build actually requires it. If you ever wanted a build that tested your min/max patience, this is it.


According to some incredibly simple math, with a 2900 damage Thunderfury, you would be looking at about 70 - 81 million damage non crit Haunts over the 6 seconds. I don't have any time to get the calculations on the JH 2 set bonus, but I am sure someone could.

__Work in Progress__

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

Build Guide