
T6 Speed Rifting for Gold, Immortality is Yours!

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  • Wave of Light Explosive Light
  • Dashing Strike Radiance
  • Blinding Flash Faith in the Light
  • Mantra of Conviction Annihilation
  • Mystic Ally Air Ally
  • Epiphany Insight
  • Beacon of Ytar
  • Momentum
  • Relentless Assault
  • Seize the Initiative


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Boon of the Hoarder
    • Bane of the Powerful
    • Zei's Stone of Vengeance

This is an insanely fast T6 Gold Farming Build. Rifts can be cleared, depending on density and layout, easily under 2 minutes. I've done some in just over 60 seconds, but I pick up all GOLD without trying, and everything gets one shot. For rift Guardian, pop Blinding Flash and Mantra of Conviction and spam bells until dead. I typically 3 shot Guardians.

With Avarice Band picking up gold dropped from the Boon of the Hoarder and increasing your pickup radius, the Goldwrap stacks up massive amounts of armor. I've run over 4 BILLION toughness on a T6 clear before. I easily get over 1 Billion toughness reliably and can stand in just about anything.

Variations on the build, if you don't have Sunwuko's amulet yet (like me), I'm using Sunwuko helm in place of Tzo Krin's Gaze and using a Bane of the Trapped for a more melee-centric build. Once I have the Amulet, I'm swapping out for Tzo Krin's Gaze and Zei's Stone of Vengeance for a more ranged based Bells attack.

Also, if you want to drop the Ring of Royal Grandeur and have 4 piece Sunwuko's, pick up a Fire Based Stone of Jordan and rock Bane of the Trapped (since you won't be using Tzo Krin's Gaze). Definitely some wiggle room with the gear in this build.

The Incense Torch allows you to Spam Bells almost non-stop, and you don't need to wear Reaper's Wraps.

If you have a Furnace, I recommend swapping out the Warzechian Armguards to the Reaper's wraps, and the pickup radius from Avarice Band will keep your Spirit full every time you move.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Gold Find
Life on Hit

Movement Speed to 25% then stack Dex.

Get the 10% CDR to help spam Blinding Flash and Epiphany.

Stack AR and Armor for survivability as needed.

RCR to help spam bells, and Area Damage to spread the pain.

Life on Hit not needed much since the Avarice Band + Boon of the Hoarder + Goldwrap makes you immortal. Gold Find makes you even more invincible.

Build Guide

This is an insanely fast T6 Gold Farming Build. Rifts can be cleared, depending on density and layout, easily under 2 minutes. I've done some in just over 60 seconds, but I pick up all GOLD without trying, and everything gets one shot. For rift Guardian, pop Blinding Flash and Mantra of Conviction and spam bells until dead. I typically 3 shot Guardians.

With Avarice Band picking up gold dropped from the Boon of the Hoarder and increasing your pickup radius, the Goldwrap stacks up massive amounts of armor. I've run over 4 BILLION toughness on a T6 clear before. I easily get over 1 Billion toughness reliably and can stand in just about anything.

Variations on the build, if you don't have Sunwuko's amulet yet (like me), I'm using Sunwuko helm in place of Tzo Krin's Gaze and using a Bane of the Trapped for a more melee-centric build. Once I have the Amulet, I'm swapping out for Tzo Krin's Gaze and Zei's Stone of Vengeance for a more ranged based Bells attack.

The Incense Torch allows you to Spam Bells almost non-stop, and you don't need to wear Reaper's Wraps.

If you have a Furnace, I recommend swapping out the Warzachian Armguards to the Reaper's wraps, and the pickup radius from Avarice Band will keep your Spirit full every time you move.