Gain 20% increased damage for 30.0 seconds after killing an elite pack.
Gain 15% increased damage versus elites and take 15% reduced damage from elites. (Requires Rank 25)
Kanai's Cube
The Furnace
Legendary Two-Handed Mace
Primary Stats
+(39–47)–(47–59) Fire Damage
+3 Random Magic Properties
Secondary Stats
Increases damage against elites by 40–50%.
One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)
+192–245 Strength
+192–245 Intelligence
+192–245 Dexterity
The Furnace
The Grin Reaper
Legendary Voodoo Mask
Primary Stats
+240–269 Intelligence
+3 Random Magic Properties
Secondary Stats
Chance when attacking to summon horrific Mimics that cast some of your equipped skills.
Empty Socket
The Grin Reaper
Convention of Elements
Legendary Ring
Primary Stats
Critical Hit Chance Increased by 4.5–6.0%
+2 Random Magic Properties
Secondary Stats
Gain 150–200% increased damage to a single element for 4 seconds. This effect rotates through the elements available to your class in the following order: Arcane, Cold, Fire, Holy, Lightning, Physical, Poison.