
GR47+ solo Condemn

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  • Smite Reaping
  • Iron Skin Flash
  • Akarat's Champion Prophet
  • Laws of Valor Unstoppable Force
  • Condemn Vacuum
  • Shield Glare Divine Verdict
  • Long Arm of the Law
  • Holy Cause
  • Finery
  • Heavenly Strength


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Taeguk
You need the seasonal Crusader shield called Frydehr’s Wrath.

Get 55-56% CDR, so you can keep up Akarat's Champion(+150% armor and cheat death) all the time and keep spamming Condemn to keep up your Taeguk(use hoarder or lightning in T6 instead). You can get it with RoRG+Leoric's without getting any CDR on rings or you can go for Unity+SoJ with CDR on your rings. Just calculate which is better with the items you currently have.

If you reroll attackspeed on Witching Hour and have CDR on ring, it's the same as Vigilante Belt and CHD on ring. (Again, it depends on what kind of items you have)

You generate more Wrath with Attackspeed, so I'd reroll LoH from the RoRG. (Attackspeed is not a good stat but since Holy Cause heals way more than the LoH you get on a ring, I think it's the less useless stat of the two)

Most dangerous things are Electrified, Reflect damage and Fire Chains, so get Lightning, Physical and Fire Resist wherever you can. (Also use as many Diamonds in Armor as you need)

You can get Vit on Shield instead of Condemn damage (you will have ~100% damage bonus in that category already, so it's actually like 7-8% bonus damage, not 15%) and Vit on gloves instead of CDR and still get 56% CDR without any CDR on rings. (Best choice depends on what you have)

If you play HC and want to use Indestructible, use it instead of Finery. If you have a good Hellfire Amulet then probably Vigilant is the best for 5th passive in SC. (but any other defensive passive is also viable)

tl;dr: get enough CDR to keep up Akarat's Champion, get enough toughness to not die and then focus on damage

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit
Gold Find
Most important is CDR.

You want to prioritize maximizing toughness over the armor and life regen because Holy Cause heals a lot with Condemn and Blade of Prophecy.

Build Guide

You can carry enemies around with Condemn - Vacuum (and they also follow you), so just pack up as many enemies/elites(2 or 3 pack is easy) as you can survive and then kill them together. If the yellow elite has too much health after everyone is dead, just leave him, it's not worth to kill.

Against Fire Chains, you want to stay in a corner if you can (most of the times they can't chain you there but it sometimes still happen, so you have to Iron Skin and escape if it happens) and just keep them pulling. If you can't stay in a corner, just circle around them.

If you don't have to save Iron Skin for a specific reason (like reflect damage or just getting surrounded), you can do the Shield Glare into Iron Skin into Shield Glare combo in the middle of enemies. (Otherwise just Shield Glare when you can and only use Iron Skin when needed.)

Carrying enemies with you takes a lot of practice and it depends on enemy type and map layout, so don't be sad if you don't do too well the first time.

Smite - Reaping is for easier stutter stepping and better healing against single target.

Ideally you want a rift where you can group up a lot of easy enemies and get a Conduit at the boss but GR40 is pretty easy with just average density and no conduit.