
High Tier G Rift M6 Fire Build

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Types: Fire


  • Cluster Arrow Loaded for Bear
  • Sentry Polar Station
  • Multishot Arsenal
  • Chakram Twin Chakrams
  • Smoke Screen Special Recipe
  • Companion Wolf Companion
  • Awareness
  • Cull the Weak
  • Steady Aim
  • Custom Engineering


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Build Guide

Build is meant to be used with Bane of the Trapped and Enforcer Gem, hence polar station. In addition the use of Chakram means your sentry will fire Chakram instead of its basic shot so you still will fire all Fire elemental attacks.

Build is similar to Tunafish's except for 3 things:

Custom engineering instead of ballistics. On higher tiers, you will be spending more time on packs of mobs so you do get out 5 sentries a lot of the time. In addition, dropping spit fire means your only source of rockets is from multi-shot. If I can craft a HF amulet so I can include ballistics, it would be the best of both worlds.

Special Recipe instead of Healing Vapors. On higher tiers where everything one shots you, the 15% heal isnt really that benefiticial, the lower cost of special recipe means more immune up time.

Chakram instead of Immolation arrow. It provides better aoe at a cost of single target dps. I just feel the aoe is more better for faster clear times the majority of the time.