S19 GR100+ Fast Solo UE Fire Multishot
Accursed Visage
- Stat Priority: Dex Vit CHC
The Flavor of Time
Squirt's Necklace
The Traveler's Pledge
- Stat Priority: Fire % CDR CHC CHD
Cage of the Hellborn
- Stat Priority: Dex Vit AR Max Fury
Wraps of Clarity
Nemesis Bracers
- Stat Priority: Fire % CHC Dex Vit
Fiendish Grips
- Stat Priority: CDR CHC CHD Dex
Captain Crimson's Silk Girdle
- Stat Priority: Dex Vit AR Armor +
Captain Crimson's Thrust
- Stat Priority: Dex Vit AR Armor +
Hell Walkers
- Stat Priority: Skill: MS Dex Vit AR
Yang's Recurve
- Stat Priority: Max Fury Dmg % AS Dex
Dead Man's Legacy
- Stat Priority: Max Fury Skill: MS CHC AS
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
Priority #1 - Cool Down Reduction for %100 uptime on Vengence
Priority #2 - Max Discipline Rolls for secondary attributes (Max Fury on here since it won't let me use Max Discp)
Priority #3 - Survivability, Fire %Dmg, Multi Shot %Dmg, CC, CD, Dex, All resist, Vit etc
More distance = More Damage = Less Likely to get hit
Don't use too much Discipline vaulting or your damage will greatly suffer
Pop shrines (if using nemesis) roll away, activate wolf companion and reap the rewards with multishot
Flavor of time > Squirts Necklace > Other legendary Amulets
Focus & Restraint > Travelers Pledge & Compass Rose / Convention of Elements
Wraps of Clarity > Nemesis for higher GRs Nemesis > Wraps for faster clears
Augment +Dex on to gear, Swap socketed Emeralds for Diamonds if you need more toughness or your All Resists are low
Diamond in helm > anything else <--- see priority #1
If you want to turn this into a speed farming build, swap to Nemesis Bracers, Boon of the Hoarder (non GRs) and Avarice band (non GRs).
Paragon Priorities
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Movement Speed |
Maximum Resource |
Cooldown Reduction |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Attack Speed |
Resist All |
Armor |
Life |
Life Regeneration |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Life on Hit |
Area Damage |
Gold Find |
My multishot is pretty similar, I'll give this a go and see how I like it. Keep up the good builds.