Valor Fury Solo Push Build 2.6.10
Crown of Valor
- Stat Priority: CHC
Spaulders of Valor
- Stat Priority: Skill: Heaven's Fury CDR AD
The Traveler's Pledge
- Stat Priority: CHD CHC CDR Holy %
Brigandine of Valor
- Stat Priority: Skill: Heaven's Fury
Bracer of Fury
- Stat Priority: CHC Holy %
Gauntlets of Valor
- Stat Priority: CHD CHC CDR AD
Captain Crimson's Brace
- Stat Priority: AR Life
Captain Crimson's Thrust
- Stat Priority: AR
Greaves of Valor
- Stat Priority: AR
Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac
The Compass Rose
- Stat Priority: CHD CHC CDR AS
Pig Sticker
- Stat Priority: Dmg % AD AS CDR
Shield of Fury
- Stat Priority: Skill: Heaven's Fury CDR CHC
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
Fourth Slot: COE
You can find all my builds on the website:
Paragon Priorities
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Movement Speed |
Maximum Resource |
Attack Speed |
Cooldown Reduction |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Life |
Armor |
Resist All |
Life Regeneration |
Area Damage |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Life on Hit |
Gold Find |
Can you please also add follower guide for the build?
Well sounds interesting. This build currently is 10 rifts too strong, but this will be fixed/nerfed this week.
Currently a leader chooses leorics crown and endless walk oder obsidian/neck/stone. With enough cd reduction it might work very good.
I like the play style (actually having a resource you have to manage is somewhat rare), i dont like that its olaystyle is so close to impale dh.
I dont think we can get a nice goldfarm/speedrift variant for that.
So after the latest hotfix i believe the build move away from speedstacking. The shield capping at 20 stacks probably makes stricken a must for high rift guardians?
I also think tgmhe current build lacks movement speed modifiers so i am pretty sure paragon movement should be stacked and iron skin flash used.
After much testing, leoric not really needed. But i do find aquila cuirass works better in the cube and endless walk set with obsidian to keep akarat on 100% in mobs.
As for a speed variant, its better to use fist of heaven instead of heaven's fury and norvald set to have the horse up all the time. It is extremely effective for nefs, bounties and speed farming lower GRs.
Just noticed you might wanna change the belt to a Captains Crimson's Silk Gurdle.
Guys who are not difficult to jot down the perfect build on
guys, i kept running out of wrath. heaven's fury cost a lot of wrath, what did i miss?
Be smart on where to cast Fist of the Heavens. Place them in groups of enemies, and it'll charge up your wrath quickly due to the 4pc bonus. Place a few around groups of enemies so the arking lightning hits more enemies and gives you more wrath.
How does stone gauntlets work in this build? I tried it out and did get super tanky but had no movement or attack speed so I just end up dying anyways.
Why use pig sticker? Is there not a better option for main hand weapon?
More stats, more rolls = Faster Attack speeds plus the secondaries can give you 30% beats 30% humans.
Akarat's Champion will counteract the negative effect, so it is important to keep it up 100% of the time. The CDR from your ring and gem should make this fairly easy to accomplish, if for some reason you are without Akarat's Champion, iron skin will also clear the effect to get you out of a bind. Hope this helps
Help me understand please. The stats piority is not showing all stats, what should I have?
Something very strange happened to me
I was playing a lvl 75 rift (I'm paragon 780)
All 50 stacks of FoH and all 5 stacks of the Stone Gauntlets active and I still died. It was strange because I did GR 90 already and I haven't died that much.
Did something change these past days?
How much CDR do I need? My akarats champion falls offf and i get stone gauntlet debuff and die
I just switched to this build from Rhykker's build. I had the same issue as you when I tried it earlier on so I just went all out CDR to the detriment of other stats for now to see how I like it. I have mediocre items across the board, the three ancients I do have are poorly rolled (shield, Valor boots and Flavor of time I had to roll a socket on) and my Leg gems are a trapped @ 58, Gogok @ 50 and Pain @ 50 (which I should have left at 25). With CDR at 67.43 which is overkill, dmg at 631k, toughness at 21.6M, Recovery at 1.2M I ran GR85 in 6:15 on my first and only try. HP is 668K. Basically it's a terrible character and that was easy to do. This build will be very easy with decent gear.
Can anyone explain the better traditional gems to be used on this build and where !?!?
Yo Bludd dont u got a lazy shotgun build?
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