
Vyr's Chantodo's Archon - 1 trillion experience per hour

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  • Slow Time Time Warp
  • Arcane Torrent Static Discharge
  • Magic Weapon Deflection
  • Energy Armor Force Armor
  • Teleport Safe Passage
  • Archon Slow Time
  • Evocation
  • Unstable Anomaly
  • Audacity
  • Illusionist


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Bane of the Powerful
    • Bane of the Trapped

Kanai's Cube

  • The Furnace
  • The Swami
  • Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac

Head, shoulders, torso, hands, legs, feet.
6 pcs of Vyr's for the full bonus
Squirt's necklace for 100% extra damage
Nemsis Bracers for more elites which provides better progression
Fazula's for extra 50 stacks
Convention of element is a must for damage
Unity or Halo of Karini, Unity for extra elite damage or extra buff for Karini
Weapon / Offhand
CHantodo's, extra damage, accumulate 20 stacks before entering Archon


The Furnace - Extra elite damage

The Swarmi - duration after Archon

Obsidian Ring of t he Zodiac - more cooldown while you spend resources, mainly for Archon

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Life Regeneration
Resist All


Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Area Damage
Gold Find

Cooldown is priority - get it on shoulders, hands, helm (use Diamond gem), weapon, offhand. You can skimp on the amulet slot and two ring slots.

Increase attack speed (7% IAS - just get it on either Weapon or Hand slot), max is 5 attack speed per second one 7% IAS plus IAS given from paragon will be enough.

Pt priorities - Life , Armor, Life regen last Resist

Life on hit is nice, also get it on the bracers.

Build Guide

To gain 1 trillion experience per hour

First, play smart!

Enter the game and pop archon, start your first set of archon stacks, 50 + per hit / per kill

Herd as much mobs as possible, usually a good starting point is to locate the first density, then move about 3 more screen away from the first density and aggro the mobs from the 3rd screen towards the 2nd and back to the 1st density location to aggro all mobs into the 2nd screen location.

If you don't find density then skip until you find an elite pack then work your way around the elite pack.

your first set of stacks isn't going to help you do much so spend the time to gather mobs, you do optimal damage during the second pop of archon (the twin stacks phase). Line up with your Convention of elements,best if you can pop archon during arcane element rotation since cold damage is right after so make sure you don't waste the cold cycle on traveling or weak density.

Second, keep eye on timer and chantodo stacks

Your archon will expire and will bring you back to wizard mode, when you exit it is best to stay at the edge of the density then channel torrent to reduce cooldown on archon mode, you will most certainly reach archon skill availability before you have 20 stacks of chantodo's so definitely be patient to accumulate 20 stacks before entering the next archon phase.

Third, speed is everything

Knowing the maps is definitely an advantage, some maps have dead ends and should be avoided if possible.

Hunt for elites + density

Pair elites with pylons (Nemesis bracers), progression globes wins the game, more globes = more progression.

Identify items at the end of the hour (meaning give yourself plenty of stash space to just throw in the unidentified items)

Open GR back to back

Spend shards on amulets (it is costly and good at saving you time from more gambling clicks)

Pick GR level that you can complete in average 3:30, since everyone is different with gear stats, paragon level so adjust accordingly.

For the Record IT IS NOT HARD!

I am currently gaining 1 trillion exp. from just doing low GR 99 by follow the above methods.

Good luck and click like to support.