
[2.6.6] (GR85-100+) Vyr Cold Chantodo - Low GR Speed - AW + EW + Zodiac + Squirt's

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  • Energy Armor Force Armor
  • Arcane Torrent Static Discharge
  • Archon Slow Time
  • Magic Weapon Deflection
  • Teleport Calamity
  • Diamond Skin Prism
  • Audacity
  • Evocation
  • Galvanizing Ward
  • Unstable Anomaly


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Bane of the Powerful

Kanai's Cube

  • Aether Walker
  • The Swami
  • Squirt's Necklace


  • Head: INT / VIT / CHC / Socket (Diamond)
  • Shoulder: INT / VIT / Life%** or +AR* / CDR
  • Amulet: Cold% / CHC / CHD / Socket
  • Chest: INT / VIT / +Armor** or Life%* / Sockets (Amethyst)
  • Gloves: INT / CDR / CHC / CHD
  • Bracer: Cold% / INT / VIT / CHC
  • Belt: INT / VIT / Life% / +Armor
  • Legs: INT / VIT / +Armor / Sockets (Amethyst or Topaz)
  • Feet: INT / VIT / +AR / +Armor
  • Ring1 (Zodiac): AS / CHC / CDR / Socket
  • Ring2: INT / +Avg Dmg** or CDR* / CHC / CHD / Socket
  • Weapon: %Dmg / CDR** or INT / AS / Socket (Emerald)
  • Offhand: INT / CHC / CDR / APoC*** or VIT

  • *Low Paragon: INT weapon, CDR Compass, +AR shoulder, Life% chest, Amethyst Pants+Chest or into paragon.
  • **High Paragon: %Dmg weapon, +Avg Dmg Compass, Life% shoulder, +Armor chest.
  • Recommended: Additonal VIT paragon and / or Amethyst. ~950k HP recommended at a minimum.
  • Favorable secondary affixes: +Pickup, +Life per kill, +single resistance, %ranged reduction.
  • ***APoC on source would be for a Low CDR setup (no CDR Weapon), for better resource. Would have to supplement more VIT via gems or paragon in that case. VIT source would require CDR on weapon (high CDR) to function properly.
  • Note: cube item is Squirt's.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find
Area Damage

+Max AP

Build Guide

Amazing build for quick, speedy, GR Gem-ups. Endless Walk and Squirt's provide massive damage increases. Shielding setup: Force Armor + Prism + Galvanizing Ward + Deflection. Build will clear in about 1.5m to 3m.

9/7/2019: Now recommend APoC on source over VIT, have to run lower CDR though to balance out toughness and damage (perhaps with an INT weapon instead), however, this produces a more stable resource. A VIT source is still a good alternate, and requires higher CDR (preferrably 64%+) to function properly.

Note the additional Life% and Amethyst in pants. My guess is that we will want more shielding to help prevent taking damage, as noted below though, still unsure of final mechanics for this item.

Prism is an amazing pick here. Prism's shielding helps to preserve Squirt's, allows placement of Force armor and solidifies life% on shoulder since resource is taken care of, and can possibly even free up the affix of APoC on source for even higher VIT (even more shielding).


Note: cube item is Squirt's.

GR 99 @ about 1600p (fully augmented excluding amulet) shown.



Note that Squirt's is bugged in this version, only increasing incoming damage by ~5% and not 50%. Note Squirt's is also bugged with shielding at current, where in certain cases the bonus is removed when getting hit even though no damage is taken to health.


Early Season Alternates:

If Squirt's increases damage taken too much, and you'd rather have a smoother start at a few GR's lower earlier on in season, Karini would allow for much higher toughness.

You can try this build, which has both Karini and Squirt's:



  • (8/13/2019): Edited summary, added d3planner link, added section for Early season alternate with higher toughness option (same as was used in S17 basicially).
  • (8/25/2019): Revised early season alternate to match new listing for Karini + Squirt's + CoE // low gr build.
  • (9/6/2019): Added option for APoC on source (low CDR setup) / INT weapon also works fairly well.
  • (9/7/2019): Made APoC the main listing, this is just smoother to have. You're outside archon a tad longer, but resource is assured, meaning you can always teleport to continue movement through the rift.