
Zuni Pets 2.6.4 PTR

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  • Haunt Resentful Spirits
  • Soul Harvest Languish
  • Fetish Army Tiki Torchers
  • Gargantuan Humongoid
  • Corpse Spiders Spider Queen
  • Summon Zombie Dogs Burning Dogs
  • Grave Injustice
  • Midnight Feast
  • Gruesome Feast
  • Pierce the Veil


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Enforcer
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Bane of the Stricken

Kanai's Cube

  • Henri's Perquisition
  • Mask of Jeram
  • The Short Man's Finger

Hellfire Amulet must have spirit vessel or one of the other listed passive skills. Skill and Elemental damage bonuses are rolled for the benefit of all pets possible. Items are chosen to best benefit all pet damage.This is also a roughly area damage based build, so ~100% area damage will be beneficial.

Belt of Transcendence is required for the damage reduction buff from Zunimassa's 4 piece set bonus, summoning 15 Fetishes along with the 7 from the Fetish Army Tiki Torchers, the equivalent of 66% damage reduction.

Henri's Perquisition is also required in this build, to compensate for the lack of the Spirit Walk skill and will be used for walking past small groups of enemies, as well as a temporary 80% added damage reduction on the first hits you take to compensate for the lack of invulnerability during spirit walk.

Sacred Harvester and Lakumba's ornament are required for maximum benefit from 10 stacks of soul harvest, the equivalent of 30% extra intelligence and 60% damage reduction.

Homing Pads are used for the extra 65% damage reduction from casting Town Portal, if you are stuck in a predicament that you can not evade because of the lack of the Spirit Walk spell. Pauldrons of the Skeleton King would possibly save you from death as well, and would not trigger your Spirit Vessel passive skill cooldown.

Convention of the Elements damage rotation will benefit each pets respective elemental damage by a massive 200% every 4 seconds.

Short and Tall Man's Finger are for the maximum damage benefit of the Gargantuan and Zombie Dogs skills.

Legendary Gems are not interchangable.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Movement speed, anything most beneficially damage related, life and armor, which benefits from the total 100% armor increase of Souls Harvest's Languish rune.

Build Guide

Tanky distanced (every) pet build for elite sniping. Start by summoning Fetish Army for the instant added damage reduction. Start spamming Haunt from as far as possible, as soon as possible, to summon the 15 extra fetishes for maximum benefit from the 4 piece set bonus, while evading any ranged attacks or spells. Run into the group of mobs and cast Soul Harvest for the extra damage reduction as soon as possible after having your fetishes summoned.

The Resentful Spirits rune is used in this build to make up for the lack of area effect mana spenders to quickly trigger the Zunimassa's 6 piece set bonus and to add crowd control by chilling and freezing enemies.

When you encounter your first elite then it is time to throw your casts of haunt until every elite is effected. Cast your Gargantuans (which can be cast from a distance) on top of the elite or elite group, by positioning your cursor on top of them, then throw your Spider Queen immediately afterwards. If the elites are not dead yet, then it is time to recast Haunt onto them and position yourself close enough to the remaining elites to cast Soul Harvest to refresh your 10 stacks, then immediately cast your Zombie Dog and Fetish Army.

The Grave Injustice passive skill should refresh your pet cooldowns quite quickly as you walk closer to the enemy as it dies

Pierce the Veil is used over Confidence Ritual, because it is not ideal to always be close to your target with this build and there is a lack of mana usage in this build.

Pick up every health globe you can, for healing and to ideally keep up your 5 stacks of the Gruesome Feast passive skill.