
T13/Bounty Fastest Rathma Necro (no skill needed)

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  • Skeletal Mage Singularity
  • Bone Spikes Sudden Impact
  • Devour Devouring Aura
  • Blood Rush Metabolism
  • Bone Armor Harvest of Anguish
  • Command Skeletons Freezing Grasp
  • Fueled by Death
  • Life from Death
  • Final Service
  • Overwhelming Essence


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Powerful
    • Boon of the Hoarder
    • Enforcer

Kanai's Cube

  • Reilena's Shadowhook
  • Steuart's Greaves
  • Krysbin's Sentence

Rathma 6pc with:

helm - skeleton mage

boots - skeleton mage

gloves - cc,cd, area dmg

shoulder - area dmg

neck - phys dmg (hellfire skill of one of the listed passive skills)

wrist - phys dmg

main hand - +20 essence

offhand - +20 essence, cc, skeleton mage

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

This build revolves around Avarice band.

Avarice Band has synergies for offense, defense, and utitlity. All the effects below snowball after collecting a few piles of gold.


1. Rakoff's Glass of life - more life orbs for maximum essence Skeleton Mages (Singularity)

2. Reaper's Wraps - restores essense per life orb

3. Devour Aura - aoe increase, more corpses collected -> more life orbs

4. Life From Death - more life orbs for maximum essence Skeleton Mages (Singularity)


1. Goldwrap - Gold to armor

2. Boon of the hoarder - collect more gold for Goldwrap

3. More orbs collected, more healing


1. Fueled by death - more corpses more movespeed

2. Lost time - Skeleton Warrior hits for more movespeed

3. When avaraice band has a large radius bonus, it makes it very easy to collect corpses and thus spawn orbs to keep essence maxed before the next skeleton mage cast.


The first part of 'gaining momentum' is to cast bone armor and get (2) sets of Skeleton Mages up. This is the most dangerous part of play because you can die. Once you gain momentum, you should be impervious to all attacks and produce good damage.

1. Run up to enemies, cast Bone Armor, keep bone armor up at all times for defense/movespeed. If you have no essence, spam bone spike and summon (2) sets of mages for set bonus to get your first corpses, which in turn will lead to massive essence gains due to orbs.

2. There's a cadence to movement/stutter stepping. You should let gold piles accumulate then stutter step in order to get all the globe/collection radius at once. This is important so you don't lose the gold buff and makes it easier from going pack to pack.

3.(optional but optimal) Use Bone Spikes to top off Essence before summoning another maxed essence Mage, sometimes the corpses/orbs will not be present, this is just for optimization

4.(optional but optimal) Blood Rush for extra move speed, avoiding terrain blocking

5. When you're out of mages and no corpses/orbs are near, restart the process by going to step 1.

In the video you'll see sometimes I adhere to the rules, I largely don't because I want to click less. With optimal gear, you probably can consistently get sub 2 minute T13 runs.