D3 Has Sold Over 14 Million Copies, Ask the Devs About Game Design and Tech, Update on Legendary Transmogrification, Smart Drops

Diablo III Has Sold Over 14 Million Copies
The latest financial call was just a few hours ago and Activision Blizzard announced some interesting things. Here are the highlights:
  • Diablo III has sold over 14 million copies across all platforms
  • Reaper of Souls should be out next year on PC and PS4
  • WoW subs have dropped by 100k
  • Heroes of the Storm will be showcased on BlizzCon
  • In North America, Heart of the Swarm was the #1 PC game for the first 9 months of 2013

Ask the Devs About Game Design and Tech
We posted yesterday about interviews we'll be able to get during BlizzCon, but our interviewees have switched! Now we have Game Designer Travis Day and Tech Director Jason Regier! Looks like we can ask about game mechanics! You can drop your answers in the news comments below, or in our dedicated forum topic.

Update on Legendary Transmogrification
Unidentified Legacy Legendaries will not be Transmogrifiable.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

I wanted to jump back into this thread to provide an update concerning our plans for unidentified legacy Legendaries and how they will interact with the upcoming Transmogrification system in Reaper of Souls.

We've already mentioned that Legacy items (items that drop before the expansion or pre-expansion patch goes live) will not unlock unique item appearance, but they can be Transmogrified.

At this point, we're currently planning that unidentified legacy Legendaries will also not provide new item appearances for Transmogrification. Our reasoning is this: even old Legendaries will be following new rules once we release Loot 2.0 and we want Transmogrification to reflect what new items you've gotten after that point.

Smart Drops and Crafted Items
More clarifications were given on the topic of Smart Drops and Crafted Items.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Set items that are clearly designed for a particular class, such as Natalya's Reflection for example, will only roll the primary stat associated with that class. So, Dexterity for Nat's, Strength for Immortal King's, and so forth.

By class specific do you mean items that are only equippable by that class, or items that were designed for that class as well?
I originally meant items that were only usable by a particular class, but I asked for some clarification from the design team as your question hadn't occurred to me. This philosophy does extend to set items that have class-specific features.

from how you stated it, this means that the archon recipes that are crafted will be geared towards the crafting class.
Archon recipes are an exception to the rule, because they already have a basic stat guaranteed when crafting. They will continue to work this way in the pre-expansion patch. Good observation!

So will loot 2.0 update the legendary recipes my blacksmith already knows, or will it require me to obtain new ones?
Loot 2.0 will not alter any existing items or recipes that you currently have (what you have now will become "legacy" items after the patch). There will be new items and recipes introduced for you to acquire in game.

This will make crafting much much better. But having a 100% chance of "smart drop" from crafting almost seems like overkill. I guess it really depends on the material costs, but if crafting is always going to have better loot for your character than the drops you get (which presumably will have a much smaller chance at being a smart drop), it will kinda take away from the looting of rares wont it?
Bear in mind that an item dropping as a "smart drop" means it will roll stats that are generally more useful to you. That doesn't necessarily mean every smart drop is automatically going to be an upgrade, particularly if you are looking to stack certain stats or affixes.

Rare loot drops are not guaranteed to be smart drops either, and you can expect to also find some items that may be more useful for different characters while you're out adventuring. Crafting is a bit more of a tailored method for acquiring gear, and the gear produced from it reflects that.


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