Castbar When Identifying All in 1.0.8, You Can't Attack While Moving on Console, Discussions on the Console Version, Blue Posts

Castbar When Identifying All in 1.0.8
Now we know how identifying your entire inventory will look like.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Currently the only way to identify your items is by clicking them one at a time. Our next content patch will be introducing the ID all feature. The decision was made that while maintaining that sense of opening presents is valuable, even with ID all players will still go through the process of evaluating the items in their bag one by one and that's effectively the same way to get the sense of excitement without forcing players to spend 2 minutes to identify a bag of items one by one.

Will ID All identify these UNID items all at once, or does it just do them one after another, merely eliminating the individual clicks?
There will be a cast bar and at the end of the cast bar all items will be identified.

You Can't Attack While Moving on Console
It turns out that you cannot actually attack while moving on console, instead your skills make you take a few steps forward.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Quick clarification: you can’t actually move and attack at the same time on console; however, some skills will automatically take a step between attacks to help close the distance (this is because we don't have pathing on the console version, but use direct control instead). It may look like your character is moving while attacking, but it’s not. :)

Similarly, you can't attack while you're performing an evade. Your attack does get queued, so it can be performed after the evade move finishes, but only if you time it correctly.

Ouch! Not sure if I like this one at all. Sounds like it would really hurt some builds. WW comes to mind if you are using over power, rend, eathquake or any other attack normally allowed to be used while spinning.
Ah, I see. I misunderstood the question slightly, so let me clarify my clarification. There are some attacks (like Whirlwind, for example) where you are moving and attacking at the same time -- but those situations are going to be the same as they are for the PC. Just like you can click, click, click and move around the map while holding down your Whirlwind hotkey right now, you can do the same on console. The controls are different, but the mechanics are more or less the same.

Discussions on the Console Version
Lylirra took the time to answer a great number of questions regarding Diablo 3 on the PlayStation. The posts offer a good insight on Blizzard's philosophy when it comes to translating the game to a different platform.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Lylirra .. but what about the new rolls/dives classes have. We dont have it on pc...
We added Evade to the console version of the game for two main reasons:

The first is because, fundamentally, the way you move your character around on the console vs the way you move your character around on the PC is pretty different. With a keyboard and mouse in a game like Diablo III, you have a little more freedom. Not only can you see a bit farther (because of how we've positioned the camera), but you can also literally point to a spot on the map, click it, and your character will move there. Since the console version uses direct control with the joystick, your movement may feel more visceral and gutsy, but it has its limitations. You don't have that same sort of omniscience over where your character is going to go. To get from point A to point B on a map, for example, you have to manually direct your character to that spot, navigating all the obstacles individually along the way. It's super fun, but by adding Evade, we're helping make up for some of the mobility console players lose by not being able to point-and-click.

The second reason is that the Evade ability just feels super (and forgive my eloquence here) console-y. We want the game to feel natural when using a controller, and being able to dodge and roll around really plays up that fantasy. It's one of those elements that just "fits" on the console, but doesn't necessarily make sense for PC.

Here's a pretty good interview to check out if you'd like to learn more:

You've said most of this before. I don't think the issue is that people don't understand your stance, the issue is that they think you are lying.
If people think I'm lying then they don't actually understand my stance very well.

In that video (around 7:14) a monster drops a "buff globe" that increases exp greatly for about 10 seconds. I have seen no official world on this mechanic, will this come to PC's also?
It's what we call a "power up" globe. Basically, there's a small chance that whenever a health globe drops it'll turn into a power up globe instead. These globes can provide the player with one of several small, temporary buffs (+MF/GF, +movement speed, +attack speed, etc) when picked up and last for very short period of time. They're similar to Shrine buffs, but are designed to give players a quick boost during the middle of combat, rather than something you take from fight to fight.

Right now, there aren't any plans to bring power up globes to the PC, but that of course may change as we continue testing and poring through your feedback. :)

"The core of the console game is based on the PC game -- you get all the same content, systems, classes, skills, and runes on the console as you do on PC"

regardless of reasoning wouldn't that be considered a lie? whether it's consoley or not this is not true statement since console has offline mode and no auction house (pc) and they get a dodge button while pc does not... Not the same for each other. so "same content" is false
Yup! You're correct that the console version will not have an auction house. Beyond that, since the console is based on the PC game, you get everything on the console as you do on PC (meaning you get all the same zones, events, monsters, bosses, classes, skills, runes, and systems like Infernal Machine, Brawling, and Monster Power on the console as you do on PC). Right now, we're currently planning to ship with everything up to 1.0.7, potentially 1.0.8 depending on development time.

There are also some features on the console version that are not present on the PC version, but I covered that in the post you quoted:

That said, the console version is its own game, and we've made a variety of tweaks to the PlayStation version of Diablo III so it makes sense on that platform, including a complete re-design of the UI and character controls, as well as combat pacing and boss fights.

This is because the game was originally designed for PC and needed some adjustments in order to translate well to consoles, specifically the PlayStation platform. :)

If a feature or NPC that would be wildly popular and beneficial to the game (pick a hypothetical, random example) was doable on PC, but just not technically feasible on console, would that preclude it from ever being implemented on the PC because it would cause the games to diverge too much?

Are the platforms tied together as far as Expansions are concerned or is the console version really its own game. My concern is that the console will hold back the PC expansion's release and content.
Working on getting you an answer to that. It's a fair question, but I don't know all the details off-hand.

Hooray. We payed to be beta testers for consoles.
You keep using that word...

Is it not allowed? Or is is because you rather not discuss it. You acknowledged that it is one of the factors that affects the number of allowable players so it is still within the topic of discussion. Do you want to explain why i shouldn't bring it up instead of just telling me that i shouldn't?
That what is one of the factors? Can you clarify?

(And, though it's a catchy phrase, the PC version was not a beta for the console version. Due to when the console version went into full development, however, it will be able to benefit from many of the changes we've made to the PC version since it launched last May.)

Notice how you only choose what to answer?
I was clarifying because I thought I had already answered your question in a previous post (it wasn't directed at you, however, so you may have missed it):

It's a disservice to game design -- as well as your feedback and healthy discussion in general -- to boil everything down to "well, you just did it because of console." Especially since you’re essentially ignoring everything we’re trying to talk to you about in the process. There were a number of different reasons that led us to decide on four players for multiplayer games in Diablo III, and none of them related to the development of console. You may agree with some of those reasons and disagree with others, or disagree with all of them -- and that's okay! Critiques are good, so long as they're relevant. Unfortunately, reducing all your arguments to glorified strawmen isn't very relevant. (Nor does it give us a lot of useful feedback on which to base further improvements.)

Not sure how much more straightforward I can be on the topic, though I hope it helps address the concern you brought it in one of your earlier posts. :)

So to clarify (since there seems to be quite a bit Blizz is allowing to go unexplained which is possibly what's causing a lot of confusion and anger) the console version doesn't even have the AH. That is understandable (I hope it's phased out of the PC version come any expansion or I'm not playing any more) but does that lack of auction house mean you changed there drop rates to be realistic so the PC version is basically the one with the infringing auction house and bad drop rates but the console one manages to get good drop rates and no AH?
I've linked it before, but Matthew Berger from our console team addresses that question super well in his interview with IGN. Here's a link if you want to check it out:

Skip to about 5:25 to check out his answer about itemization and drop rates.

On that note can you give an honest answer about whether drop rates have already started to change based on what you wanted (less items but better ones) because I've done around 8 runs recently and I don't even see green items anymore, I very rarely even see orange and that is weird and feels very bad when I am not seeing the upgraded item quality. I don't know if I'm just unlucky in this game but the drop rates constantly seem against me.
We haven't made any changes beyond what's been called out in patch notes and hotfix blogs. We have a lot of changes planned, but they're currently scheduled to be implemented sometime after 1.0.8 releases. If you haven't checked out Travis' blog yet, I definitely recommend it:

It's because your robots!
I prefer the term cyborg, thank you.

Ok, accepting your position about the console not affecting the past development of the PC version at face value, how about future development?

If a feature or NPC that would be wildly popular and beneficial to the game (pick a hypothetical, random example) was doable on PC, but just not technically feasible on console, would that preclude it from ever being implemented on the PC because it would cause the games to diverge too much?

Are the platforms tied together as far as Expansions are concerned or is the console version really its own game. My concern is that the console will hold back the PC expansion's release and content.
Back with an answer for you!

Our plan is to continue using staggered development, which means the PC version and the console version will have their own separate development teams and cycles. The goal with that is to really allow each team to make the right decisions for their respective platform without impacting the other. We're working on making an awesome console game. But, at the same time, we're going to continue to focus on making Diablo III an awesome PC game, implementing the improvements we've already discussed and actively watching your discussions to see how we can make your experience even more enjoyable. In the end, if a potential feature rocks for PC, but sucks for the console (or vice-versa) we won’t force it on that platform. And to be clear, PC is the lead platform.

So to answer your second question, the console version is its own game in many ways and should not impact the development of content for the PC version. It will, however, take its cue (in terms of things likes classes, skills, and major features) from PC.

oooo this is gonna get quoted to death methinks
And probably out of context, too! ;)

What motivation do I have to purchase D3 on consul when I already have it for PC?
That's something you'll really need to figure out on your own. :) Maybe you prefer console games over PC games. Maybe you'd love to sit back and destroy some phase beasts from the comfort of your couch. Or maybe the idea of playing with 3 of your friends on the same screen is super exciting to you.

Our goal with developing a console version of Diablo III is really about opening up the game to an audience of players who haven't experienced it. If PC gamers who already own Diablo III want to give it shot because they think it looks fun, that's awesome! But if not, that's totally understandable too.

We all know thats a damn lie....
It's gotta be nice to just to label everything you disagree with as a lie. Keeps things simple, right?

Blue Posts

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Looking at Replayability
Thanks for the feedback. Generally we agree with you on this. We are actively investigating ways to increase the replayability of the end game by introducing more random and varied play experiences. I just got out of one of those meetings in fact and we are continuing to iterate on and explore new ideas in this area. Running the same parts of Act 3 repeatedly, while still enjoyable, is certainly less random than what we would like the experience to be. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Chat Spam Bug
Just wanted to jump in really quickly to confirm that there was a bug with our Report Spam feature today, which in turn caused chat spam to increase. That bug has since been fixed and you should all start to see a rapid decline in chat spam almost immediately.

I was actually not expecting this to be fixed before this weekend. You pleasantly surprised me! Has this bug also been fixed in Europe?
I believe the fix was just rolled out to our Asia and Europe game regions. :) (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)


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